TardisGreen's Comments
Obelisk (Quest) Priest Theorycraft Deck List - Saviors of Uldum - August 2019
Sure. The way to make the deck better is to get rid of the Quest, and some of the suspect cards like Tortoise that are being stuck into the deck to support the Quest.
Zoo Priest sort of has a powerful curve of Injured Tolvir and/or Injured Blademaster into Psychopump. Also Shadequill into Baby Rags might be good because the Shadequill will often trade 2 or 3 for 1. But the curve feels less powerful than the Midrange Dragon Priest of MSG. That deck could play 2/3 on one, 2/4 taunt on two, 3/4 buff or 3/5 on three, 3/6 taunt on four, and 5/6 discover on five. But even with all these overstated early game minions, the deck just wasn’t that good. Pirate Warrior crushed it with one card – Win Axe. It didn’t have enough punch to kill Reno Lock, and had no answer for Jar Jar.
The reason why Zoo Priest doesn’t work is that Priest doesn’t have Savage Roar or Bloodlust, so it doesn’t have any way of capitalizing on a wide board. And it doesn’t have Lifetap – no consistent way of drawing cards.
So Priests are back to putting in Divine Spirit and Inner Fire to try to win the game. And I’m BORED to death of that. As stale as Dr Boom + Eleysiana + 28 removal cards Warrior is, I find the idea that Priests only win condition to be DS/IF to be even more stale.
Obelisk (Quest) Priest Theorycraft Deck List - Saviors of Uldum - August 2019
The Quest is NOTHING like Prince Keleseth. Keleseth could be played on turn TWO, and Keleseth buffed minions would often hit the board on turns 3, 4, 5, and 6, the turns where enhanced stats mean the most. Do you remember The Mistcaller? It gave +2/+2 (twice what Keleseth gives) stats to every minion in the Shaman deck, and didn’t even have a deck building restriction. But it cost SIX mana. Turn 6 was too late, the card never saw competitive play. Extra stats have diminished value as the game gets later and later.
The Quest is NOTHING like DK Rexxar. Priest can only buff minions that are either in play or in hand. Without those, it can’t do anything. But Rexxar could generate a minion every turn unconditionally. And those minions almost always had a carefully chosen mechanic like LIfesteal or Rush or Charge or Stealth – whatever the situation called for. If Priest plays a minion from hand, and buffs it with it’s hero power, it is for the most part a big dumb thing. It’s not that hard to remove big dumb things in the late game. Omega Devastator is still a thing. As are a lot of other cards that remove single targets one way or another.
Activate the Obelisk
This card is clearly the worst card of the expansion. Even giving it one star is mind numbing wrong.
Wretched Reclaimer
Reincarnate on a Stick. And we all know how OP Reincarnate was.
OK, this is dust.
Embalming Ritual
It’s not even remotely close to Play Dead, which has an *immediate* effect on the board.
A better comparison would be the Paladin spell Hand of Protection, which has NEVER seen play. A divine Shielded minion has to pinged and then killed – reborn is basically the reverse of this.
This card is better if it is played onto a Deathrattle minion. But that creates something which is incredibly weak to Silence. Aside from that, the six mana Deathrattle cards are just too slow. Priest already has Power Word Shield and Extra/More Arms for Zerek. It doesn’t see any play. The power of the effect isn’t enough because it is coming far too late in the game.
Recurring Villian has seen more play in Priest since the buff to Extra Arms than Zerek has ever seen in its entire existence. It’s not really great, but nothing in Priest is.
This is a cheap spell that could possibly go into some Miracle Priest. But I don’t think it makes the cut there. It’s certainly not gonna replace PWS.
Embalming Ritual
Unfortunately for Preist, Priest does not play Cairne, Mech. Welp, or Zerek. This card doesn’t change that.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
Any kind of non-aggro Warlock has bigger problems to solve than fatigue. And by it’s very definition, “win more” cards are effectively bad cards.
No competitive deck uses Plot Twist. The Warlock quest has dubious value.
HS isn’t that complicated of a game. Militia Commander is a good card because it can kill a mid-sized mana and may even leave a small body on board. Akali isn’t a good card. It’s effect isn’t worth the extra 4 mana you pay for it.
In HS, good cards are good on their own right. They don’t need to be combo’ed with other cards. When you are thinking of playing a card, but it requires you to play other cards which haven’t proven to be any good, you are a victim of your own vivid imagination.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
Rogue Quest was OP because Rogue had lots of charge minions and could kill you with Prep-Vanish-charge minions once the quest was completed and played. Your comparison is silly.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
If we are relying on Plot Twist to make this card good, it must be bad.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
Rafaam is terrble. Random legendaries are terrible. If you are putting Rafaam in a Zoo deck, you have totally missed the boat.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
What magic makes a lackey, which has (initially) 1 health, stick to the board? Why would your opponent leave it up? Especially if this card or perhaps more importantly, the Evil Recruiter card is being used?
Do you play against many opponents who are AFK?
If Warlock gets another Lackey generator, which is possible, maybe even likely, this card can be reevaluated. Right now, its garbage.
Micro Mummy
If we look at the stats on HSR, we see that KEA is one of the best cards in the deck. We don’t cut it for this card.
Micro Mummy
This card will NEVER be played in a dedicated mech paladin deck. It has terrible synergy with KEA. It’s not magnetic, it’s not a taunt, etc. Putting it into the deck would require cutting some other card. It would make the deck worse.
This card is intended for Quest Paladin. I don’t have any feelings about whether that deck will work or not work. But it won’t see play in any other Paladin deck.
Livewire Lance
The nerf to Miscreant was to change it’s *health* from five to four. It’s mana cost is still three.
Do you even play the game?
If we are running Quest, why would we run Hagatha?