DukeStarswisher's Comments
What's Mage Losing in the 2019 Standard Hearthstone Rotation?
The answer is: They won’t.
But seriously, they have been releasing one hero per expansion so they are slowly spreading out the power level across the board. It still means that come rotation there will be a surge of hunter, shaman, and warrior decks. Hero cards have proved to be incredibly powerful.
(They also should be creating new legendary weapons each expansion too imo)
Last Week in Hearthstone – January 8th - January 13th, 2019
I would be terribly surprised if they didn’t nerf DK Rexar before rotation (I think making the discover pools 4 mana and below) and I could easily see tundra rhino as a HoF target. Charge has shown to be very design limiting.
Hearthstone Update - January 9, 2019 - Rumble Run & Arena Changes
I’m sorry why would you not have a <4 health minion on turn 4? You just pretty much told me it can be dealt with if you are lucky.
Hearthstone Update - January 9, 2019 - Rumble Run & Arena Changes
Rumble Run is the Fallout 76 of Team 5. Its too late to fix now. It was already ruined and now they’ve made it even worse.
As soon as opponent druid summoned tyrantus on turn 4 with that broken recruit card I knew that this solo mode was no good. Broken vs. possibly broken if lucky is just not fun at all.
Tavern Brawl - Brawl Block: Old and New
I don’t think they can ever really push wild unless they lower the price of wild packs and/or allow wild pack purchases with gold. Its just not a format that is particularly favorable for F2P players.
I do think this would make a great new format. It gives veteran players new challenges for deckbuilding and a whole new meta.
(I seriously think they are just testing this for a new format. They want to see how it is received by the community)
Tavern Brawl - Brawl Block: Old and New
This brawl is a ton of fun but the limits for this particular mix are pretty much panning out like I thought they would. All I’ve seen are mech decks: hunter, pally, and shaman so far.
I also noticed how valuable the magnetic mechanic has become not only because of mech dominance but because all of the silence cards are not found in any of these sets, which make magnetic targets (and mechs in general) high priority targets. Its such an interesting microcosm to the game and I really think this could make an excellent rotating new format for hearthstone.
Secret Paladin - Rastakhan Nerf - #10 Legend (BoarControl, Maximal)
aggro decks don’t need lifesteal. If you are getting hit enough to make any use of healing, you probably are playing the deck wrong.
Secret Paladin - Rastakhan Nerf - #10 Legend (BoarControl, Maximal)
Zilliax is a control card. This is an aggro deck. Taunt and windfury is enough for corpsetaker.
Hunter in Rastakhan's Rumble - Do We Need Another Nerf Patch?
honestly, just getting rid of 5 mana beasts could balance the card. Make it only have buckets with 4 mana or below. Yes it doesn’t deal with scalehide or bloatbat but it wouldn’t ensure ridiculously powerful and big beasts every single time.
Hunter in Rastakhan's Rumble - Do We Need Another Nerf Patch?
I completely agree with this. Once all the broken mammoth cards rotate we are in for an actual balanced game.
I find it hilarious how players whine about the weak power level of Raven and how it doesn’t change the meta but then also whine about the broken mammoth cards. You can’t have it both ways. Team 5 has done an exceptional job balancing this year (besides GI but that was corrected) and it will show more once the rotation hits.
Hunter in Rastakhan's Rumble - Do We Need Another Nerf Patch?
Yeah sure everyone is playing hunter. idgaf because control priest has shown to be a HARD counter to all of those decks. The only time I’ve had trouble was when DK came out. The value generation on that card is insane and I would be really surprised if that card isn’t touched before rotation. If not, it will continue to limit beast design space.
But as a priest main I can handle this hunter craze until rotation.
Upcoming Rastakhan's Rumble Nerfs (December 19th): Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up, Saronite Chain Gang and Leeching Poison
@Scarecrow72 I don’t think you understand. When these nerfs happened last year, Raza, Patches, and others were nerfed in preparation for their rotation. They did not want their power level set in stone in the wild meta.
These nerfs are exactly what those were doing before, except that they happened ridiculously sooner than anyone could have predicted.
And the fact you think Kingsbane “isn’t that strong” in wild ENSURES me that you do not know what you are talking about.
The Lazy Adventures of Rikkar - What Went Wrong With Rumble Run?
I really think the ridiculous RNG is the thing that ruins it. This game has always been a game about rng, but when you low roll buckets of cards w/o synergy and go against opponents with optimized versions of the decks you are essentially trying to emulate, it just becomes frustrating and no fun.
I was also suspicious that the deck that beat me was always an option during the next run. Now that it has been proven, its really just a big ol’ f u and slap in the face.
They seriously missed the mark on this one.
Upcoming Rastakhan's Rumble Nerfs (December 19th): Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up, Saronite Chain Gang and Leeching Poison
Yeah I’m not saying it wasn’t needed! I am saying that it affects more than just shudderwock.
The card has always been overpowered, even at base stats. It will continue to be playable.
Upcoming Rastakhan's Rumble Nerfs (December 19th): Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up, Saronite Chain Gang and Leeching Poison
These nerfs are preparing for wild meta after rotation… of course they care about wild.
Upcoming Rastakhan's Rumble Nerfs (December 19th): Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up, Saronite Chain Gang and Leeching Poison
infinite shudderwock will still technically be a thing in wild with doppelgangster.
Upcoming Rastakhan's Rumble Nerfs (December 19th): Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up, Saronite Chain Gang and Leeching Poison
These are honestly devastating. The biggest one I think is saronite. It ruins all of the decks it goes in and not just shudderwock. zoo can’t hand buff, pally cant valnyr buff, it honestly has just become a deck filler taunt minion now.
Rumble Run Guide - Shrines List, Passives, Teammates, Tips & Tricks
Even better when you add Krag’wa to your deck. Now you have a hand full of infinite evolution.
Rumble Run Guide - Shrines List, Passives, Teammates, Tips & Tricks
LOL that’s some unfortunate rng mate!
This definitely proves they are putting much more effort into balancing. All of these are straight up broken (except Grimoire of Service which seems interesting).