EksSkellybur's Comments
Build a Snowman
I don’t think to Build a Snowman is as bad as how people are putting it. Think of it as Pyros where you have a 2/2, a 6/6 and a 10/10 Phoenix. Build a Snowman is an exact idea, but you freeze instead. I think having 1 Trim, and even for Quest mage is actually one of the more genius things you can do, since you want to fasten your quest, and for the most part, Mages only really have 2 Frost Spells: Ice Barrier and Brain Freeze, and rarely is flurry ever used because you use it for the stake of forcing your quest to level up, and getting Dawngrasp with basically 1 card left in your hand.
I’m going to be Confident with Build a Snowman: 4 Stars. I would even wager that Build a Snowman is a near-universal deck for Mage too. If Pyro can do it, so can Build a Snowman.
Other than drawing Build a SNowman late, or believing that “It’s too slow”, Build a Snowman literally has the same Flaws as Pyros, and Pyros is a Legendary.
Mass Polymorph
I started to those old days where you could destroy a minion at 4 mana, and make them lose their Deathrattle too. And now we finally have a return of Polymorph, except, all of it. Midrange and Control Mage have Some spells to cast, nowadays, which is good.
4 Stars
Rune of the Archmage
It’s Puzzle-Box of Yogg-Saron, Expect giving you 20 mana worth of Random Stats. Now, usually, I wouldn’t like cards like these, because I would see them focusing more towards backfiring onto you, but because Mages especially care about casting Spells or Pinging for an OTK, Rune of the Archmage is pretty good. I surprisingly like it, but only because I’m playing something like Quest Mage, where I don’t need to worry about my minions, because I don’t have any.
4 stars
Balinda Stonehearth
It’s a 4 mana 5/5 with an extra 2 mana Draw 2 and changing their Stats.
As for the Stats themselves, I can see this working, sure, but I feel that tStonehearth is more of a Niche Legendary that made for an even Nicher mage. And I know that Heartstone will enforce you to pull off discosting a 0 mana Pyroblast to OTK With.
3 stars
Magister Dawngrasp
Magister Dawngrasp is forcing you to play not only an Arcane, Frost and Fire Spell but also a Shadow Spell too: The Mask of C’Thun
This can still quest for Quest Mages out there, but I’d see Dawngrasp more orientated for a Midrangey Spell Deck.
Still, using 3 random spells that you’ve cast this game for “7 mana” since that 1 mana is for 5 Armor is something. It could be Fire Sale, Ice Barrier and Incanter’s Flow, for all I know. But also adding in Mask of C’thun is where the potential would spike even more.
4 Stars.
Mountain Bear
It’s a very nice wall. To a point where I legit think that Taunt Hunter can be a thing, with the Amalgams and being revived with Revive Pet, The Mountain Bears even if you get the weaker bears, which you probably would, Jewl of N’Zoth and N’zoth itself on your side. The Taunt Cards can be in your favour. 5 Stars, very annoying Midrange Hunter Card.
Ram Tamer
Pretty standardized card to have for something like Secret Hunter. 4 Stars.
Stormpike Battle Ram
It’s nice, that’s for sure. Guardian Animals Hunter might give this a shot.
4 stars. even 6 mana dealth 8 damage to minions, either split or not, AND you still have the next Beast Cost is solid enough.
Revive Pet
There are actually specific Beasts that you want to fish out, escpailly for something like a Potential N’zoth Hunter returning back to Hearthstone, where you have a Wall of Amalgams protecting you, so I wouldn’t throw this card away. I think even Rat King itself would use Revive Pet, and people using Ratdeathle Hunter seriously. 4-star potential.
Spring the Trap
I think that Spring the Trap is even considered strong enough for competitive play. A whole bunch of minions are around 3 health anyways, even some of the more mid-range minions are around 3-5 mana even. And Hunter just gained Ice Trap which is a very solid Secret to have. Out of all the Flanking Strikes that Hunter seems to have, this one seems to be the most risk-reward of them all, and the risk isn’t even that high. It’s more Reward than Risk. The only other Risk is how many secrets you have remained in your deck to cut out.
Wing Commander Ichman
So, I’ve played Ratdeathtle Hunter where you spam the idea of Rat King, and while it dose take it’s time building up, you can seriously fill the board with nothing but Rat Kings, and your opponent can’t really do anything about it because they’re just too Many. and from 1 Rat King can come another, and another, and Another. WIth Commander Ichman, you can’t really do that, because the Rat Kings can do that on their own.
This Card is effectively a worse version fo Guardian Animals, because at least Guardian Animals itself is summoning 2 of your beasts that have Rush. 9 mana is just WAY too much. I think if they had buffed it to a 7 mana 3/4, to give the idea that your going to be playing some form of a beast and to give you a chance to actually play a beast, then people would say that Ichman is a solid card. This card is doomed from the from how I’m seeing it. 1 star.
If your playing Ichman, your playing Guardian Animals. If your Playing King Krush OTK with Beastmaster, You would have Noblemen on your side.
Beaststalker Tavish
I’d say that Tavish is the most ‘tradional’ Hero Card out of the Bunch for Hunter, and escpially with the Traps, and if you can get Improved Freezing or Ice Trap to really cripple down that one minion or Spell.
4 Stars.
Dire Frostwolf
I mean, It’s a beast that’s trying to get the job done, and It’s trying to work with Frostsaber moreover. I feel like even though Froswolf is a nice card because of the Sealth and the Dealthrattle that ALSO has Stealth, people ill still say that it’s a bad card because it’s not imminently doing anything. But Remember that your opponent has to inderectly interrupt sealthed minions. So I think Dire Frostwolf into Arbor up? Might sound pretty scary, even with just 1 trim of DIre Frostwolf.
I’m going to give it a chance and say 4 stars, because I see it as a “what you see is what you get” Card.
It’s a Cheaper Sprint, that Tutors. That I’m not going to use unless Big Spell mage is a Thing.
3 Stars.