Soup And Salad's Comments
Bronze Gatekeeper
Bronze Gatekeeper is a nice card to play on curve with Upgradable Framebot since there aren’t too many aggressive decks that can deal with a turn three 2/10 with taunt. Such a play would obviously only be useful against aggro though and perhaps midrange strategies.
This sort of design should have been obvious given magnetic as a mechanic and if the format speed up enough, it’ll see play. Hardly a Tar Creeper, but it could be something similar for Mech Decks if they only choose to play one or the other.
Floop's Glorious Gloop
Floop’s Glorious Gloop seems really rather nice for an aggressive Druid. It can easily be better than the original Innervate, but as a legendary spell, you will at least only have to deal with it once. Plus, the way the card works, it won’t do much in the early game.
It does seems like it could be annoying if a board made up of a bunch of tiny tokens could suddenly become a Ultimate Infestation play, but that is something only Token Druid as we currently know it could do.
This card will likely be a stable in Druid decks for a long time.
Yes. Two mech-related cards that deal random damage when played cannot be compared as means of judging if this could be good enough to play just because one does something slightly different to the other.
What would be a better point of comparison between what we have seen and what is coming then if the comparison I made was so inept?
Are you saying that just because I mentioned Cinderstorm? I didn’t mention anything about it being better in control or better in any other general deck archetype. In fact, I had a sentence talking about using this in conjunction with Acolyte of Pain, a card that rarely sees play outside of control or value oriented deck.
I don’t exactly understand the point of your comment.
Luna's Pocket Galaxy
Well, if you somehow ran into thirty Big Spell Mages in a row playing Taunt Druid teched for aggressive match-ups even more than the deck already is, it’s not so much the deck is brain dead as much as it is a terrible match-up.
The five damage Dyn-o-matic throws around would be worth three mana given how Cinderstorm, so this would be a functionally two mana 3/4, which is pretty good.
Another card worth comparing this two would be Goblin Blastmage. This does cost one more mana and comes with two less attack, but it does deal one more damage and that damage is dealt unconditionally. Plus, if Mech Warrior plays cards like Acolyte of Pain, this can also trigger those sorts of cards to trigger.
It will suck if you’re opponent is also playing mechs, since this could quite easily become just a five mana 3/4, but with mechs put mainly in just three classes, that shouldn’t be that much of an issue.
The question with this card isn’t so much is it good, but is Mech Warrior good enough to support such a card.
Subject 9
If you’ve played a Warrior deck with Forge of Souls in it, you’d know if you only have one weapon left in it, you’ll draw that one weapon when you cast Forge of Souls. Just because the card says Draw 5 different Secrets does not mean you have to play five different secrets in your deck to draw anything.
Additionally. Azure Drake was one of the best Control cards out there because it was a minion with good enough stats that also drew a card. This can easily draw two or three. The draw is specific only to Paladin, Hunter, Mage, and Rogue, but it will still probably be good enough in the same way Elven Minstral is good enough in Rogue.
Subject 9
Given the way cards like Forge of Souls and Ice Fishing work, you’d draw as many cards as you can up to the number the card allows. Thus, if you only have one weapon in your deck and you play Forge of Souls, you’ll draw that one weapon. You can try it out yourself just build a Warrior deck with Forge of Souls and a single weapon or a Shaman deck with Ice Fishing and a single Murloc.
As such, if your mage deck only plays Explosive Runes and Counterspell or your Hunter deck only plays Explosive Trap, Freezing Trap, and Wondering Monster, you’ll draw a copy of each without needing to play five different secrets.
Boommaster Flark
Leokk has to be summoned randomly by Animal Companion and Raid Leader has only seen play in one deck in the last three years at least.
Boommaster Flark
No, but the potential is there plus the Good Dr. Boom is a 7/7 by himself and the boom bots are a lot more aggressive than the goblin bombs.
The eight damage to the face is slow, so slow that I can’t really be sure this would see play outside of a Mech Hunter and generally as a Hunter, if you lose control of the board at or around turn seven, you better have a Kill Command or two in hand or have a way to instant trigger all of those bombs. Dropping this won’t exactly remedy the situation unless you have something that can deal the damage immediately. If Bonemare were still priced at seven mana, Hunters would have little reason to play this over that.
Playing magnetic minions on the tokens this produces isn’t an awful idea either, but that will become a lot of set-up for an amount of damage classes like Druid, Shaman, and Warrior could potentially absorb and come back from.
The card is generally fine, but it’s similarities to Dr. Boom do not also make it a Dr. Boom.
Subject 9
With the base Priest has at the moment, it can. Dragon Priest would only need about two more good cards to be good again.
Subject 9
Not really. Just drawing one of each of Freezing Trap, Explosive Trap, and Wondering Monster should be enough. Plus, some are starting to include Rat Trap.
Even when Cloaked Huntress was around, I don’t recall Secret Hunter playing more than four different Secrets
Subject 9
Secret Hunter and Spell Hunter are two separate decks. Secret Hunter is basically Spell Hunter if it removed some of the lesser spells and No minion requirement spells for a midrange hunter core of minions.
Secret Hunter is basically a deck halfway between Midrange and Spell Hunter
Prismatic Lens
You would be discounting tirion by seven mana for a cost of only four if you also drew a secret. In that case you’re gaining three mana’s worth of value on the turn when you drop it.
Call to arms may have been a lesser example for a spell to get from this, but like Primordial Glyph, you’d be banking the mana on the card for later, which would give you a huge tempo swing for the cost of losing tempo on a turn that it might not have matter that much.
The card that are going to stick around in your hand aren’t going to matter that much if you manage to get a big enough swing in with the card that did get discounted.
Luna's Pocket Galaxy
Combo decks are actually quite important to a format. Without them, control decks could quite often run unopposed during times were aggressive decks don’t quite have the tools to just streamroll them. Likewise, their generally poor match-ups against aggro gives reasons for players do play something other than the greediest deck in any given format.
Perhaps a new neutral combo enabler would be in order since Malygos has been around for as long as the game has, but asking for combo decks to be completely removed from the game is asking for a format that is nothing but Taunt Druid.
There are reasons to be skeptical on the ultimate quality of many highly rated cards.
Looking back on the Witchwood, cards like Lady in White, Dire Frenzy, Chameleos, Baleful Banker, Rebuke, and Dark Possession, none of which have seen that much play since their release are all rated at or above four stars, while Cinderstorm (Seen in Tempo Mage), Wispering Woods (A crucial piece of Token Druid), and Vicious Scalehide (The card that made Quest Rogue viable again before it was nerfed a second time) were rated two and a half or below.
Sure, hindsight is 20/20, but a good helping of skepticism was enough to convince at least one of my friends not to immediately craft Lady in White.
Either way, it’s still a far cry from Mech Warper. Sure the thing had to survive on the board, but it was better on curve as a 2/3.
It will probably fair better than Fire Plume because Mechs are mechs, but I wouldn’t really count on it surviving to be a magnetic target seeing just how many two attack one and two cost minions there are.
Prismatic Lens
I can see Prismatic Lens being useful in deck that runs mostly secrets to cheat out stuff like The Lich King or Tirion. Plus, it could make a Call to Arms cost one or two in an aggressive Paladin.
The applications of such a card are myriad, but such applications of it are going to be specific with a deck constructed around generally getting the sorts of discounts they’d want. On average though, you will be getting a decent discount on one of those cards.
The Storm Bringer
The high rolling nature of the card is exactly why it should be cheaper. At the price it currently sits at, it could quite easily be priced out of an aggro deck, and its high cost comes at a time where most classes would have a capable response to a board of 1/1s becoming decent minions.
Skaterbot will be a really nice tool to have for Midrange and Control Mech decks to make use of their minions the turn they’re played. It’s nothing too exciting, but it will do something if mech decks do something.