TardisGreen's Comments
Shadow Council
Kind of how I laugh at all the absurd statements you have made about trash cards.
Shadow Council
Most decks are constructed in such a fashion that the cards in them are useful, as opposed to being “junk”. Sense Demon sees no play. And neither will Shadow Council.
The Pros and Cons of Non-Stop Balance Changes
Well yes, for profit companies try to make profits. Profound.
Technical Issues (Playful Sprites Error) - FIXED, Tavern Brawl Postponed Until Tomorrow (Update: Until Friday?)
Having 6 days to complete the Brawl instead of 7 is hardly an issue.
Its amazing how many pions you have running around looking for handouts.
What was wrong with Galakrond Shaman? Quick Analysis of The Upcoming Nerfs
That would be a major change to the mechanics of the game, something the developers are not willing to do. I think the nerf is good.
What was wrong with Galakrond Shaman? Quick Analysis of The Upcoming Nerfs
If you take a look at the two post-nerf Gala Shaman decks on the front page, you will see that neither one of them even run Mogu.
The nerf is real.
Here is a better idea. Don’t play any of the choose one cards. And get rid of the quest.
The Quest isn’t worth it without enough Choose Ones. And you can’t be playing an “aggro” deck when you start with one less card in hand, and are floating mana on the early turns.
Commit your yourself to one strategy or another. Hearthstone 101. This isn’t rocket science.
Its amazing how you keep on suggesting mixing cards into archetypes they don’t belong in.
This card might be the most broken card in DoD, but it clearly doesn’t go into Quest Druid. It doesn’t make Starfall better. Or Nourish. Or Hidden Oasis. The card only affects MINIONS. And Quest Druid doesn’t play very many of them.
Compensation for Patch 15.6 + Brawliseum Issues (3 Saviors of Uldum Packs + 300 Gold)
It goes without saying that 300g > 1 classic pack. The issue is that you were effected, hence you are not ENTITLED to any compensation.
Malygos, Aspect of Magic
Actually, the art work for the original Malygos is wrong. It is based upon Kalecgos, for some rater odd reasons. (Read about it at https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Malygos, and follow the Twitter citation to get to Ben Brode’s explanation).
This Malygos is closer to how he is currently depicted in WoW (https://wow.gamepedia.com/Malygos).
The Evolve Conundrum
Rotate out Evovle and N’Zoth, and some other deck just becomes the dominant deck of the Meta. Maybe Druid because of Kun, OTK Paly because of Emperor, or Mage because of Flamewaker. And no, reintroducing Loatheb, one of the most broken cards in HS history isn’t going to “harmless” either.
HS Balance becomes impossible once there are too many cards in the game. Look at Wild with the never ending cries to nerf this “oppressive” deck.
Tomorrow we get the expansion announcement, and the hype train begins. People will soon forget about how broken Evovle is.
The Evolve Conundrum
This was a very good read, with one small flaw: Doppelgangster didn’t exist in ONIK, it was part of the Mean Streets of Gadgetzhan expansion.
Saviors of Uldum August 26 Nerf Patch - Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Conjurer's Calling, Extra Arms and Barnes!
Just how often will Warrior get that perfect curve? Especially since it is only cycling one card along the way. Armagedilo is a one of, and doesn’t do much if there are no other taunts in hand. And only one Boom.
Saviors of Uldum August 26 Nerf Patch - Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Conjurer's Calling, Extra Arms and Barnes!
Control Warrior doesn’t even need Boom to utterly destroy Aggro. Your comment is absurd.
Saviors of Uldum August 26 Nerf Patch - Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Conjurer's Calling, Extra Arms and Barnes!
The nerfs to Mage are both appropriate. And some variety of Mage is likely to continue to be the best deck in the game.
Zoo Warlock - Saviors of Uldum - #22 Legend (Pizza / Khamul)
Now this deck makes sense. Run the best cards from the RoS Zoo, and squeeze in the self damage package.
Taunt Warrior Theorycraft Deck List – Saviors of Uldum – August 2019
“A couple of people put Armagedillo and Tomb Warden into Control Warrior and that’s it.”
Untrue! BoarControl played a deck with two copies of Into the Frey and *** 28 *** taunt minions. Now that is a man who takes his taunt warrior seriously. He played Goldshire Footman. Who has been “Ready for Action” since Beta. This is his big chance.
There are no *optimal* builds of any Warlock decks that run Sense Demons.