DukeStarswisher's Comments
Worst Class in The Boomsday Project: Decks for Laddering With Priest in the Boomsday Meta
Just realized I accidentally made a resurrect pun. lol
Worst Class in The Boomsday Project: Decks for Laddering With Priest in the Boomsday Meta
I see what you mean. However, I feel that resurrect is the priest “thing” making it an ideal target for a new hero. I’m sure Team 5 would find a way to balance a hero power with that effect. It would definitely put the class back on the board.
Worst Class in The Boomsday Project: Decks for Laddering With Priest in the Boomsday Meta
I actually think that would be a great idea. As long as the hero power is 4 mana.
alternatively it could resurrect a 4/4 copy of a minion for 2 mana. Which actually might swing the hero in deathrattle priest’s favor instead of Big.
Asmodai's (Savjz) #69 Legend Big Priest (Boomsday)
Did this deck actually get to high legend? I remember watching Savjz with this deck in low legend and it wasn’t doing very well….
Most Overrated Cards From The Boomsday Project
All great cards and no place to put them :*(
Its part of the reason I play more wild now.
Melon Madness: How a Single Card has Warped Wild
Big Priest is definitely a control deck. All of its non-minion cards (so all except 5 cards) are meant to establish board control.
Melon Madness: How a Single Card has Warped Wild
I second this statement. But I’m glad people like this don’t play wild. So its a win for me.
Is a Combo Meta Good for the Game?
I don’t think there is anything wrong with a combo heavy meta. I think the only true problem is giving warlock the only anti-combo tech in the game. I honestly think that is just a bad design decision. If you are going to introduce several new cards that are meant for combo decks, you need to make sure there are appropriate neutral techs that have a chance at combating that.
Also I still think that EMP operative should have been “silence and destroy a mech” and cost one more mana. But even that doesn’t really help with C’thun or druid combos.
Odemian's #68 Legend Mecha'thun Warlock - Boomsday Project
I can imagine drawing Mecha’thun with soularium will ruin your day….
Rdu's Boomsday Project Heal Zoolock
Soularium is an excellent card in this deck but doesn’t necessarily need to be played to win. I would suggest adding one of the old zoo cards (despicable dreadlord, tar creeper, or another lifedrinker). You should be fine but nothing will beat that late 3 card draw against a control deck. Nothing.
Updated: Dog's OTK Topsy Turvy Priest - Boomsday Project
I’ve messed up the combo several times due to the timer running out. The animations are slow for you so thats why it appears to continue after the rope is gone.
Harbinger Celestia
I don’t think this will see any play at all… but I am obsessed with the artwork. I hope I get it golden if just for that.
Savjz's Witch's Cauldron Quest Mage - July 2018
What made you think this was an exodia deck?… Definitely not the title.
An extra turn is really powerful even without an OTK.
Prismatic Lens
So a four mana draw 2 with a possible mana cost reduction is excellent. Yes.
But what about the 8 mana secret you now have? or the 5 mana righteous protector? Do you think that won’t matter and it can sit there in your hand the rest of the game?
To me that seems like a pretty huge downside…
E.M.P. Operative
I think I would have preferred this card to be 1 mana more and say “silence a mech, then destroy it”. THAT would be the proper tech for this expansion I’d think.
The Storm Bringer
Doesn’t even matter if you think you would run it in a shaman deck (which more than likely you won’t). Hagatha and Witch’s Cauldron can generate this. I think there in lies the value.
Dr. Morrigan
Ok hear me out:
At first glance I thought this was bad. 8 mana 5/5 that could pull out a 1 mana minion is bad. Too slow to really mean anything even in a big warlock deck.
And then I realized that it says swap.
There are MANY more implications to this. Essentially this card never actually dies (but it technically does) and can continue to pull things out of your deck when you get it. There could be so many future cards that could play on this ability including cards that fish out deathrattle cards from your deck and lower the cost of cards in your hand and/or the battlefield.
and correct me if I’m wrong but if it says swap, doesn’t that mean that this card will keep whatever buffs it has?
I just have a strong feeling that this is the card that everyone initially thinks is awful, and then it becomes an essential part of a meta deck in the distant future. (similar to Possessed Lackey)
Omega Mind
The aoe spells she potentially generates could heal you and give you board control. This card I think just adds to the late game value Hagatha already brings to the table.
Quest Rogue doesn’t need a nerf. Giggling is going to be priority in the upcoming nerfs for sure. After that Quest rogue will fade into the shadows once again…