DukeStarswisher's Comments
Hearthstone Balance Change Announcement Coming on October 15th!
I love nerfs for that reason too. I just think it would be pretty shady to nerf a card that you said you “didn’t have plans for” three weeks prior.
That’s just bad PR imo. And “For now” is always a bs disclaimer. It shouldn’t mean three weeks later.
Hearthstone Balance Change Announcement Coming on October 15th!
I’ll be pissed if they actually nerf giggling now after their official statement saying they weren’t going to touch it.
I was saving my duplicates for the nerf but gave up with that announcement.
The Future of Wild - Are Two Constructed Formats Enough?
I think the only problem with rotating formats would be they are mostly for veteran players. No new player is going to craft a deck for a rotating comp format. If you don’t already have the cards, you just won’t play any.
My favorite (despite it being rotating) is definitely enchantments. Not only would this be new and fun to play for a month, but it would also allow devs design insight for future expansions. I honestly think it would be invaluable for team 5 to test different mechanics (which I feel they did in taverns of time to a certain extent to see the effects of card draw).
Asmodai's #1 Legend Zerek's OTK Big Priest (Boomsday)
I’ll also add that both Lich and zilliax are extremely safe crafts so if you have the dust, craft them now.
Asmodai's #1 Legend Zerek's OTK Big Priest (Boomsday)
@Meta It doesn’t really matter. I know that Savjz was the first to build the deck. I hope everyone else realizes that too.
Also I don’t watch Asmodai, but if what you say is true, I probably never will.
Asmodai's #1 Legend Zerek's OTK Big Priest (Boomsday)
You have to have the others too. Otherwise you will lose against any aggro matchup. If you are missing the only two taunt minions in the deck, you are gonna have a rough time. Plus I’m pretty sure zilliax is one of the MVP’s since the 6 mana 5/5 you could potentially summon will completely swing the game in your favor.
Lich will also give you spells that can further your spellstone alongside being an excellent board presence.
In big decks generally, you really can’t omit any single card because there are only so many specific minions in the deck.
“Maly Goes to Hall of Fame?” - Malygos and the Limitation of Design Space
Oh ShIt YoU hAvE a GoLdEn CoPy?? tHaT’s SuPeR oP!!
Tavern Brawl Duel of the Death Knights
This is probably one of the worst brawls I have ever played. If the decks had any synergy whatsoever then maybe it would be fun.
What Cards Could Replace Hall of Famed Classics?
Honestly, that isn’t fair to mind vision or slam. Even those are better than what was given.
Hearthstone: In the Works - New Classic Cards Coming Soon, New Player Experience Improvements!
Yes hallucinate is better. But a classic card will ensure the thief ability and archetype remains in the game indefinitely.
And yes you obviously wouldn’t run both.
Hearthstone: In the Works - New Classic Cards Coming Soon, New Player Experience Improvements!
You know what would make a great classic legendary:
dirty rat 2.0
Hearthstone: In the Works - New Classic Cards Coming Soon, New Player Experience Improvements!
That card alone won’t make thief rogue viable. A power gain maybe but not enough to put it on the map.
Hearthstone: In the Works - New Classic Cards Coming Soon, New Player Experience Improvements!
I understand what they’re saying about taunt minions, but when a card is in over 50% of all decks I think that’s a clear sign something needs to be done.
If quest rogue gets another nerf as a result of this decision, I’ll be salty.
Hearthstone: In the Works - New Classic Cards Coming Soon, New Player Experience Improvements!
They don’t want to break the meta. If you read even a tiny bit of their explanation, they are meant for new players. Cards that randomly generate stuff can never be op and allow a great experience for new players. It is exactly what it needs to be.
Why The Boomsday Project Hasn’t Spawned New Archetypes Yet
If you have to build a deck around an entire card I would definitely say that is an archetype. Yes it can be put as a secondary win condition anywhere else, but the decks that focus on mecha’thun as the sole win condition have created their own archetypes.
Odd rogue is just a new aggro rogue deck. odd pally is just a new aggro dude deck. If we classify each deck by mill, combo, aggro, control etc. there will never be any new archetypes.
Why The Boomsday Project Hasn’t Spawned New Archetypes Yet
Whether they are tier 1 or not has nothing to do with what we’re talking about. Obviously Mecha’thun is not tier 1.
Why The Boomsday Project Hasn’t Spawned New Archetypes Yet
I don’t even know what you are trying to say…
When Shudderwock was released it created a whole combo archetype for shaman. I don’t know how Mecha’thun is any different from that.
There have been plenty of new archetypes created from this expansion. They just have been overshadowed by the power level of witchwood’s baku and genn.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
Priest is not meta right now. But I am obsessed with Savjz’s new Big Priest. Look it up if you’re interested!
greedy sprite being pulled by oakheart is pretty bad. That’s the only downside I know of.