EksSkellybur's Comments
Rise to the Occasion
This does help out Dude Paladin a lot, and if it wasn’t for the concern of Priest, I think I would have just picked this instead. I think that overall, Paladin has enough tools to use Rise to the Occasion, especially since those Silver Hands can get a free Divine Shield from Lothrexioan now, so, who knows. I’m going to give this 4 Stars, I think this is a Solid Card.
Shady Bartender
Whenever Warlock has some good demons to use, and they can use Shady Bartender, I think Bartender can be a good card. It’s a basic Buff-orientated deck, and it gets the job done. for now it’s 3 stars because we haven’t seen a whole lot of simplistic tempo or midrange demonlock just yet. But I do like cards like this. They just have this one thing to do, and that’s it.
Shiver Their Timbers!
It’s Kill Command! Only with Pirates, and cost less! I think this card will be used.
4 Stars, almost 5, juuuuuuust because I have no idea how pirate warrior is going to be, but we can all agree that SHiver Thier TImbers is a very solid card.
Cornelius Roame
Card is Scary, so either destory it or protect it with your life, depending. 5 Stars.
Elwynn Boar
This is a really cool reference, trying to have some fun with the idea of South Park.
Memes aside, I think we just need to wait for a specific Deathrattle Trigger Deck for now.
The only really memeable deck that can do this right now is Priest, but as I assume on how I fear, Priest is probably just gonna go quest anyways, but, I know for sure that Hearthstone is going to pull off an Achievement for Elwynn boar, so still keep them just in case.
6 Star Meme Card, 1 Star too slow.
Park Panther
So it’s a Rush card, that also has a Psudo-Windfury after it attacks. I think dealing 7 damage, but you take some of the brunts on a minion, or to split it between a minion and the face is interesting enough. We’ll see where this goes, becuase this is an interesting minion. 4 Stars.
Tiny Toys
I think you are just forced to either use some sort of Evoling idea, or to find creativity towhatever you summoned. Yeah People are just going to make Evolve Shaman again. 4 Stars.
Best in Shell
Eeh. It’s okay. I think this is meant for generating a specific defensive card, but other then that, the card itself is just… way too slow? 1 star.
I actually think that Lothar is an interesting minion. I think the reason why people are having Lothar a bad message is that they want to control Lothar in their doing, and they’re probably afraid of hitting the wrong minion, especially when they summoned him. But when he Survived the Turn after that, if the enemy doesn’t have an answer for Lothar? BOY is this minion going to deal some scary damage. This is a Slower but more ramped up version of the Illidari Inquestior, and even then is Lothar a scary legendary to face against. 4 Stars.
You’re litterally just using this to unlock your Mana Crystals. Overload Shaman can come back, but I think for now Elemental Shaman is still doing fine. But we’ll see what happens. 4 Stars.
Varian, King of Stormwind
If you are wondering why this card feels familiar, is because we had a card like this for Knights of the Frozen Throne: Crosptaker, which I think was with Lifesteal, Windfury, Divine Shield and Taunt. This that idea, but more focused towards Zilliaxs. ANd in that case, I think they tried Lifesteal, before they realized that was probably way to broken and just stick with drawing 3 cards to gain Zilliax Status.
Regardless, I think that we shouldn’t mess with Varian either. Yes, it’s more stylized towards Control, but that still hasn’t stopped anyone from trying it out. 5 Stars.
Demonic Assault
Yeah, I think that Demonic Assult is a very Solid Pick. If Hunter had this, he would go crazy with Demonic Assult, too. It’s not as powerful as summing a 3/3 wolf and also deal 3 damage, but it still gets the job done.
This is just a Defensive Version of that Card. Something that Zoolock is going have a bit of an awkward situation to use at first, because they want to End the game not stall. Until you realize that Horrid exist that they could also use for their advantage. So who knows where Demonic Assult Truly goes, but I think this card can go far. 4 Stars.
Sheldras Moontree
This is an interesting card to pull off all sorts of Shananigans for Druid. Usually cards like these however, are like using specific tools in which they are used in a way where you basically want as much spike advantages possible, even if it including randomly getting 2 SUrvival of the FIttiest just from Sheldras for example.
I think this is meant for something like Celestial of Primordial Druid for now, and Although I think that this is an experimental card for now, We should still be wary for what it can do. 4 Stars/
Call of the Grave
You usually would either wait for Turn 4 or 7 to play Call of the Grave, if you were to activate the Deathrattle effect, but even with just creating one from random creation should be good enough. Just be weary that you are also forced to not use minions that can damage yourself, or have some form of way to give you a disadvantage.
I would say to play this as a Midrange Style Priest, Along with Question, so that way you can have the maximum advantage of getting the Purified Shard.
5 Stars, even.
The Rat King
The Rat kind is an Interesting minion to be put to play in Hearthstone, as Deathrattle Hunter was thing, but that’s because of the massive spike of eggs it could also trigger. I think that even if you don’t like the style of The Ray King and if he is somehow forgotten, that we should still be on a look out for the Rat King, because who knows when those Deathrattle Activation Cards will happen. I like to Think of the Rat King as Warrior’s Version of Rattlegore, It’s not as big, and terrifying, but it’s faster and hits first. Plus it doesn’t shrink unlike Rattlegore.
3 stars for now, but if we were to wait for the Deathrattle activations and I think this could even be 5 stars.
Rats of Extraordinary Size
Realistically, I think Hunter probably just want trim of this, becuase they don’t want to be completely filled with 1 mana minions, even if they are a 1 mana 5/5, Hunter want to usually end the game before turn 10. I think 3 stars is fine.
Kodo Mount
It’s a pretty solid buff card for Druid. Could be used on pretty much any situation, since it acts much like a Steed, back from Un Goro, the first one being Elekk.
I think this will find it’s way home, eventually or already. 4 Stars.
Seek Guidance
So uhh.. What you need to do is uhh, you just need to wait until turn 7 even, you play 2 Palm Readings, and uhh, on your next turn, you win the game.
Nope, not totally broken at all. And It’s not even me being Salty. Priests are going to force some sort of Midrange of even Tempo style deck, and Even if it was Shuffled into your Deck, A Card is a Card, and if you were to draw more cards, guess just how easier it’s going to be to find the Shard. Finding the Shard is just as easy as finding a legendary in your deck. It’s somewhere in there, but the moment you play, is the moment you have a “get out of jail” free card. We’ve had practice with miracle Decks, and Spell Priests before, and we are going to find a way to exploit the absolute out of this.
If it was Hotfixed to “Dealing 30 Damage”, that still sounds as if I used a different C’thun the Shattered to me. A good way to nerf this is “Battlecry: Shuffle the Purified Shard somewhere within at least the last 15 cards or less of your deck left.”
You think Tickius was bad? bro, I think We’re going to see more Ticikus just to get rid of Priest Shard. This card is worse than Bomb Warrior.
It’s Absolutely disgusting. 5 Stars. it’s way too strong, and I’m not a fan of where I think this is going.
Touch of the Nathrezim
This is a pretty good spell, for Warlock, but their only concern is dealing 1 more damage for the usual, “Deal 3 Damage, heal for 3” idea. Maybe Warlock will just grab 1 trim of Touch and call it a day, and use it to deal with some of the other 1 mana minions or to use a combo upon even your own. Maybe you wanna use this against your own Eggs for example, since most of the Eggs have 2 health. We’ll see what really happens though. 4 Stars.
So far, other than another way to use OTK Il’Gynoth so you don’t need to worry about your exodia as much, There isn’t really a whole lot of anything else that you could reeeealy do with this card. But I do think that as time goes on, Jace Darkweaver is just going to get ever so stronger as not only more expansions coming out, but also for moe Meta Changes coming by. This is a Pocket OTK Card, for whenever your original plan failed, and you have a second shot to kill your opponent.
I think overall, this is 4 stars.