Bisalissy's Comments
Dark Skies
This is a good way to take care of Aggro Opponents while playing a Handlock deck. Dealing 9 damage to your opponents early game on turn 4 is pretty good!
1 Mana 2/2. It might not be a Beast, but being a Beast didn’t make Enchanted Raven that strong, so it’s pretty much the same thing.
Goru the Mightree
They really want Treant Druid as a Meta Deck, huh?
But if there is a card that could make it possible, it’s this one. That’s why I think it is strong. If Treant Druid isn’t a thing, it’s not because this isn’t strong enough, so 4/5 Stars.
Wyrmrest Purifier
The only upside compared to a Vanilla 3/2 (like Bloodfen Raptor) is that this can counter Bombs, Bad Luck Albatross and Hakkar. However, this also transforms your Zilliax, Siamat, Zephrys and others into random class cards. Cards that could be Arcane Rift. This is a little bit like Renounce Darkness: “Why random cards if you can fill your deck with strong cards?” And it doesnt even discount!
In Standart, this will only be played in a (meme) Hakkar deck. In Arena, this might be pretty strong if you had a bad draft.
Remove X armor is probably a card they will add to the classic set to replace something that went to hall of fame. This card destroys the possibility of a Control Warlock while a “remove X armor” only weakens it.
YAAAAAAAY! No more Control Fatigue Warrior!!! I’ve been wishing for this card since Rise of Shadows!
Why is a “STORMHAMMER” for Hunter??? Shaman always gets Storm and Hammer. In WoW, hunters cant even use Hammers and the dragonflight of the Shaman class are the STORM drakes!!!
Tentacled Menace
In my opinion, this is better than Prismatic Lens. It might be more expensive and less reliable (especially in mirror matches), but it also gives a 6/5 Body and can be drawn by Call to Adventure. Another upside is that you, if this is succesful, ruin one of your opponents cards instead of yours. Also, since this is neutral, decks like Big Ramp Druid will love this as well.
However, Big Priests wont play it because it messes up their ressurection.
4/5 Stars.
Frizz Kindleroost
You cant argue that a card is “not as strong as people think” while comparing it to Keleseth ^^
But I understand what you mean. It has the same problem in a Combo Deck that Jepetto Joybuzz has: If it is drawn after the combo piece, everything is ruined.
Zephrys the Great
You’re right, my bad.
These “Casts when drawn” spells have so strange interactions…
Zephrys the Great
Unless it is smart enough to give you cards like Elysiana or Tracking to counter bombs. But that is something that a) is very unlikely and b) wont save you from bomb warrior most of the time.
Zephrys the Great
This is only as good as the best class highlander card. I doubt there will be a highlander deck that plays highlander only for this card and the other highlander cards are pretty bad. Great card, but I doubt it will get the succesful deck it deserves this expansion.
Bazaar Burglary
Nearly all Rogue decks are currently running Blink Fox and Hench-Clan Burglar. Along with the new Burgle Rush Minion, this is easy to complete in any archetype.
Bazaar Burglary
Easy to include in any Rogue deck. Most prominently Thief Rogue, but it also fits in Tempo, Hooktusk and Pogo Rogue. The reward is great for both Tempo and Control and the requirement is not even to play these cards, but only to add them to your hand.
Quest Rogue is not back as an archetype, it is in every Rogue archetype!
King Phaoris
I think this will be used in every non-mill (Elysiana) Control deck. Mage, Shaman, Priest, Druid and even Paladin or Hunter have enough Spells to make this work. Even summoning a bunch of small minions is already a massive thread. And one big spell like Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron is already enough to make this useful. I think this is at least as good as Spiteful Summoner.
Conjured Mirage
This card will make long match decks like Control Warrior even more painful. Usually, having 2 copies of this in hand and 0 cards in deck means that your opponent no longer has a way to deal 10 damage instantly. However, I doubt it can replace Elysiana because it takes 2 spots in the deck.
In every other case, this is just useless. Its like Time Out from Paladin but it disrupts card draw which makes it unplayable in Combo decks.
Anubisath Defender
7 Mana: Draw 5 cards, Restore 5 health to your hero, Summon a 3/5 with Taunt
Now we add a Wrath and a Crystal Power to this combo and we have basicly Ultimate Infestation!
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
This is a strong card in the wrong class. Warlock already has only 1 lackey card and that’s Evil Genius, which is made for Zoo Decks and not for control decks. A 5 Mana 4/4 with no instant effect would NEVER be included in a Zoo Deck. This card could be nice, but it needs more support in form of a “Deal damage to your hero and add lackeys to your hand” card. Right now, there no decks it could be used in.
Of course this can happen, but I think this wont happen often enough to prevent this card from being played. Biology Project has a similar downside but it saw play as well. When a control deck plays this card, the enemy hero is most likely undamaged and there are no minions on the board, which removes the downsides.
Of course I meant Warrior ^^
And I think in most situations this is a finisher that removes 20 Health from your opponent and your minions or spells deal the last (for example) 10 damage to finish the Warrior of. Playing the card just because your opponent has a lot of armor wont help. At least not if its a Warrior.