Bisalissy's Comments
Archwitch Willow
Demon Hunter and Warlock are Dual Class, that’s what I meant above ^^ And I think this is much better than Kanrethad since it doesnt need to die first and it doesnt need the demons to die first. But if there was a deck with many high-cost demons, both of them would define it (despite their anti-synergy :D)
Star Student Stelina
I think this might see play in a Super-Aggro Demon Hunter list where you can reliably Outcast this on 3 or 4 in order to remove enemy removal like Holy Nova, Rolling Fireball, Hellfire, Crazed Netherwing, ectr.
The other use is to get Aggro and Murloc Decks out of cards even faster, which can win you an aggro matchup.
However, this faces both outcast restriction AND bad stats, so it’s gimmick might not be worth it, depending on the Meta. I’m sure there is a world in which Spell Mage and Face Hunter are the Top Decks and this is the perfect counter, but this doesnt give it 5 Stars. I think there are more cases where the reward isnt worth the risk of this being a dead card in hand, so 3/5 Stars. But great design!
Doctor Krastinov
Playmaker just got buffed 😀 Also, this is a really nice card for lore fans!
Anyway, this looks decent and should make it into the majority of Warrior decks. Rush is much better than Greenskin’s +1 Attack. Rogue might use it too in order to buff their hero power.
Archwitch Willow
This can be strong with Enhanced Dreadlord or Jaraxxus, but honestly, I doubt they release her without a proper Combo Card. Then she would be able to give these demons Rush or Taunt. If at least one of the DH/Warlock Cards is a strong, big demon, this will see play in appropriate decks. If not, this will probably be cut due to the risk of not getting the “summon from deck” effect.
But as soon as this has enough to target, it will probably be 5 Stars. You get huge stats on board along with (usually) 2 Taunts (Both Aranasi Broodmother and Enhanced Dreadlord are Taunts) and basicly draw one of them. Don’t underestimate this like some other Demon-based Legendary (looks at Skull of Man’ari’s Pre-Expansion rating…)
This with restless Mummy and you can fully destroy a winged Guardain and leave a 4/3 up! Evasive Wyrm is also incredibly strong. Thanks to it’s decent statline, this is also strong normal rush minions. Adding additional 5 minion damage from a Bloodboil Brute is very nice and Faceless Corruptor should also be noticed in case Warrior goes Aggro.
If you edit something and press post too fast ^^’ Here is the finished comment!
This with restless Mummy and you can fully destroy a winged Guardain and leave a 4/3 up! Thanks to it’s decent statline, this is also strong normal rush minions. Evasive Wyrm is also incredibly strong. Adding additional 5 minion damage from a Bloodboil Brute is very nice. Evasive Wyrm is also incredibly strong. Faceless Corruptor should also be noticed in case Warrior goes Aggro.
Guaranteed Value with Handbuff is great for Zoolock, Tempo DH, Big Demon DH (This + Wrathspike Brute!), Handlock with Mo’arg (32 Damage to a minion with Lifesteal!), ectr, ectr.
Great Card!
I really love the design of this card. How ironic this is in Demon Hunter, the King of boring cards…
When it comes to the power of this card…that really depends on the Meta. If Demon Hunter plays a Zoolock-like Deck that runs out of cards super fast, this is a 4 Mana draw 3-4 cards which is great. Also depends on what your opponents play. If Face Hunter and Zoolock are strong Meta Decks, this will probably be cut since it will hurt you more than it helps you. For these specific requirements in Constucted, only 3 Stars but the design is worth 5 stars.
Totem Goliath
This + Totemic Reflection. Probably the best Totem Card ever! With this, Totem Shaman will probably become a serious Meta Deck! Now all we need is the Goku Version of Totems (Your Totems have +1/+1 for the rest of the game) and this is Tier 1 😀
Flesh Giant
True. You just cant afford paying your health. Even Flame Imp is tough to use…
Mozaki, Master Duelist
First: Why isnt Ras Frostwhisper the Mage Legendary?
Second: Why is a boring effect like this Legendary?
Third: Just like Chenvaala, this wont see play. Too expensive for Combo, too slow for Aggro, too weak for Control.
Ace Hunter Kreen
Something overpowered like this has never been in Hearthstone…preventing minion deaths…
*looks at Commanding Shout and Beastial Wrath*
Honestly: What might sound strong doesnt have to be all that great. You need to be ahead in order to get value out of this and when you are ahead as Demon Hunter and Hunter, you dont need a defensive card. Paladin had Time Out! and it wasnt played. Despite it being in the perfect class for this effect. This is only really useful to protect your Rush minions and, outside of Highlander Hunter, this can never be good enough to make it into a deck.
Ace Hunter Kreen
I think this might not be as good as people expect (4.8/5 Stars). In Arena: Yes but in Standart…meh.
Demon Hunter would love this with Warglavies, but they got nerfed. Otherwise, Demon Hunter usually trades with face and doesnt mind taking damage since you either win before you die or run out of gas anyway. Also, the statline is terrible for an Aggro Deck. Frozen Shadoweaver is MUCH better. 2/5 Stars.
For Hunter, this might be a little bit better. I think this might see play in Highlander Hunter along the Rush Package (Diving Gryphon, Faceless Corruptor, ectr.). To me this looks similar to Houndmaster Shaw (Witchwood, 4 Mana 3/6, Your other minions have Rush) who was played in Highlander. In the end, due to lack of draw in Hunter, this might be cut for something more impactful. 3/5 Stars.
Flesh Giant
Another card that is warlock, but Priest may use it.
For Warlock: This might make it’s way into Zoolock if the List is Pain-Based (Diseased Vulture, Neferset Thrasher, ectr.) which I doubt will happen due to Cards like Gandling and Scrap Imp pushing 1-Cost flood versions. However, it might find a spot there. Also, midrange decks can use this (Galakrond Warlock for example). If there is enough room and the Meta wants stats, this can be used, so 3/5 Stars.
For Priest: Priest has many strong standalone cards and this wouldnt even make it into Highlaner Priest. Activation is also harder since your opponent as to damage you and you lack card draw to benefit from 0 Mana 8/8. 1 Star.
Disciplinarian Gandling
Zoo’s Second Scrap Imp. It also has great survivability with 3/6 stats, so you can drop it on 4 and summon 20/20 on Turn 5. Or it comes down on Turn 6 or 7 after Hand of Gul’dan and gives you a great midrange board. It also plays well along Magic Carpet since you want to use this on 1-Cost minions like Argent Defender or Shieldbearer. 5/5 Stars.
For Priest… I dont know why this is in Priest. It can be good with deathrattles like Chronobreaker but that is far from consideration for contructed. 2/5 for decent stats.
Boneweb Egg
Unless there is an extremly powerful Discard Synergy card, this wont be played. Serpent Egg is stronger for Zoo.
It worked in Descent of Dragons before they nerfed Scion of Ruin. And Scion of Ruin was the reason it was strong. I think it will be tough for it to come back.
Infiltrator Lilian
First of all: Lore rating is 5/5 because this perfectly reflects Lilian’s story.
For the gameplay…It is rather expensive but might make some nice trades. Since it has stealth you have control over it (in most cases). I think it is better than Akama and if Stealth Rogue becomes a thing, Lilian will see play. Overall, Rogue will probably have completly new archetypes, due to Galakrond’s Nerf, and who knows what midrangy deck this could end up in.
Cycle of Hatred
Good vs Token Druid, but everything else will probably not have a bunch of 3 Health minions on Board. It can be combined with Weapons or Soul Cleave, but I think it will have a hard time getting into decks. Just too slow to kill Aggro and too weak to kill Control or Midrange.
Great counter to Libram Paladin and Taunt-heavy decks, but with a 2/3 statline you dont really want to use this in an Aggro Deck while Control prefers Consume Magic for Card Draw.
But this one mostly depends on the Meta: If silence is very important, this will see play. Spellbreaker was successful too and it was also understated (4 Mana 4/3). So I give it 3 Stars.
And by the way: On one hand, I’m happy Demon Hunter Cards are (at first glance) terrible this expansion, but on the other hand they have super cool effects. I really wish they would’ve used them for release and made them powerful (this as 4/3 for example) instead of cards like Glaivebound Adept, Battlefiend, Satyr Overseer, ectr.