DukeStarswisher's Comments
Imprisoned Vilefiend
Dormant is probably the worst keyword I have ever seen in the history of hearthstone. But this PoS takes the cake.
Imprisoned Vilefiend
correct me if I’m wrong but “dormant” isn’t triggered on battlecry, so if something evolves into this, it will still be dormant…
Scavenger's Ingenuity
Let’s play the game of “which beast will make this card fundamentally broken in the meta”!
I think this will be nerfed.
Sethekk Veilweaver
That’s cute but no one will run PW shield after the nerf. I still have a lot of hope for this card in regards to the rest of what you said.
Kayn Sunfury
This is team 5’s way of stating their fears that demon hunter won’t be meta on release… so they panic drop a charge minion that gives all other minions “ignore taunt”.
If you open this card, hold it until they inevitably nerf it.
Apexis Smuggler
You must be new here. This is a premium card with a premium effect. You should count how many 2 mana 2/3’s you play on a daily basis. Then come back here and talk.
Apexis Smuggler
secret mage would not run this. The stuff it runs is much more powerful and consistent than this.
And the sad part is this card is very strong. Its just that wild secret mage has the perfect lineup.
Keli'dan the Breaker
All these noobs don’t realize that 6 mana 3/3 with destroy a minion is good just by itself. 6 mana destroy all minions except this card is broken.
At most your spending 4 of that mana for the “destroy” effect which is already premium single target removal without any condition. Then you have a 2 mana 3/3 on board. This will see play.
Duplicate Protection Across All Rarities (Including Disenchanted Cards) + Free Deck For New/Returning Players
Do we know how golden cards effect this process? Will golden cards count toward the max two you can have or are they a separate thing?
Also, do golden cards of x rarity show up more often or exclusively if you already have all the normal cards of x rarity from that set?
Dean "Iksar" Ayala - "No plans for balance changes in Wild"
Stay salty because there is no way Team 5 is going to change their baby, Zephrys. And omitting cards from its pool is ridiculous. It was made to be powerful and powerful it will stay.
Rafaam’s Advocate: In Defense of Galakrond’s Awakening
I believe it should be easy on normal mode, only because you initially invested in the adventure for the card rewards, which would suck if you were stuck on a difficult encounter.
I think the biggest upset is heroic mode. That mode is meant for the challenge, which it has not brought this time around. Anyone with a little bit of a wild collection will destroy every encounter and even some standard meta decks make short work of a majority of them.
Despite all of this, Team 5 has nailed everything this year when it comes to continuous content to keep the game fresh. I feel like they’ve finally found the content sweet spot and should continue that into the next year.
Galakrond’s Awakening Heroic Guide – Chapter 2 (Clash at Wyrmrest)
If Zephrys can’t give you the perfect card to counter the opposing deck, there is absolutely no way these AI understand you have a combo deck. Lazul probably didn’t have anything worth playing at that point, and you are suffering from a cognitive bias.
Cleric of Scales
With that logic, it would state “discover a spell from your deck and draw it.”
Do we have any solid proof how it operates? This is very important because it could either be amazing or sh*t.
Eye of the Storm
Honestly my first thought was a new spiteful shaman in wild. Cheating this card out of your deck would be excellent!
This is a great card that I don’t see being effective atm in standard. I mean, net 13 mana for 33 stats and taunt is ridiculous. Its VERY slow so that is its only downfall.
Aeon Reaver
You do understand that control cards can go in midrange builds yes? Flik is a control card, like all single target (and often multi-target removal) is. You are controlling the board while removing threats. That is literally the definition.
Aeon Reaver
Spiteful Priest was board centric (answering my own question). I would use this card in wild in that deck for sure. In standard I really don’t think it has a place.
Aeon Reaver
Give me an example in all of hearthstone’s history, where a board centric priest was a viable strategy. I really don’t think this card alone will create a new archetype.
The only interesting thing about this is that Galakrond priest can pull this card. But we all know how great Galakrond priest is right now…
Wow an actual use for the Dormant keyword *slow clap
Also the fact that “dormant” in this case is a powerful negative effect speaks a TON for the other cards with the keyword…