minti's Comments
Fel Lord Betrug
Chromagus was usefull in lock. You hero power could have guaranteed you a power turn 10 if you had the board. Whitch at that point of the game would win you the game anyway. It is a demon though. You may splash this here and there if you got it but crafting this speciffically is not a good option. It is good that locks are finally getting legendary demons. There were very few of them in your discover pools. However its stats are very understated for an 8 cost minion. And i think demon lock lacked the legendary minions to actually work. Not that this minion makes it viable but there was a time where al lthe demons were OP and cards like bane and doom would guarantee you above 5 mana worth of stats if you killed something. Nowadays you are most likely to get an imp. There are more imps than any usefull demon out there. And we are yet to uncover a satyr demon for warlocks . Witchwood piper does not fit the demon archetype of trading resourses to get more power. And one of the resourses demons never asked for was minions. Void hungered may have required you to give in minions. But i thin ka yu-gi oh kind of a summoning where your demon would require you to sacrifice like X mana worth of minions to be summoned would fit the archetype. So instead of usin your own mana you can use your minions as mana. Or health or attack. I think this type of cards stopped existing for locks from its creation.
I would be happy to get this in a discover but i would not be happy to put this into my lock decks.
Hench-Clan Hogsteed
Ok lets look at the value of this card. It is a 1/1 murlock with deal 2 dmg to a minion. Looks like an everage lackey to me. I just don’t know why it costs 2 mana :D. The most sticky 1/1 murloc in the game so far. Sicne murloc archetype is dead in standart. And no one wants this is wild. Beast/ dragon/ murloc decks were total garbade when one night in karazhan came out. The buff cards are way overstated for today’s standarts. It will not fit that great with the failed handbuff cards. And murloc tdehunter is always better. Even if the beast-dragon-loc archetype ever becomes a thing the already existing card for it are out of date so it will have better ones. And nightmare amalgam was not a great card in my opinion. As i stated most 3 mana minions if stick can win you the game and amalgam does not do that. It is to oexpensive or both murlocs and pirates to play. Beast have tons of great effect at that mana slot, And dragons are purely OP and they use amalgam the way twilight whelp was used. To sit in your hand since if you skiped its curve play its useless and activate your dragons battlecryes if there are any. As far as elementals go tar creeper and steam surger are much much better and the second one did not even beat the competition for the slot. So overal i do not have any hopes for this to ever work.
I do not think its weaker than dirty rat. We are going in a meta where your oponent has tons of 1/1 lackey generators. Dirty rat has a much higher chance to pull a lackey rather than a combo piece.
And if you have played un evolve deck lately. There are a lot more understated minions with effect in our days than when the game started. Mechanical yeti is the best 4 drop mech from the entire mech pool.
I know paladin hates 4 cost cards but paladin is getting his dragons. Warrior too is getting his dragons and hunter is not particulary exited for a control card. But i guess where some clases get multiple control options with multiple tribes. Some other classes are left playing Wall for 6 months straight. That is like half an year. Maybe its better to remove that class anyway since there are no particulary new styles to play it and put deathknight or demonhunter or necromancer instead. And the people that did not disenchant all their priest cards would get a prestige class that no one would have ever heard of in a year or so.
Its is a deathlord. Same effect with more power. Since it has a tribe etc. Deathlord was once used as priest for your innerfire divine spirits and velens chosen. Getting a huge boddy on low curve that you can beef up is not bad. Removing minions from your oponents deck is a very desirebale combo killer card. The bonus is that your face is shielded by a 8 health taunt so whatever you pull its not looking all that scary.
On the other side deathrattle means if you oponent pops it his minion was going to sleep over his turn and letting you deal on your next turn. Just like deathlord you autoinclude it but you must be carefull if you want to play it on curve since it is way much weaker vs aggro. Its the 3 drop mech every mech deck want but it costs you 4 mana :D. It may flop in your face and we shael se this happen a ton, but most of the time its fairly good.
You can use this in a priest divine spirit forbidden words OTK. it basicly is like mind games, not epic card and usable. And it screws cloning galery. It does not screw other wall priests and it is an addition to the wall priest archetype. So you just got yourself a anti COMBO card that is usable in COMBO.
I am not shure if in design point of view is this supposed to work againts OTK or for OTK?.
In aggro we have those overstated cards that summon a low cost minion for your oponent so even againts aggro you may still luck out and summon a 1 cost minion. But in the rare cases thet you pull their 8 cost minion you are dead meat. Chances are slim but it will always be funny to se see people failing.
Mass Resurrection
i think they missed to put twinspell in this one. Thats all i can say.
Crystal Power
its a worse version of living roots. How much was the spell stone worth if it could not be upgraded? probably not that much. and i really liked the 1/1 tokens from living roots. It is a 1 cost card but you will probably mulligan it away since its unplayable on turn 1. The fact that it can not damage face is bad too.
It is safe to assume that making this a 0 cost spell is worth it. May be reduse the healing to 3 though i know its not that synergetic with the new 5 mana 8/8 worth of stats that die to board clears. I don’t think that the 8/8 stats are that much worth the effort to remove your armor gain for healing.
All in all it will see play with naturalize rotating out.
Crystal Stag
Its just a 5 mana giant split into 2 minions. Healing is anti tempo plat and this is quite midrangy. Quite mediocre for druid since druid does not have that much great midrange potential since you straightout ramp to 10 mana. Crystal power is not the only heal card druid can use though. Although ferocious houls is still in the game so i think druid have fairly good armor pool so far for this to be good. It can synergize with the new legendary but i don;t think crystal druid is ready to climb the ladder for now. Lets enjoy the treats while we can ๐
Mass Resurrection
On top of all that. Didn;t i meantioned that wall priest is getting support cards with the madame lazyl scheme? Expensive shure but wall priest does not need that much. The cancer continues in the next year. With a chance of OTK :D. At least the dragon priest archetype turned into a firetree withchdoctor RNG chance to discover a Inner fire divine spirit piece. This is what the good dragon archetype was turned into.
Sludge Slurper
Finally a murloc we have not had a good update to murloc deck from the quest for shaman and the call to arm for pala. Although both of these are going to wild. So the new year starts without a playable murloc deck.
Not that this will make murlocs usable but still its good to know blizz didn’t forget the fish-frog thingyes.
Overal this is a very bad murloc with not much synergy with other murlocs and mixin murlocs and lackeys does not sound that much as a tempo play to me since lackeys are essentially a 0 cost boddy for one mana. whitch makes them slow and easy to remove. Topping that with the understated minions like this one and the fact that it overloads you on top of it all. We are all just going to dust this.
Jepetto Joybuzz
i was speaking about wild They are kind of retiring the quest OTK with something that is brewing to become more powerfull. Like it wasn;t enough that if I play priest I insta lose againts OTK mages. I think it was worth the mentioning since a lot of the mage decks in wild especially the old oTK decks are still there. Freeze mage from the past is still a thing with alex ice lances thalnoses, The quest thing is there if you want to loop antonidas. There sre very few people that want to play the year of mamoth leyline elemental OTK. And this yers we are getting some sort of pocket galaxy crap. I can smell it.
Jepetto Joybuzz
you can paly a beleful lbanker and just copy velens even without the mally. I don;t know why you hate mally so much. He is just the weaker version of velen. And velen is not going anywhere. Not is archmage antonidas.
You got lunas pocket galaxy anyway so its not that big of a deal for mage to have 1 mana antonidas.
witchwood pipers are a thing so you deffinately can makesomething consistently work if the rng is in your favour. as mally is with higher cost than this. You can almost guarantee yourself some way to draw your exact cards. And get an eurica or w/e as a failsafe.
Dragon Speaker
This is the more balanced version of your level up and quartermaster. Problem is you probably want some taunt dragons for the extra value. But alexstraza can give you healing if you need it so as i mentioned before farie dragons 6/5 can;t be targeted and some 4 mana bronze dragon with 7/7 stats 6/6 amalgams. If emeris was her ethis was going to be nuts. And with dragons that give immediate board effects like crowd roasters and blazecallers this is not something that will not see play right away. Even the gargole is standart version of shielded minibot and the tempo it can give is not bad. How many board clears can deal with heavy stated boards. and wasting their only board clears and finally getting a deathwing in the face. I can even see the new secret that gives your minions 2 hp giving you amazing values.
You have great 2 drops great 3 drops and good 4 drops and this just makes all those 2,3,4 drops into 7,8,9 drops so the game shifts a lot more in your favour. The big problem is that paladin loses a lot of his card draw, you can run out of steam if you don’t play around the few board clears usefull againts you carefully, like mass hysteria and twisting nethers. Giving you 7/7 turned 4 mana token lifesteal alexstraza blazecallers and crowd roaster will shurely give you the sustain you need since most of the aggro decks are retireing.
Bronze Herald
that is wha i call a great card. Wild dragon pala needed this, although the amalgam kind of filled in the role a bit. I still think amalgam will see some play in standart. But back in blackrock mountain paladin really struggled againts the priest and warrior dragon decks. While stated as a farie dragon this gives you tons of consistency. And the dragon corsorts proved their value despite not having much support and azure drakes were most oftenly used as tempo option so this can give the paly some good oriented tempo plays. Draconid crusher are very good if you can tempo out some burst. And againts lock you have insta activation of their effects. Or If you oponents pally uses tekal you have some 6 mana 9/9s to contest the board a bit. And even deathwing can be used in a tempo decks if you deside you don;t want ysera or other heavy dragons.
As for standart with amalgam and the gargole its good tempo as well it can probably see play right away. Although dragon speaker can give you solid stats even for your farie dragons. who doesn’t want a 6/5 can;t be targeted by spells and hero powers minion for 2 mana.
Vereesa Windrunner
with psychis scream gone there is no counter to the zereks in standart. If you can combo him right not play him just on curve, s
Rafaam's Scheme
muster for battle. 3x 1/1 boddyes that have some sort of a tribe and synergy. and a 1/4 weapon for some immediate board prescence for 3 mana. so basicly you get to attack 4 times with your hero thus removing 4 x 1/1s and you get to trade in 3 more. whitch is a total of 7/7 woth of stats for 4 turns without having to let it sit in your hand.
Rafaam's Scheme
you know what just make it turn 2 summon a 2/2 turn 3 summon a 3/3 turn 4 summon a 4/4 and its all fixed. In wild you can get a descent stated deadom from ghoul Dan it will have synergy with the voidcallers. since it is a spell. And even the imp deck is finally getting its imp giant.
The the card is all fixed and it can see play.
Vereesa Windrunner
think a bit more this is at 7 cost so you will most likely not get the chance to use most of those spells in combination with this card. Your weapon can be destroyed. Although i see no value in doing so for now.
The greatest value with this weapon should be the potential to add more spel lpower to your existing one. But there is no other good spellpower minion you would want for now not even mally.
But if you can hit multiple times in a turn and gain all the 6 spells power in one turn with a mally arcane it may have some synergy although not that good of a synergy.
Griveous bite is the best card to combo with this but it is in wild so far. We must wait and see but i too doubt that this will be good and it is just an experiment to see how things are going with weapons adding extra effects to the game.
Vereesa Windrunner
playing priest is easy all you need is barnes y’sharaj and draw the first on turn 4 :D. Having fun with priest not that much. I am hoping for zerek master cloner to get some more synergy so that my thaddius decks would get more consistency :D. Who would have guessed that the double dead ringers can almost every time give you the stalag feugen combo. And with twilights call and those being your only deathrattles and few extra seanses you can spam 11/11 all you want. And it makes your n’zoth turn a lot more funny ๐ If you can survive until that time :D.
Vereesa Windrunner
Ah the weapon brings me back into the burning crusade. Where the weapon was very sought after. Although the weapons great bonus was that it removed the need for hunter to have arrows sicne it gave them infinite ammo. Not shure why this gives them spell power and it has no infinite charges but it can see some use somewhere. Hunter’does not have board clears. His board clear is explosive trap and it can not benefit fro mspell power until the end of your turn, since it activates on your oponents turn.
ANother con is that this is a control oriented card, a bit poorly stated though but at least i don’t anyone OOzind your 2 attack weapon ๐
I just have the spot that this weapon should have been more OP. It was the ninja loot every warrior can hope for. Just imagine all the screams from the poor hunter who think ranged weapons are their birth right :D.
lightning can strike twice apparently :D. We are looking at a great arena card. its basicly 8/8 rush lifesteal. and it is elemental. I think shamans are most likely to have elementals anyway they are full of them.
It can even see play in constructed as w ehav eseen lightning watcher in some decks Althout in wild you have a bit better options like khalimos, grumble etc. But this gives you a ton of value 8 mana heal for 8 and deal 8 dmg to the board is nuts.
As for wild i don’t see this making the cut in the gen decks as they have a ton of great cards. And i don’t think shaman will play anything else than gen in wild.
Great card to discover. Tons of value and it is worth the cost. with the loss of the lich king the 8 mana slot is clear for some option and this may as well be one of them. There is tons of letover synergy with elementals for shaman and this will make the cut.