Omnitarian's Comments
Cursed Vagrant
I suspect Stealth Rogue is gonna be a very aggro deck, so won’t be interested in 7 drops. Any other deck centered around stickiness or Deathrattles would rather use Waxadred, no? I’m skeptical.
Anything that discovers cards in Shaman is gonna be at least marginally playable. This one has a nice effect and stats and isn’t too hard to proc. We don’t have a lot of great elemental bonuses right now, but I imagine they’ll support down the line, too. Seems like a good team player for various decks.
Enhanced Dreadlord
The best chance this card has to see play is with Betrug + Plot Twist.
Ethereal Augmerchant
Spellzerker just rotated out, bro :\
This doesn’t really seem like it’ll do enough. It’s a tempo-friendly way to activate Spellbook Binder and Arcane Watcher (remember those guys?) but I don’t see it being a competitive deck.
Unstable Felbolt
It’s alright if you have no Minions. But Dark Skies probably pulls off what you’d try to do with this, but better.
This also compares really bad to the new Holy Smite, heh.
Terrorguard Escapee
It combos with Risky Skipper, but so does so many things in this set. Uhhh you can use it with Sea Giant and Mogu Fleshshaper too, I guess. Doesn’t seem like it will make the cut, though.
Kael’thas Sunstrider is looking like a possible thing for Druid. I dunno what the major payoff would be, though.
Serpentshrine Portal
It’s a card. I like that it can go face. Something to tinker with for Vashj Decks, Overload decks, and even Big Shaman (allows to play fewer earlygame minions, so Muckmorpher and Blatant Decoy can do their thing).
Reliquary of Souls
Kinda seems like a “will get played in every deck” sorta card, just being a 1 mana 1/3 with Northshire rotating out is a big deal, and I’m not sure Res Decks will necessarily hate reviving the little version, which is their worst case scenario.
Lifesteal with so many new cheap-ish Priest buffs also has potential. It’s a good way to get a head on board.
Soul Mirror
A lot worse than Mass Hysteria, which is a good or bad thing depending on whether or hate or love Priest. Costs 2 Mana more, doesn’t kill minions whose health is higher than their attack, and messes with your res pool. You DO get to sometimes take advantage of lifesteal, deathrattle, and end-of-turn effects, and you do get to keep any minions that survive for next turn. But by T7 you’re often in a situation where you need to stave off lethal, and this won’t always help with that.
But most importantly I think this won’t see play as long as Mass Ressurrect exists.
This seems crazy strong, and there’s not even a particularly good way to play around it other than hitting face 24/7? Everything except Deathrattle Rogue plays this TBH.
Vivid Spores
Even if you hit just a couple of weakened minions, this card is really good. But it does have that “win more and doesn’t synergize well” vibe so I could see it being cut. The biggest payoff is trying to make this work with Bandersmosh or Muckmorpher, but TBH I just see it being tried out in midrange decks to make their board wipe-proof.
Boggspine Knuckles
Has potential but I dunno, it also feels kinda clunky? Unless you’re already winning on board, you’ll have to equip this T5 and hope to develop a good board to evolve T6. It’s plausible, but will it be gamewinning enough?
Evolve Shaman in Doom in the Tomb rocked because you could pop it off as early as T3 with coin – two turns earlier, and without passing a turn to equip the weapon. Granted, those turns were way overpowered, but 2 turns later with a floated turn is a massive difference!
It has potential, but as we’ve seen before, the strength of evolve strategies is much more about the ‘Evolvee’ than the ‘Evolver’. A good evolve target could make this really really good. If I have to pray for T6 Heart of Vir’naal + Desert Hare then it’s actually pretty meh.
Dragonmaw Overseer
The only time I used Shadow Ascendent was in Spiteful Priest, and even then it usually disappointed. I’m not sure +1/+1 on the buff is worth the extra mana, especially when Priest will have no 1 mana 1/3 minions this rotation, unless they print a new one!
If I’m a Tempo-focused or Minion-focused Priest – which is already a big “if” – I’d rather use the new 2/2/3 that gives +2 health.
Underlight Angling Rod
It’s an Ancharrglrlgrl. If Murloc Paladin is a thing, this’ll be a thing.
Can be fully defused with two sources of 3 damage, which Hunter can have on T3 ???? and even later on any class with Faceless Corruptor would get to develop against you for free.
I’m trying to think of cheaters for this card (Psychopomp? Mummy Wraps? Anka?) but they all seem better suited to some other payoff. They’ll probably print some Elemental bonuses for this set, but they’d have to be crazy aligned to this card to make it worth it.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. 1/5
Marsh Hydra
Value and board impact, together at last. We’ll need to see what other Beast synergies get printed for Druid – I don’t think this finds a home without support. This looks best in combo with Strength in Numbers, but the dragon package is just too good in that deck and it honestly doesn’t need the value (who needs card generation when you only play one minion per turn?)
Shadowjeweler Hanar
1/5 is pretty good stats. You can even reasonably expect it to survive on T2, then on T3 play a Rogue secret + a Paladin secret you discover. Tossing out Freezing Traps and Noble Sacrifices and Spellbenders will further protect him, so you can possibly get even more.
That said I have a hard time believing it will discover more than 1 or 2 secrets in the average game, and discovering a secret or two doesn’t seem gamewinning for Rogue in and of itself, especially since it doesn’t cheat them out the way many other cards do. 3/5 unless there’s a big Secret synergy card we’ve yet to see.
Teron Gorefiend
This might single-handedly bring Quest Paladin back – you can “desilence” your board if your opponent did Zephrys -> Mass Dispel, and/or you can target this with your HP to have endless boards.
Don’t forget we have Ramkahen Wildtamer and Hunting Party to copy the buffed beast. There’s a hell of a deck coming together with all this, I feel.