DukeStarswisher's Comments
Omega Assembly
Since Shudderwock is a combo deck it already puts a warrior control deck at a disadvantage. But this control deck seems like it could be pretty aggressive late game. I don’t think we’ll know for sure until release.
Omega Assembly
Mark my words: with this card and boom, control mech warrior will be a staple of the meta.
Definitely could be the keystone card of a control rogue. I agree. I would not be surprised if a new hopper rogue archetype was created in wild.
Quest rogue buff. Or at least people will try to experiment with it. I know I will…
Star Aligner
I was using hyperbole, but yes you’re right. I would actually put Ticking abomination as the worst card ever. Millhouse was supposed to counter a minion only deck which really never happened while Cho does have a few mill deck applications.
Star Aligner
If the strategy revolves around “ifs” and “next turn” then it’s not good enough to include in the deck.
All your opponent has to do is trade once to disable the synergy.
Star Aligner
This is probably the worst card I have ever seen. Even if you could build your deck around this card, seven mana is impossible to set up with this scenario unless you refresh mana or get another turn.
And the effect is good, but is it good enough to create an entire deck around it? Hell no.
The only deck that *could* *maybe* *possibly* play this is shudderwock shaman. If you’re left with three 7/7 shudders (with keleseth) you could add this to your battle cry pool. But at that point you’ve already won the game so it’s just overkill.
Zerek's Cloning Gallery
Dude forget turn ten. If (and only if) all those cards are in your deck and you’re holding at least two mind blasts you win the game.
That being said, the likelyhood of all of them being there and none in your hand by turn 9 is… not likely.
Cloning Device
@Nickname23 Yeah when it comes to power level I would not put it too high. Its not very versatile which means it won’t be an auto-include. And if decks are going to be focused on tribes (mech especially) this most likely will not see play at first.
But that said, I’m pretty excited about its effect and possible utility.
Cloning Device
How many times do I have to bring up that Discover and rng are completely different. Thoughtsteal gives you no control and isn’t restricted to only minions. With restricted parameters , there are better chances of pulling a good minion that might match whatever you are playing (depending on the deck).
And yes, Drakonid Op is obviously better with the body but that is not worth arguing.
I think this card will be seen in an archetype that has not been created yet. Discovering minions in an opponent’s deck is a very specific power.
Cloning Device
I get you’re trying to be cute and clever, but this card is actually more like Drakonid operative than psionic probe. And that card most definitely saw play.
Of course it doesn’t come with the body but two mana is a pretty good price to discover a minion (a more precise parameter than D operative) from your opponents deck.
Also it is a turn 2 “i know what deck your playing now” card. Which, granted, is only useful if its not an even or odd deck.
Celestial Emissary
Control mage came to my mind for this card. At least maybe one copy.
Demonic Project
Also if you had seen the demo, you do see the card you transform in the opponents hand. So you will actually know right away.
Demonic Project
You just stated a less than 10% chance scenario. There are more good demons than there are bad in standard. And even then, the goal of the card is not to create value but to tech specifically against combo. If the meta needs it, one will be played.
You bringing up rebuke (elsewhere in this thread) is also pointless because it is still a good tech options against specific combos. However, the meta hasn’t really been in need of it as of yet. The same will go for this card. Just because it hasn’t seen play yet (or see play immediately) doesn’t mean it isn’t good and that it won’t show up later.
It being the only hand disruption card in the standard set right now, I think will guarantee it in at least one archetype of warlock in its two years.
Demonic Project
@Nickname23 Do you know what happens when you eliminate rock from “rock, paper, scissors”? Everyone would play scissors. That is essentially what you would do to the meta.
Omega Medic
Never even occurred to me to consider arena. This would actually be a great card there and put the priest class up a couple tiers.
Alas, I rarely play arena.
Do we know if lynessa will have synergy with magnetic cards? Will they count as spells cast on a card? I would think not…