TardisGreen's Comments
The Ice Block Dilemma - How it Began and Hopefully Will End
Why is Alex being dragged into this speculation? When was the last time Alex was part of a Meta defining deck?
Also, “Tempo Mage” did not start running Ice Block until it morphed into Secret Mage.
Recruit mechanic pulls the card from your deck. So you would NOT “essentially have 3 Maly’s”.
Lone Champion
What does Mukla have to do with this? This card is similar to Frostrider in that it is OPTIIMAL to play when you have no minions on board. Mukla does not fit that category.
The downside of Frostrider stops it from seeing play, despite the fact that it will often trade 2 for 1, and is a difficult card for Priest to remove.
The downside of Lone Champion is that it is a piece of crap whenever you have a minion on board.
Hence, it will see NO PLAY. You can LOLZ, all you want. The card is non competitive.
Raven Familiar
Card is good if and only if Meta is dominated by Minion heavy decks such as Keleseth Rogue and Zoolock.
Silver Vanguard
Maybe it could fit into some weird Tonen/Ramp Druid hybrid that played Pilfered Power with 3 tokens up on turn 3.
But probably dust, LUL.
Lone Champion
This card seems similar to, but weaker than, Hylander Frostrider, a card that is good in Arena, but sees no play in constructed. And neither will Lone Champion.
It can’t attack.