zEeoN's Comments
Rastakhan Post-Nerf Spiteful Druid (Feno)
I have zero wins with this deck. It is really awful in almost any matchup, there is not even a single bit of removal in there and it’s one of the least reliable decks there are.
Kingsbane Rogue Deck List Guide - Rastakhan - December 2018
There are multiple ways to go infinite available although this is perfectly fine as it is, depending on whether you end up needing 1 mana more / an equipped weapon for playing other cards or not. I am really only adding this to show the options: you can also replace Valeera with Mimic Pod or Rummaging Kobold. In the case of Mimic Pod, you will fatigue for one on the turn following the one in which you went for it but after that it’s the same outcome as playing it with Valeera, really.
Although I am not sure whether the copy you get from Mimic Pod retains the stats after the patch…? The one from Kobold most certainly doesn’t and Valeera’s definitely doesn’t.
But as I said I am only mentioning this because it might help one or the other player in edge cases. Technically if you don’t have DK Valeera it’s questionable whether including that will really give you more advantage over adding another super high value card (Could be Zola for example – in this example there is no Valeera, so Zola on your Greenskin is a good thing to do), maybe even something like Walk the Plank. It’s really a question of what cards you have at your disposal and what your trade-offs were when looking at the very late end game, which of course matters more in KB Rogue than in other decks. Ultimately it also comes down to your play-style and thus perceived weakness in the deck.
MJM's Rastakhan #6 Legend Deathrattle Big Druid
Astral Tiger is, opposed to Witchwood grizzly, not a beast. That’s why they later edited the wwg card art, astral beasts are not really beasts. But yes, you are correct. I just thought of it as a fun fact to add.
Nightning's #5 Legend Mind Blast Control Priest (Post Nerf Boomsday)
Some matchups are quite bad but if you face Paladin a lot it’s really good (Mind Blast Priest in general is).
It’s problematic when you’re facing a lot of aggression in the form of hunter or decks like quest rogue where you have seemingly endless mid-size threats so you have to scream but the refill is there 1 turn later already.
The more minion-based a deck is and the more it works through trading, the better off you are I would say, mostly due to Twilight Drake having huge amounts of health and then of course the tons of board clears through Duskbreaker and Primordial Drake. In essence, you need to get to 4-6 Mana comfortably without dying already in a matchup to make use of its true power.
Mugibaby's Legend Even Hunter
Not for this deck necessarily, although it is obviously good. But Deathrattle Hunter is currently one of the absolute strongest decks in the meta, so having her is definitely not bad. She’s a solid craft and I think she’ll stay around in Hunter for now.
Sjow's Legend Mind Blast Control Priest (November 2018)
If you lack cards and think about what’s worth considering for this deck, I would also throw Shadow Word Death into the ring as the matchup with Even Warlock can be really frustrating. There is ALWAYS an early giant and trading the attack points will only work if you have a dragon in hand, whereas SWD can be discovered on Turn 2. It is important to note that the other posters are right, in general there are a lot of matchups across the ladder where different techs can be better than that but at least it’s a decent basic card if you don’t have all of them.
Having said that, if you are looking for other ideas, I personally play a slightly different version with Benedictus, second divine hymn, geist and that 6 mana deal 5 heal 5 spell instead of the 2 Acolytes and the 2 Scaleworms. Against druid Geist is OP but in almost all other matchups it’s bad in tempo and usually slightly too late, unfortunately. However, that version also works well overall, so you can really experiment with a few different cards here.
What Happened to Class Weaknesses in Hearthstone?
Whatever it’s gonna be, I hope it’s gonna revive minion combat a bit more. I don’t like it when minions are somewhat meaningless to the overall game plan in almost every deck because getting to a certain Win Condition + Combo + ??? at some point is more important than taking smart trades and developing a little inbetween. I wanna play Tempo Rogue again which is absolute trash tier right now.
Odd Warrior - Post-Nerf Boomsday - #22 Legend (oyatsu)
Yeah, I played with those 2 a bit as well, absolutely agree. Right now I run the two i mentioned above because I drew Crowley in gold right after I wrote this. He’s also just fun as a card and I think in some situations underrated, so I’ll keep experimenting!
The Year of the Raven’s Third Expansion - What Lies Ahead?
Un‘Goro was featured in WoW twice when it got flooded, so was Thousand Needles, so maybe we’ll also get to see „the curveball“ there and it will in fact have some troll or naga-related heroes, but it would not be unreasonable to assume that they want to introduce more mechs to get the somewhat failed synergy right or build upon the general vibe of Un‘Goro and maybe do something REALLY crazy like underwater and dinosaurs, I joked about „Hemet, Deep Sea Diver“ at one point.
But who knows. I am still hoping for the „obvious“ troll expansion, maybe even with a troll priest as a character to replace anduin?
I would really like that, especially cause anduin trolled people a LOT.
It could also be related to Booty Bay and Stranglethorne, which is described as a harbor that is enclosed by mountains with only one opening and was once overrun by trolls, plus it is in the jungle. So Un‘Goro reuse of art = it has one entrance, it is in the jungle. Blue inlay = it is about water and planks and colorization = trolls?
Plus, Murlocs and pirates feel at home in those two scenarios as well and a lot of good pirates left, Murlocs will almost all be gone after the rotation, so time for a refill there, too…
Big Spell Control Mage Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
Surprising list but sounds fun
Big Spell Control Mage Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
Yeah the list is a bit weird imo, not even Baron Geddon. He is basically a full heal and I can only say with the kind of turns you get from 1-5 on BSM there will be enough games where that is going to make the differnce.
I would personally run Alexstrasza and Geddon and cut the Scouts at least. I am gonna upload my list (homebrew) right now, maybe you’ll like mine. I don’t really play much mage atm but the deck archetype is fun nonetheless
Malygos Druid - Boomsday Post Nerf - #5 Legend (Tyler)
I can see that, thanks. Funnily enough, when I played a deck that contained an MCT I never even encountered a DR deck after the nerfs but it makes lots of sense there!
Odd Warrior Deck List Guide – Rastakhan's Rumble – March 2019
Woops I accidentally posted my comment on Malygos Druid instead of here, but I guess it’s kind of for both decks; I am currently not facing a lot of decks that really play out minions much, so I am wondering whether the MCT is still worth it. I am thinking about putting in Zola and Darius Crowley, replacing one Tar Creeper and the one copy of MCT. Also I would keep running two Owls and two Hatchlings, as I face a lot of priests lately. Especially the inner fire ones with injured blademasters and resurrection. The silence actually won me these games, in one case against a 32dmg Lich King who wiped my armor in one swift hit. Thoughts?
The Headless Horseman Rides! Tavern Brawl Guide
Woops, my bad. Thought it was from the event but it was a ladder reward as always
Odd Warrior - Post-Nerf Boomsday - #22 Legend (oyatsu)
Are the MC techs still worth it? Feel like crowley and zola might be better in that slot
Malygos Druid - Boomsday Post Nerf - #5 Legend (Tyler)
Hmmm I really do wonder why MC Tech is still sticking around in the post nerf meta. Been a long time since I faced an opponent that would even have 4 minions on the board and as a 3-drop there are tons of better options. What’s your overall opinion on that? Is it just my matchups? I only recently removed them from my Odd Warrior because I felt they have even become a liability there
The Five Ladies
Good in Arena, not of much use in the game most of the time. If dust is not an issue and fun decks are for you, yes. If one of the two doesnt apply, rather not.
Nice, always tried to work Lynessa into the Thekal Shirvallah package. Will give it a try. Just wondering if there’s a world in which there can be those new guys that gain +4/+4 if you healed 8 or more that game?
Also I read a very interesting take on exchanging CTA for Crystology. I feel this archetype will develop more soon enough