minti's Comments
Plot Twist
you do know that with with fel Lord Betrug you are actually showing what canrd you have in your hand to your oponent. And the copyes he play on board are rush minion. They can only clear the board. And twisting nether does that at 8 mana and while it does not leave a 5/8 boddy on the field it does not show your hand to your oponent. And it is not a 10 cost 2 cards combo.
Plot Twist
you actually draw one less card. So it snot all that constent is fetching you value. Because you play one card to redrall all others.
Plot Twist
I think I expected this card to appear in mage with curio hunter. And here it comes in the hands of warlock. It has flexibility for 2 mana you are drawing a ton of cards. Whitch is never a bad thing.
You can solarium get 3 cards than redraw them and probably not discard anything?. You can shuffle some cards if you don’t like what your archthief rafaam gave you.
In wild the obvious benefactor to this card is renounce warlock. With this you can draw your combo more consistently or if you happen to draw your y’sharaj you can return it to your deck. So a big meme deck just got descent support. Even though priest would like this for his cloning gallery.
Also gadgetzan reporter or whatever it was called that gets+1/1 for each card drawn is like curio collector for mage.
The year o the dragon seems to be the year of Y’sharaj in wild. I mean every year in wild is the year of Y’sharaj. Now i know why in WoW they killed him even though old gods are unkillable. Imagine every raid’s final raid boss to be Y’sharaj. Seems annoying. And the yer he was released he was basicly the weakest one of them all.
You don’ want to put this card in if you do not have a value generator. Otherwise it just slims out value from your deck. But it can help you draw more corrupted bloods in terms of rafaam value.
And warlock does not have that much when drawn efects so the effect is much more usefull for rogues. But Renounce lock is cheep. You already have y’sharaj from your big priest why not have a playable deck with warlock too? one legendary combo 2 decks. And than we wil lcomplain moe about barnes because all the freebies are playing him in wild. I deffinately think Barnes is the problem.
Nine Lives
” Now where’s my pet?” you say. Now where’s my Cathrina? ๐ Good card for deathrattle hunter, that is basicly rotating out. I was very much wondering why is hunter still getting deathrattle triggers and i happened to remember that mech bobm hunter is still i nthe game. Maybe al lthouse cards are there to activate your bobs for extra preshure. But we are stil lwaiting for the piloted shredders :D. Or maybe a sneeds effect? Can see play in wild. Deathrattle hunter is a big deal there.
It basicly multiplyes a card from your deck and it multiplyes it deathrattle. So mechanical whelps give you 2x 7/7and a 2/2 boddy somewhere along the line. It is the cube of the expansion and it is a bit more balanced. And a bit cheeper. Discover is just overkilling it to be fair. A friendly minion with deathrattle is enough specifying the minions you are getting without making it a discover.
It has place i nhutner decks and i think more mechs are about to come in this expansion.
Tess rogue is losing vilespine slayers too. Despite the fact that assasinate is still an option. Rogues does very good with 0 cost spells. You have backstabs, This is twice that good for the same mana. 4 dmg for 4 mana is not exactly the standart. As for me a standart 4 cost spell is fireball. 6 dmg worth of stats GG.
Now 4 dmg to a minion is most likely killing it. And it can be used on damaged minions as well. Tesspionage loses some cards for shure but gets a descent value replacements. Bear in mind that the new meta will be much slower since baku/gen deck are goners. And most of the good archetypes are leaving the rotation too. This card overall is amazing even if not used in tesspionage. And it is not that hard for any rogue to get a card from another class. Even without a card from another class it is still a shadowbolt. And shadowbolt is farly usefull. Not shure why only 3 But if you are playing van clief deck you most certainly want low cost garbage and you most certainly want to utilize the 1 mana esspionage cards so why not splash a 0 cost card as well?
Crystalsong Portal
To be fair it reminds me of the staghelm days where raven idol was used with him for sweet value. By adding 2 cards in your hand. But that was a long time ago in a different meta. And it was very powerfull. On the other hand Its like double the cost omega assembly. And i like the fact that if you swamp your hand with cards you can ditch a cheep mountain giant on curve. The problem with the giant is you will probably not draw him on curve and you basicly need to octivate this somehow for it to be consistent. And you cannot play this with mulchmuncher. Since that card will stay in your had for a very long time. And even if you did activate it once having a second one will be hard to get full value out of it. And cards like stand in the dark that would give you random minion were not at all played. One copy could be good. But i would not force myself to put 2 of those cards in a deck.
DO you know what would be bette rif this was dearthrattle: choose one add 2x 1/1 squirrels or add 2x nuts to your hand that are just deal one dmg spells FOR 0 MANA, just joking make them 1 mana we do not want a mally turn with 4 nuts and 2 moonfires.
I totally agree with you. I see this in the wild token druids decks. I see this in treat decks. Buf decks. It is just flexible. And more importantly squirrels. This card is nuts ๐
Crystalsong Portal
I hate it it has anti synergy with witchwood apple. And i know The apple is trashy card but i like it. It obviously synergizes well with stallardris but as i mentioned it before his greatest value is from duplicating buffs and with obviously no minions to buff it its not great. In wild it may see support. Since living roots and raven idols can give you minions But 3 random minions is not great nor reliable. It is not a chhose one card and it kind of not fits the portals we used to have in one night in karazhan. It is not even good in arena. It is an epic failure. Get it because it is epic :D. Well we kind of need donor cards to craft Ysharaj and barnes so this makes us closer to that goal.
Magic Trick
Well what can you discover. A secret most likely since mage is full of those. Frost nova. frost bolt for like 3 mana not as valuable but still playable. Frost ray pay one extra mana for it. I mean what cheep spell would be good with 1 mana extra cost? And mages are getting kalekgos so they are in desperate need of a high cost spells to combo with him. Piro is not enough even for a spitefull deck. And it gets a bit old :D.
With cards like these no wonder the league of EVIL is going to win ๐
Magic Trick
It is called vex crow and you are not gettign another one until this one retires :D. You just need to use the mana worm ๐
Eager Underling
Well it says 2 friendly minions not 2 OTHER friendly minions. This should mean that if you have one minion on board this would buff himself and the friendly minion. So cheeper and much easyer to hit with its buff.
Overall its 6/6 worth of stats for 4 mana. This is insane tempo value. I really liked in the ungoro frozenthrone cobolds braul how aggro lock would just insta win you games by turn 5 without reliable board clears and how cards like wondrous bard shined with the random token generators. And bear in mind that the lackeys can give you tons of tempo despite being 1/1s.
So if you spent your turn 1 and 2 generating lackeys yout turn 3 with 3 lackeys in hand, considering each lackeys gives you 2 mana worth of stats, hopefully you get the tempo ones, you have turn three 6 mana worth of value and on turn 4 you get 4 mana 6/6 is not bad. I mean your board must survive until than. But like the blackiron drawrf 4/4 that gives a friendly minion 2 attack for one turn was used and is still usable for aggro.
It is not completely broken, since having a board full of 1/1s is easy to remove. And most likely a yeti will be able to trade 2 for one in most cases. But this is the card that will start an archetype, None of those dr. Morrigan, Hireek, Jeklcks. Or e/w locks got. Solarium is good in a deck full of little minions so we can see this shine this expansion. And you will most likely have to choose solarium or rafaam.
That is the weirdest looking 8 mana board clear i have ever seen. You may compare this to prim drake, But it is not a drake and it is not a taunt and it does not hurt your people.
The 8/8 beast version of this for hunter was a very wellcomed card in arena. 3dmg is preety good. It will not help you clear a big minion that efficiently but a small board is something that it can handle. And it will make your healing more valueable if you use it on this. If you are not dead by turn 8 that is.
The fact that it has no tribe makes it basicly useless outside of arena. But who knows maybe instead of psychic screams priest could run this thing.
Shadowy Figure
As you sayed it its a rez priest. And we all know that one entomb bring an end to your thaddius. Also thaddius is 2 cards dead, And that can’t even compare to the obsidian statue in terms of value. You just bong the statue into stalag and than you lash to kil lthadius. And 5 mana cost for those is too high. I played it and even in tempo deathrattle priest you have bette roption for 5 mana.
Catrina Muerte
Someone did complain that with spellstone gone, Wall priest lost his revives and now is uplayable, while I insited that the wall archetype will plague the format quite some time.
Catrina Muerte
Never herd of this lore character. It is about time we add spanish people in WoW :D. She is not kel’thuzard. But there is value in her. And you will never stop getting the demand for more big priest cards. After all there are tons of those cancer decks. And we will probably never see a stop to them. So bring up your Y’sharaj and be a total noob. The deck never really needed 2x obsidian statues anyway. And while kel’thuzard was limited to the minion that you play after him this thing summon you a minion even if you have none already. Whitch is a bit better tempo wise.
Apparently blizz learned that ressurect effect are worth more than 2 mana :D.
The value this card add is not that collosal for big priest but there were tons of stingy people who could not afford kel’thuzard i ntheir big priest decks so this actually can give you a break to your pocket since you can replace it with this. The 2 of them however are a lovely couple.
Marked Shot
This is a ripoff of flanking shot. The problem with flanking shot was that it costed too much. But 4 mana egtting a 3 cost minion with a battlecry deal 4 dmg is huge tempo swing that made the card be OK. That and the fact that hunter had no descent 4 drops at the time.
This is not quite the same as it leave you with just the minion clearing effect without the tempo value. It does synergize with thoridal. So we may see less tempo cancer and more control hunter despite the loss of rexar the GG WP card.
ellek and this also makes raffam viable. The Golden monkey comes into a class that has no filler card draw cards in his deck and the moment rafaam hits the board you are deeper into fatigue. This card makes it so that your raffam can be used in a control matchup. And while the legendary cards are not as powerfull as they used to be. And in standart the chances for you to get Dr. Morrigan and Hireeks are a bit higher and there are tons of other bad cards you may not want. Some are preety good. And shuffling 9 legendary cards into your deck is much more different than dead mans hand.
It is also something control warrior can do. Or more likely Gen warrior can do if control decks were not dead in wild format.