DukeStarswisher's Comments
I am surprised this was not made as a combo considering you are essentially creating a 1 mana removal tool. I predict this will have a hard effect on the meta.
High Inquisitor Whitemane
You heard it here first but this feels like a win-more card to me. If you have a wide (not big) board to trade by the time you drop this, it would be just as effective to do a global buff than a trade control move.
I could see this being an auto pick in arena though.
Honestly this is a huge slap in the face for us priests. No one wants to hold this in their opening hand and its just a bad draw even in the mid-game. Rogue’s new basic card will actually be useful.
Toki's Wild Bundle Now Available! Get 56 Wild Packs for $34.99! (Available Until July 1)
How is this puzzling? Wild pack sales are most likely down so they release a discounted bundle (and a SERIOUS discount at that) so they can earn some extra money.
If you hate Wild then don’t buy/play Wild. Wow. Easy.
Toki's Wild Bundle Now Available! Get 56 Wild Packs for $34.99! (Available Until July 1)
How exactly has it become a “dumpster” since Snip Snap?
Rise of the Mechs Event - New Legendary Card, 18 Class Cards Buffed, Goes Live June 3
Yep I’m glad I was sitting down. This is absolutely insane!!
Control Resurrect Priest Theorycraft Deck List - Rise of Shadows - April 2019
I think it just means you shoudn’t drop them early game and use them for the late game healing (which isn’t always the best tactic). I agree that Vargoth is a great addition to this deck.
Dragon Paladin Theorycraft Deck List – Rise of Shadows - April 2019
This is good. Thanks for the alternative! If this ends up being a value meta I would keep Ysera however.
Sunreaver Spy
Yeah this is straight up broken in secret pally. It ramps perfectly and is probably even better in Wild. Yikes.
Violet Spellsword
How is this rated so low? All you need is two spells in hand to make it playable (4 mana 9 stats). Any more and it leans toward broken. I think this is the sleeper card of the set!
Potion Vendor
I feel like they are slowly trying to break board heals. I mean it hasn’t proved to be too powerful as of yet. There is just so much potential with this card.
Conjurer's Calling
This card is a trap. You spend 3 mana to destroy a constructed minion for two random ones of the same cost. You would rather just run another 3 mana minion that could help the deck. I could only see this working with giants since the rng becomes obsolete. And of course using this on an enemy minion is obviously terrible.
I could see this being great in arena and it could maybe be in standard as a token mage of some sort or summon mage featuring giants.
Archmage Vargoth
I honestly think Ashmore was sleeping until mammoth rotates. The card is insane but hasn’t found a spot in the standard meta yet.
As for this card however, I agree. I think it is more fun to speculate what it can do than actually implementing it in a ladder deck.
Catrina Muerte
Ok sure you can dis its viability in standard all you want but now that your coming for wild…. I’m going to have to tell you to stop. Big priest will love this card. It can summon itself after being revived. Does that not sound like a threat to you? two 6/8s for 2 or 4 mana?! Seriously dude?
Plot Twist
If this will mechanically work like mulligan, it will be really good because it ensures you don’t draw something that was already in your hand. If it literally puts everything back in the deck and then draws from that then no it is clearly a trap like all other card games with this mechanic.
But even then no other card game has the strict 30 card limit. Late game it could possibly still prove useful. We honestly have no idea. All we have right now is what we know from other games which would frame this badly.
They will never ever do epic protection in pack opening. It would decrease pack revenue significantly because then people aren’t opening as many for the whole set. And the only people who would benefit from it are the ones who already spend money on packs.
Tournament mode is always going to be a disappointment. They never should have announced it early in the first place so that players could pick apart their hopes and dreams for it. They should have dropped it out of the blue and built from there.
I feel like they are testing the waters on limited with arena. They are trying to find the best ways to balance between the sets. I’m fairly certain a limited format is in their sights.