DukeStarswisher's Comments
Blackwald Pixie
I Just chuckled a little because at first glance it would be great in a Genn deck but alas…. three mana.
Face Collector
Can we have a moment of silence to all the poor bastards who will get this as their class legendary on day 1.
Wild Renolock
What is a good replacement for Overspark? Definitely dusted that card thinking I’d never use it.
Azalina Soulthief
^^^Haters gonna hate. Probably super triggered after a lost streak to all the dude pallys. lol
Azalina Soulthief
… Why would you sabotage your own board? Defile is mainly used against aggro decks, not the other way around. Example: Zoo Warlock does not run defile for that reason.
Militia Commander
Also this is a warrior class card so eternal servitude doesn’t mean anything for this.
Militia Commander
Based on the descriptions, I would say it keeps Rush when brought back, which means it can’t hit face. It would also be attacking a minion at only 2 attack however because no battlecry.
Azalina Soulthief
You think a 7 cost minion is worth taking cards from an opponents hand that has no synergy with the aggro deck you are playing? Try again. I play Dude pally and this would be awful for it. Doesn’t mean it would by useless elsewhere though.
Baku the Mooneater
It sounds like you’re assuming every class has it split 50/50 when it comes to odd and even cards… which is definitely not the case.
Phantom Militia
I feel some miracle rogue Sonya potential with this card… especially it being a taunt minion.
Phantom Militia
You’re right. However, I think the real value of this card will be its synergy with cards that decrease value of cards in your hand. Summoning Portal and Barnabus are the cards that come to mind. But you’re right, 9 cost for 18 stats plus taunt doesn’t seem completely worth it, and that’s in the late game.
Jay's #15 Legend Post-Nerf Kingsbane Mill Rogue (February 2018)
I believe minstrel is more effective the less minions you have in the deck. Sonya, however, would be my first (and maybe only) added minion. Doomerang is really only effective in this deck so overall, not really worth crafting.
Jay's #15 Legend Post-Nerf Kingsbane Mill Rogue (February 2018)
THIS IS THE DECK I WAS LOOKING FOR!!! Some troll swapped a Leeching poison for a doomsayer so when I was at fatigue he kept playing doomsayer twice (Valeera effect) which made me FURIOUS! Not only that but he never took fatigue because he was playing with two weapons which would swap out each turn! Definitely going to make this deck.
Possible Baku hunter (i’m thinking control now) could do 6 damage every turn while this is on the board. That’s a LOT of pressure.