TardisGreen's Comments
Neferset Ritualist
So what are you saying? This is a good meme card?
I am speaking of the competitive value of the card. It’s good/ok/bad. I don’t give a hoot about memes or casual.
Neferset Ritualist
Big minions go face. They don’t want this card. Warriors aren’t gonna be playing Bloodsworn Mercernary.
This isn’t a rotation expansion. Warrior has two quality decks. They ain’t going anywhere. There is no reason for playing Midrange Taunt Warrior, or Enrage Warrior or any other archetype.
Frightened Flunky
Do you think playing two Ironwood Grizzly’s on turn 3 is game winning? Do you think its comparable to making two 7/8 or 8/8 minions on turn 5?
Silence Priest can pump far more stats on the board than your example, AND actually has a way to WIN the game if they can stick a minion (DF/IF). They can’t do it consistently.
Your example isn’t even close to being broken enough to see constructed play.
Frightened Flunky
This card doesn’t change the status of Taunt Warrior. It is still garbage.
Playing one taunt per turn, even if they have some buffs on them, isn’t gonna lead to a competitive deck. Aggro decks will kill the taunts, and keep on developing. Control decks will simply remove them, buffs and all. This is not broken.
Splitting Axe
Opponent kills yours 0 attack minions for free, then smashes you in the face.
Expired Merchant
If you are putting a 2-mana 2/1 in your Aggro Warlock deck, you should probably give up on Hearthstone.
Expired Merchant
How are those AOE’s working out for you currently? Handlock/Controllock/whatever – it’s like a Tier 16 deck, no?
Expired Merchant
Spend turn 3 doing nothing, die to aggro ages before you complete your silly quest.
Reno the Relicologist
Playing the original Reno was game winning in many matchups. Playing the new Reno is at best a board clear. Nice to have, but not worth building your whole deck around. Hence, this card is unplayable.
Reno the Relicologist
The card is unplayable. But at least I learned a new word (RELICOLOGIST) today.
The game has been dying since Standard according to the Rank 25 scrubs who can’t play it.
I’m not “complaining”. I’m pointing out your statement about this card is from outer space. You are delusional. Nobody in there right mind would put this card into a CW deck with the “hope” of pulling a taunt minion or two from OA and playing this to buff them.
There is absolutely no world where Control Warrior would even consider playing this card. Warrior doesn’t play taunts other than Zilliax. This card isn’t a mech. It doesn’t fit the existing Warrior archetypes.
What does Priest need from Saviors of Uldum?
As someone is often a critic of your articles, I have to say that this one was really well thought out and written. Well done.
Onyx Bishop had 3 more health. That matters too.
The primary target for Onyx Bishop was Injured Blademaster. Ideally, one got played on turn 3, died, was brought back to life with the 2-mana Resurrect spell, and then revived again on turn 5 with OB. This at least is a curve of reasonably stated minions. I assume that the primary target for this new card is still IBM. I certainly can’t think of any existing DR minion costing less < 4 mana that Priest has access to that is worth reviving.
Waiting till turn 6 to play Cairne or a Mechanical Welp is a pipe dream. The Priest will just die.
It’s about as good as Onyx Bishop was, which wasn’t good enough to do anything for Pries. It doesn’t really fit any of the current archetypes. Priest can’t survive without playing minions early, and those minions (Pyro/Cleric/whatever) won’t be great revivals.
If things weren’t the way they were, they would be different.
IOW, Priest can’t tutor it, and Priest doesn’t have a decent minion-heavy deck.