DukeStarswisher's Comments
Mana Cyclone
This card is absolutely busted. Mage has so many cheap spells now including the 1 mana twinspell. Just dump this into control and/or tempo mage and you’re set.
I think this will be more anti-aggro than anti-combo. Dirty rat was good because your opponent usually holds the combo minions in hand. There’s just too much rng here to make it an effective combo breaker. And even if you do grab a combo piece on turn 4, now what?
I think this card is a little over hyped. Lets look at it as the strong taunt that it is and nothing more.
Mass Resurrection
Shout out to all the priest haters! Resurrection is what makes priest a priest in WoW and hearthstone. This is an effective and balanced card.
Dragon Speaker
so technically this is a 3/5 for 4 mana with a 1 mana +3/+3 to dragons in your hand. That’s not too detrimental when it comes to tempo. Its viability depends on dragons and their synergies in pally.
Madame Lazul
ah yes the classic 3 mana automatic win against combo. what a well thought out and original idea.
Vereesa Windrunner
Priest is my favorite class too. No shame in playing only one class but op made it sound like the card was dust, not that they were dusting it anyway smh
Vereesa Windrunner
yes please dust so I can laugh at you as you craft it for a meta deck.
How could someone think this is bad in the low power level upcoming meta?!?!
Dr. Boom's Scheme
copies of cards shuffled back into a zone (field to hand, field to deck, hand to deck etc.) never keep enchantments unless specified on the card. So no this card is just as bad as we all think.
EVIL Conscripter
nvmd it is still random. I don’t understand why some state random and others do not. That seems to be pretty important when designing this mechanic…
EVIL Conscripter
Does this mean you choose the lackey? It doesn’t state it is random.
Unleash the Beast
Beast synergies in hunter are what make the card excellent. I was questioning the validity of saying it was only because of hyena. That statement just sounds naive.
Also just because firefly has better stats with a similar effect doesn’t mean springpaw is inherently worse. Firefly doesn’t have rush so both are used for different situations.
Keeper Stalladris
haha yeah having a bunch of cards that just shuffle themselves back into your deck is hilarious. Of course the new generated card could count as “enchanted” so that when it is shuffled back it regains its original effect but idk.
Messenger Raven
I think this will be one of the underrated cards of the set. The specificity of “mage minions” and discover makes this particularly great for versatility. I would run this in some kind of control for sure.
Dr. Boom's Scheme
Leave it to Boom to have literally the WORST scheme. 5/5 when it comes to flavor lol
Heistbaron Togwaggle
There is absolutely no way this could not be viable at some point. The versatility in “choose” is staggering and all of the treasures work EXTREMELY well in rogue. I’m betting this will be a must craft for rogues.
“Wooww!” -Anduin probably