DukeStarswisher's Comments
Rabble Bouncer
There needs to be at least three minions on the opponents board to be average value. I could see this finding its way into some kind of combo priest.
High Priest Thekal
I love everything about this card. It opens up so many possibilities. Can’t wait to try it out!
I was arguing your statement about building a deck around it. A deck doesn’t need to be built around it. Making it even more op.
Zandalari Templar
That’s where you’re wrong kiddo. It doesn’t say “heal your hero”. Healing minions should be easy in control matchups.
Zandalari Templar
Did they really just give pally an easy 4M 8/8? Seriously? No red flags here?
Hakkar, the Soulflayer
This might be a problem once geist rotates… I like the concept though.
Gral, the Shark
I’m sure there is. Some kind of Big rogue is the best option. But a lot of those cards are in Wild which is fine by me. I don’t think standard has enough synergy.
Gral, the Shark
I thought about malygos rogue too but elven minstrel is just as likely to draw malygos too.
Gral, the Shark
This is not a great rogue card. quite unfortunate since its effect is excellent.
I mean I guess you could run it in deathrattle rogue and fill your hand with the eaten card but it would probably be two random and slow to make a difference.
Not really. Even with a light discard package this is totally viable. I am almost positive it will see play.
This won’t be going into any deck that is meta now. It will be a part of its own thing. IF that thing becomes meta.
High Priestess Jeklik
Even if it means breaking the game apparently. A steady stream of 4M 3/4 taunt lifesteal cards is going to desire a nerf if discard actually makes it this expansion.
I’m so confused why zoo is the first thing you think of when seeing this card lol
Same difference. Deathrattle hunter has a recruit package right now. Don’t be a stick.
Spirit of the Dragonhawk
I’m fairly certain they did that on purpose otherwise odd mage would be too powerful.
How is reducing the cost of the hero power in OTK pally a level up?… Its cost has never been the issue. In fact this might make it worse because it takes up board space.
Hearthstone IS rng effects.