Chimborazo's Comments
Mage's Death Knight Hero Card Leaked?
Now that you mentioned it, there really is no mention of Rexxar’s hero power on the card, which makes me believe in this even more now.
The only question I’m left with now is what the hell do Death Knights have to do with Elementals and why would that be Lich Jaina’s identity. They won’t stop making elementals after Un’Goro, but out of everything mages have access to the are the least likely to aid the dead.
Mage's Death Knight Hero Card Leaked?
The biggest giveaway of fake cards is how the card name on the banner does not perfectly match the curvature of the banner itself, as we can see in this english version mockup. The french original seems legit, but I wouldn’t jump on the hype train just yet.
The big issue here is the lack of a Death Knight hero power – for some reason I was left with the impression that all hero cards give you another hero power (also historically, cards that change your hero have always changed the hero power as well).
Death Knight Hero Card Guide & Information - Knights of the Frozen Throne
Most likely because they couldn’t code it in to dynamically change the discover criteria on-the-fly after the first choice because it’s part of the same effect. It’s essentially a Brann’d “battlecry: discover a beast” and there is no phase in the game between the two in which to apply a restriction to the second choice.
If the technology is there and it was a decision made on purpose then it’s probably because the more expensive beasts have gigantic stats and Stonetusk Boar exists.
Knights of the Frozen Throne Guide, Release Date, Card Spoilers List, Missions
I definitely understand the struggle of free to play players, but I don’t thin that Blizzard should not release the best product they can because there are people who choose not to buy into their game.
F2P players should have reasonable expectations – they can save up and craft a deck or two or go with what they open randomly. Better wait some time for the meta to at least initially settle than to expect you can have every card without any investment, whether that’s an insane grind or money, it doesn’t matter. I think fun can be had in this game without experimenting with every single legendary at everyone, not just f2p folk, should have realistic expectations about how much they are willing to put into their collection, into being competitive, into purely having fun, or something in between.
Knights of the Frozen Throne Card Review (First Five Revealed Cards)
My official predictions without going into too much detail:
1. Deathstalker Rexxar – Might be experimented with, but at the end of the expansion’s life cycle there will be much better things to play.
2. Chilblade champion – just a solid common, won’t be making or breaking any decks.
3. Spirit Lash – Everybody online seems so focused on the Lifelink and how it’s not so good without spell damage, etc. Pirest is exactly the class that can make great use of an Arcane Explosion-type card. Expect this to see a lot of play in an aggro meta.
4. Prince Keleseth – it’s either broken or very bad, too early to say. But these are predictions after all, so I’m going to say it’s bad. Not every deck/class needs an abundance of 2-drops and most control decks often forgo them entirely, but in those decks +1/+1 on every minion doesn’t see as good as it is to include the 2-drops that actually do something. Case in point – Hydrologist.
5. Shallow Gravedigger – Very bad card. Might see play in something like Quest Priest because it’s 2 deathrattle cards in one deck slot. Will have exactly the same application as Stonehill Defender has in Warrior, except it discovers (which is better) and it can be very good if you hit a Gadgetzan Armorsmith with it. Gravedigger might be more decent in Wild, but things with 1 hp that are not sticky are very bad. Even the sticky ones aren’t amazing.
Knights of the Frozen Throne Guide, Release Date, Card Spoilers List, Missions
I don’t think it was a mistake. I loved getting to play with twice as many legendaries and it’s one of the reasons this expansion has been so good – every class that couldn’t make a strong wuest deck had a solid legendary minion to fall back on.
The biggest success story of this model was Paladin.
Diversity is a great thing, definitely not a mistale. Honestly, I hope there are additional legendaries to the death knight cards.
Deathstalker Rexxar
They later clarified in Trump’s chat that you can’t discover minions that cost more than 5 mana. So there goes the Highmane dream. At least it’s a much better HP that way.
Knights of the Frozen Throne Guide, Release Date, Card Spoilers List, Missions
Seems like a pretty big assumption that there will once again be two legendaries per cards. Just re-watched the announcement, they don’t say that it’s the case. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Deathstalker Rexxar
If any card can enable control hunter, it’s this. Armour with a small board clear and the ability to generate threats? Seems instane at first look, especially if the hero power combines two random minions, I mean… there are a lot of beasts that you can highroll with this. Imagine Highmane combined with another card. For 2 mana!
I disagree with you though. Control hunter’s biggest issue is the complete lack of card draw, which this new hero power mostly fixes.
Chillblade Champion
It’s very likely for all cards that have this effect to get changed to read “Lifesteal”, since they did it with “Poisonous”.
This is actually a bit better than Tidal Surge. Yes, if you run it into a minion it will heal for 3 and deal 3 damage, but unlike Surge this damage is repetitive. When not facing removal, going face and then having the enemy minion trade into it will heal for 6 and putting this behind a taunt is a repetitive source of healing.
An In-Depth Look at Jade Idol
Thanks a lot, I’m glad I could help somebody learn something new!
An In-Depth Look at Jade Idol
That’s true! It’s based on the same mechanics, but they are different things. Spell Damage is what can alter numbers on damage-dealing spells and that alone, while cards that summon Jade Golems change their text all on their own.
Additionally, the innovative part here is that they actually read differently in your collection, which has never been seen before. The only other card that changes its text on it’s own is the uncollectable Kazakus Potion, which you custom craft and is different from game to game.
If you’re curious about more of these things, head on over to the Hearthstone Gamepedia at
I have a technical question about this card. How can I rate something less than 1 star?