DukeStarswisher's Comments
Purple's Odd Druid - July 2018
You’ve convinced me. I’ll test it out and see how it goes.
Purple's Odd Druid - July 2018
14 games and you haven’t experienced witching hour pulling something other than Hadronox?
Purple's Odd Druid - July 2018
Not to mention Baku is a beast so it messes up the witching hour alongside the grizzlys. Baku would become even more of a dead card than it already is. It looks great but that beast anti-synergy will mess you up more times than it won’t.
Meati's #41 Legend Shudderwock Shaman - June 2018
yeah besides the fact I totally forgot Keleseth ( I don’t personally run K), I see your reasoning. I just thought drawing Grumble sooner was the goal.
Zridex's (Feno) #1 Legend Big Druid - July 2018
oh shit and there is spreading plague… I rescind that statement.
Zridex's (Feno) #1 Legend Big Druid - July 2018
I think I would take out Malfurion (as good as the card is) only because witching hour could either give you Haddy or Tyrantus for 3 mana.
Meati's #41 Legend Shudderwock Shaman - June 2018
I would think having glacial shard with sandbinder would create some anti-synergy. I would probably replace shard with brrloc?
Veteran Players Experience - How Important Are New Goals And Incentives?
I’m pretty sure there is a developer reason why they don’t calculate some of those statistics like that in-game. It usually is up to 3rd party applications to do that stuff. I’m not a programmer, so I wouldn’t know exactly why. It’s what I’ve heard.
Veteran Players Experience - How Important Are New Goals And Incentives?
Honestly I would pay money to have personalized board cosmetics. That would be lit!
Veteran Players Experience - How Important Are New Goals And Incentives?
If you are seriously complaining about losing due to RNG then 4 years of playing has taught you nothing…
Hearthstone Needs More Hand Disruption Tools
An interesting idea, and possibly a little more balanced. However it would not disrupt combo potential only delay it, which would possibly mean control decks just won’t run it. I don’t think it would be worth putting a card in my deck that only delays a combo.
Hearthstone Needs More Hand Disruption Tools
I was just thinking about this last week. Maybe Team 5 is aware that if they added more hand disruption, control decks would rule the meta. Making opponents discard or lose combo potential is just way to powerful in hearthstone. I’m sure if they released a neutral minion that made your opponent discard a random card, it would become a mandatory tech for every control deck once the meta is known and settles. Great article!
The Year of the Raven's Second Expansion - Could it be The Ethereals?
definitely august, along the same lines KoTFT came out.
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
Yeah this is a really dangerous list to not update immediately as the meta settles. We need to keep the noobs safe.
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
Since this hasn’t been updated in months now, here is some advice:
Never dust normal legendaries. You are pulling 1600 dust worth of a card and you lose your investment by dusting it at 25% of the value. Even if its not in the current meta, you will save 1600 dust if it comes up later in a meta deck.
If the golden ones you pull are not in the meta and not worth it to you as a player, dust it for something you want. A golden’s 3200 pull value is only worth it if you like the aesthetic (since that is all golden cards are).
New Hearthstone Animated Short: New Pack Day
I want that last frame as my profile pic tbh
Taverns of Time Arena Event: 28 Exclusive Arena Cards List!
I’m just excited to make ropers squirm with murozond. That seems like such an interesting card. This whole lineup is pretty awesome. It definitely makes me want to play arena this event!
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
I need a hard counter deck for Even Paladin. Its winrate is ridiculous and I don’t want to play it myself. Any suggestions?
Now the giants can sneak their way into DK Jaina decks. Sweet.