Stonekeep's Comments
Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
No news about that matter, I’m afraid. But tomorrow (Thursday) is most likely, since we’ll know all of the cards later today.
Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
It was supposed to be revealed by Disguised Toast, but he gave his reveal back a while ago ( For some reason, however, they did not remove it from the schedule earlier – I thought that they are going to reveal the card themselves (e.g. on social media) but apparently they just forgot about it… and removed it ~30 minutes after the reveal was supposed to happen.
Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
The deck’s name is usually a reference to another deck from the past (including from other card games), the deck’s game plan (like Face Hunter – wants to go Face all the time), synergies they run (e.g. Murloc Paladin – plays Murlocs and Murloc synergies) or a certain important card they play (e.g. Holy Wrath Paladin – Holy Wrath is the card they kill opponent with).
Cyclone is the most obvious one – it comes from a card “Mana Cyclone”, which is a central piece of the deck ๐
Highlander is a reference to an old-ish movie called “Highlander”. A big part of the movie’s premise is “there can be only one” ( – characters are trying to kill each other so only one is left. Because of that, it was adopted as one of the names for singleton decks/format in Magic: The Gathering and it later came to Hearthstone. At the beginning, singleton decks in HS were nearly always called “Reno” decks (because of Reno Jackson), but when the card rotated out of Standard people started using many different names. I always stick with Highlander, because it’s most consistent. I dislike calling it by the main card all the time, because that changes (e.g. it was first Reno, later Kazakus and e.g. Raza, now we have new ones).
Exodia comes from Yu-Gi-Oh. There were 5 Exodia cards and you won the game when you played one of them while having 4 others in your hand. In Hearthstone, combos that just kill your opponent in one turn no matter how much HP he has are called that. For example, normal Priest OTKs or Malygos Druid combos did not always kill opponent, because he might have a lot of Armor etc. The name was first used for Exodia Mage, which also referenced the 5 pieces – you needed Archmage Antonidas and 4x Sorcerer’s Apprentice to cast as many Fireballs as you want for free. While this is not “true” Exodia, as your opponent could still be saved by obscene amounts of Armor (like 100+) or Ice Block, the name stuck. Later we’ve got Exodia Paladin, which used Uther of the Ebon Blade’s Hero Power to immediately kill the opponent. You needed all four Horsemen on the board (but more realistically three of them in your hand) and you won the game – which was much closer to the real Exodia. So in general, it’s a combo deck where you need to gather X combo pieces in your hand, then you drop them and immediately win the game.
And tempo comes mostly from the actual definition of the word. Tempo means (in a nutshell) speed. Name also comes from Magic, but it has also been used in Chess with a similar meaning. In Hearthstone in particular, playing for the tempo means putting yourself as ahead of the opponent as possible for as little resources. If you have a board advantage – you usually have tempo. If you answer your opponent’s threat efficiently (e.g. he spent 5 mana to play it and you removed it for 2 + played something else for other 3), you also have tempo. Tempo and value/card advantage are two different things that are often confused. Tempo cards might, but don’t have to give you card advantage. Sap is like a definition of a tempo card. You can remove something big from the board for just 2 mana (which is insanely good), but your opponent still has the minion and can play it later. You lost on card advantage, but you won on the tempo. Aggro, Tempo and Midrange decks are the ones that mostly care about tempo.
Conjured Mirage
Why Resurrect Priest? If you Resurrect it and pass, it still goes back to your deck when your new turn starts.
Top Standard Legend Decks From Rise of Shadows - Week 16 (July 2019)
Yeah, I guess it’s more of a Control Warlock with a Plot Twist addition, not a deck built around the card.
Saviors of Uldum Card Reviews #5 - Plague of Wrath, Colossus of the Moon, Hack the System, Overflow, Plague of Flames, Dark Pharaoh Tekahn And More!
Fixed it! Sorry, it was a long day. So many cards to cover, so little time ๐
HSTD's Saviors of Uldum Giveaway! Win One Of The Ten Standard Pre-Purchase Bundles of 50 Packs!
I don’t believe that it makes any difference. You might just need to add some random profile info and photos so it looks “legitimate” to Gleam.
HSTD's Saviors of Uldum Giveaway! Win One Of The Ten Standard Pre-Purchase Bundles of 50 Packs!
Not in this giveaway, no. You can still buy the Mega (80 packs) bundle, but we aren’t giving those away. You can still participate – and in case you win, can share the 50 packs bundle with your friend, family member or whoever you want.
And just an advice for the future – there’s zero upside in pre-ordering so quickly. You can wait until the very last day before the expansion and it will still be the same (price and what you get doesn’t change). In the meantime, there are lots of giveaways going on and you can always win in one of them ๐
HSTD's Saviors of Uldum Giveaway! Win One Of The Ten Standard Pre-Purchase Bundles of 50 Packs!
Sorry about that, it’s just the most efficient way to do a giveaway that everyone can participate in.
If you’re worried about giving away your data, you can always create separate accounts on the social media just for giveaways ๐
Saviors of Uldum Card Reviews #4 - Diseased Vulture, Into the Fray, Pressure Plate, Frightened Flunky, High Priest Amet, Generous Mummy, Grandmummy And More!
It was already pretty long and I didn’t want to add even more to it! Yes, Star Aligner synergy is a thing, but you need Coin to consistently pull it off in Standard if I’m correct (Amet + Wisp + Coin + Aligner), which makes the combo very unreliable. The boar combo just seems better, but hey, Star Aligner is always a nice meme card! ๐
Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
We just got two! Like I’m always saying, they will eventually have to reveal all the cards, so even if your favorite class is not getting any reveals, just wait a few days. Reveal season is not that long after all.
That’s the worst way you can evaluate a card. Like, SN1P-SN4P is not “effectively a 4/5 minion” (even though I’ve seen him called one many times when he was announced)… It can’t hit for 4, it doesn’t add +4/+5 on Magnetize etc. Summing stats of minion + Deathrattles/buffs/other effect it provides is very misleading. The stats are often delayed, spread across multiple bodies etc. You can’t just add them together and call it a day. An extreme example of it would be calling Devilsaur Egg a 3 mana 5/8. It just doesn’t work like that.
In this case, if your opponent has a 4/4 minion on the board, you can’t kil lit with this card and won’t have a 4/1 on the board left. If you have no other minion when it dies, the buff is wasted. Heck, you can’t even kill your opponent’s high priority 2-drop (e.g. Sorcerer’s Apprentice) on curve. How is that a “4/6” (which is really 5 if you add all the stats)?
High Priest Amet
Edit: Updated the card with new translation. The previous one was most likely wrong. Apologizes to everyone, that’s what happens when Blizzard doesn’t send people English card to reveal on top of one in their own language.
Edit 2: Official English version is up. No more confusion. Sorry again for posting the wrong version at first!
Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
August 6. They were going for simultaneous releases in the last few sets. Should be out around evening EU (18-20 is my guess).
Mogu Cultist
Of course not. You obviously can’t summon uncollectible minions.
It would be like getting one of the Marin’s/Togwaggle’s Treasures from Magic Trick ๐
Pressure Plate
Most likely spell (Conjurer’s Calling) will resolve first and duplicate Giant before this triggers.
That’s because it says “After”. Secret would go off first if it said “When”, like Paladin’s Never Surrender.
At least that’s how it SHOULD work, but everyone knows that interactions in HS aren’t always 100% consistent :p
I think they make these events during work days exactly because they are work days. Remember that those who work for Blizzard are also people and don’t want to stay on weekends.