TardisGreen's Comments
Jon "Orange" Westberg Was Suspended From Competitive Play
I assume you mean the Seasonal Championship and Last Call, since there is no more GMs. It will go to the player who just missed qualifying. That won’t be Gaby. I think at least 100 players would have to be suspended for Gaby to move up. That is how bad his performance was this year.
Hearthstone Patch 23.2.2 Notes - Nerfs to Drek'thar, Multi-Strike, Dragonbane Shot + 17 Cards Buffed, Battlegrounds Balance Changes
All the haters who cried “they will never nerf Drek’Thar because he was sold as a Diamond card” have egg in their face. Love it.
Sunken City Balance Patch Just Arrived and We Already Need a New One! Ideas For Nerfs And Buffs
If we nerf DH other aggressive decks will be played. But if Control Warrior isn’t nerfed, CW will reck these Aggro decks even harder than the current DH.
Balance is a tricky matter. It’s not just a question of nerfing cards which are too good.
Rise of the Naga Season Coming to Hearthstone Battlegrounds: Naga Minion Type, New Keyword "Spellcraft", Queen Azshara Hero - Launching May 10
I have mixed feelings about them. For a while they added an aspect to the game, but once it was figured out, it got dull really fast.
Best Hearthstone Decks - Standard Meta Tier List - The Great Dark Beyond (December 2024)
You mean like QL Mage? QL Rogue? QL Warlock? Newsflash: these decks don’t exist anymore.
Rise of the Naga Season Coming to Hearthstone Battlegrounds: Naga Minion Type, New Keyword "Spellcraft", Queen Azshara Hero - Launching May 10
In the Kripp reveal, one of the devs confirmed that Buddies will be removed from BGs when the patch hits next week.
Balance Changes Announced - Standard & Wild Nerfs - Releasing Next Tuesday (April 26)
You know nothing about games, period.
Balance Changes Announced - Standard & Wild Nerfs - Releasing Next Tuesday (April 26)
Not a dry eye in the house.
Balance Changes Announced - Standard & Wild Nerfs - Releasing Next Tuesday (April 26)
Unplayable? Er. I hit the Play button, enter queue, and moments later, I *think* I am playing HS.
Oh wait, you are a game design expert. Got you.
Balance Changes Announced - Standard & Wild Nerfs - Releasing Next Tuesday (April 26)
Yahar!!! Who would have thought that Pirate Warrior is going to save the Meta?
Voyage to the Sunken City Hearthstone Decks - Best Early Meta Builds From Pros & Streamers, Decks For All Classes
Curse Warlock is utter garbage. It’s not getting nerfed. Learn to play.
Soul Demon Hunter - #232 Legend (SuperiorDavid) - 23.0 Nerf Reverts
A revert to minor nerf to a deck that disappeared from the Meta ages ago doesn’t suddenly make it playable. Getting to rank 232 doesn’t mean what it used to.
This deck is utter garbage.
All Changes To The Hearthstone Core Set 2022 - 57 Cards Rotate Out, 72 Cards Rotate In
Currently, QL Druid, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Shaman, and Warrior are UNPLAYABLE. The others are better, but hardly broken. I think it’s time to stop crying about QL’s.
(Live Now!) Hearthstone Patch 22.6.1 Drops Tomorrow - Battlegrounds Balance Changes + Bug Fixes
Sorry, but the balance team doesn’t jump everytime some newb calls for a nerf.
Voyage to the Sunken City - New Hearthstone Expansion - Cards, Reveals, Release Date, New Mechanics, and More!
I suspect that a new class would be announced immediately, to maximize the amount of hype. And I seem to remember Iskar saying the next class was a while off.
Also, I don’t think there is an overriding theme for this year. Three separate, fairly independent expansions.
(OUT NOW!) 22.4.3 Patch Notes - Locusts Removed from Kazakusan Treasures, Battlegrounds Balance Changes - March 3
Who said Kaz is broken? It’s a good card, but the best cards in ALL late game Druid decks are Guff and his ramp buddies. If we delete Kaz from the game, Druid still has a multitude of options, and will out value every deck so long as it doesn’t die and finds Guff.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Heroes Tier List & Guide - Best Available Heroes & Strategies - August 2023
With a weak buddy, and nerfs to Tarecgosa, Promo Drake, and the Hero Power, I am very skeptical of Ysera’s inclusion in Tier 1.
The Rogue Nerfs Are Here and This Is the New Meta in Patch 22.2!
If Quest Warlock and Fel Demon Hunter wind up representing a large proportion of the Meta, Poison Rogue returns, nerfs notwithstanding.
Paladin can go infinite with Holy Maki Roll after this is played. Hysterical.