DukeStarswisher's Comments
Demonic Project
In Even warlock you can use this as a tech for combo while also adding value to your DK. I can imagine at least one will be put in the deck.
Demonic Project
@Nickname23 Ok so you are right, a 5 mana 2/2 is fine for hand disruption if it is NOT a discover card. I don’t think you realize that that isn’t just a tech for combo, it serves as a viable removal tool against any deck and also tells you two other cards that are currently in your opponents hand.
I think you should stick with the 4 mana 2/2 and make it a random minion in their hand. And I play several different archetypes of decks. Just because I’m defending Combos doesn’t mean I strictly play them.
Demonic Project
It could be 10 mana 2/2 legendary and still break the game. There are better ways of giving control an advantage without ruining combo decks for everyone. No one would play combo decks if your card made it through.
Omega Medic
Wow what a pos. Who cares if you can heal 10 late game chances are you’ve already lost if you don’t have control. The body itself is vanilla so it MIGHT find itself in a few priest decks as a possible tech.
But man its just super disappointing.
Demonic Project
The card you just threw up would break the game for combo decks. Try again. All hand disruption has to be rng and NEVER discover.
Whizbang the Wonderful
Depending on the power level of the decks, this could really screw up ranked for a while….
And I can already imagine my frustration when I see this card and have no idea what the opponent’s deck will be….
Myra's Unstable Element
“Gadgetzan Auctioneer’s ability allows for a player to potentially draw many cards for little cost. Card draw and card advantage are important to the game—overall, ***games are less interesting when a player draws their entire deck.***This change brings Gadgetzan Auctioneer’s cost more in line with its power level.”
– Ben Brode 2014
Can’t help but chuckle a little seeing this.
Beryllium Nullifier
You should never compare rarity class with card value. There are awful epic cards. There are awful legendary cards. There are amazing common cards.
Upgradeable Framebot
This will be an auto-include for every mech deck archetype in the next expansion. It may even be nerfed.
Upgradeable Framebot
I don’t think aggro and the magnetic ability really go together. Yes it builds a powerful minion, but aggro is about flooding the board and putting on pressure, which is difficult if your building up one minion.
Yet again, perhaps aggro decks will now have the versatility to either build a single minion or flood the board depending on the match up.
Stargazer Luna
I don’t think that is a safe assumption. If you can provide an example of a non-battlecry effect minion that can affect your hand or board immediately when its played, please do.