DukeStarswisher's Comments
Swampqueen Hagatha
This is better than kazakus w/o the deck building requirement. This will most definitely see play.
Togwaggle's Scheme
If you use process of elimination, you could be right. It doesn’t really guarantee him being a hero though.
He would make a really great rogue hero for sure!
Togwaggle's Scheme
Just the fact its 1 mana makes it a good combo activator. And its interesting because the longer you have it in your hand the worse it gets depending on the deck you are running. You don’t want to shuffle a bunch of filler cards in your deck for no reason.
It most likely will become part of some kind of combo.
Togwaggle's Scheme
Yeah shuffle a bunch of 7 mana 6/6’s into your deck and if your opponent clears the first round you just concede.
What a combo.
Just because a card has an easy counter doesn’t make it bad. I don’t see the point of bringing up removal when the value is already there the turn you play it unlike malygos.
Every card has a counter. If it didn’t there would be trouble.
Spellward Jeweler
Just the card we need for a spell combo heavy meta. But it doesn’t do much against mecha’thun, hakkar, and wall combo. The 3/4 stat line already makes it worth considering.
Chef Nomi
Cons: This is a dead card until fatigue so it really only fits into combo decks with a fatigue win condition.
Pros: 6/6 stats can only be cleared by a handful of aoe’s now. Especially if it is so late in the game. If a control deck played this at the end it would be pretty much game over.
I’m not entirely convinced it will see play.
In a vacuum, this card is excellent. It is a 4/12 minion with a bonus high cost control spell for 10 mana. It will definitely see play if control mage survives rotation.
Arch-Villain Rafaam
Why would a control warlock want to replace their entire deck with random cards? Just because they are legendary does not guarantee they will be good cards for any warlock archetype. They are better off using the cards they construct.
Anyone who doesn’t say this is a meme card is fooling themselves.
Most Overrated Cards from Rastakhan's Rumble
Some of these I feel are still pretty justified. Undatakah is still going to be a great combo card in the future and Dragon roar is still great tribe value even though its random. I understand that stats show bad winrates for these cards but that is all meta specific what with the better Mammoth options right now. A lot of the Year of the Raven cards haven’t been able to shine with the Mammoth looming behind but their time is coming.
Tavern Brawl - Brawliseum - Miniature Warfare
Do it again and reap the easy rewards you complainer!
Year of the Dragon is Coming To Hearthstone! Hall of Fame Rotation: Baku & Genn (+Synergies), Doomguard, Naturalize, Divine Favor
So are there 5 cards rotating to HoF or 9? Do the Gloomstag et al count as rotating to HoF? That would be a LOT of dust!
Farewell to Hearthstone Top Decks from Evident
This site has been my main source of Hearthstone news and info since I started playing. I love the quality content with admin engagement.
Thank you Evident for creating this great place and congratulations to Stonekeep for taking up the mantle!
Iksar Asks On Twitter - "What Would Get You Back To Hearthstone?"
Honestly the best suggestion here is arena practice mode. It is a lot of fun, but I’d like to get better at it without spending gold. Even if that meant limiting it to just friend challenges w/o rewards. Of course they might be against that if it means that people never play competitive arena anymore…
I am REALLY into the limited format. Bringing old and new expansions together for a new meta every month or two. THAT would ensure things don’t get stale. Alongside that I really think they should lower the price of Wild expansion packs to promote Wild cards. They would need to modify the dust gained from those cards however w/o decreasing the craft value.
A lot of these complaints I feel will be solved come rotation though (besides Genn/Baku). Standard won’t have to worry about unlimited value from DKs.
Are Genn Greymane and Baku the Mooneater too strong?
Out of all the complaints I’ve ever seen about hearthstone, yours is by far the most ridiculous.
The game was designed for that purpose. You complaining is basically saying hearthstone shouldn’t be hearthstone anymore.
Are Genn Greymane and Baku the Mooneater too strong?
Didn’t they mention in an interview that Hakkar was originally going to be a card that just disabled your opponent’s hero power? Something like that would have been an excellent tech card for the current meta.
Are Genn Greymane and Baku the Mooneater too strong?
Kibler has more experience with card games than you could possibly imagine. When he says something is broken or “ruining” the game, it most definitely is at some level, even if that level is legend.
Are Genn Greymane and Baku the Mooneater too strong?
I think the fix should be:
Start of Game: upgrade hp/reduce hp to 1
When you draw this card, your hp returns to normal.
This adds a few levels to the gameplay. The first being keeping the card in your hand in the mulligan would give you the advantage of having it the whole game. The other being that rng will determine how long you get the hp. This also makes decks that rely on heavy draw sub-optimal for Genn and Baku.
This also means that if you use a hero before you draw genn or baku, you will lose the new hp.
Probably one of the best designed/flavored cards in the entire game.