Taznak's Comments
Hearthstone Epic Crafting Guide (Standard) - Scholomance Academy - September 2020
Out of curiosity, what is your complaint here? Is it that Warrior epics are so much better than epics from other classes, so other classes need better epics?
Or is the complaint that Warrior needs an expensive deck full of epics and legendaries to play properly? A Hunter can play a tier 1 meta deck for 6400 dust, a Shaman can do so for 4400 dust and a Druid can do so for 2960 dust, while a tier 1 Warrior deck costs 12880 dust.
They’re two sides of the same coin, so I genuinely don’t know which one it is that you think is a problem, haha
Top Standard Legend Decks From Rise of Shadows - Week 8 (June 2019)
Thanks for the post, Stonekeep. As expected, Rogue remains a tier 1 class after the nerfs (but a lot less oppressive vs. non-Warrior classes), now decks can afford to not tech vs. Rogue (weapon removal) quite so aggressively, and Mage did not, in fact, break the meta.
My predictions of the buffs patch is that:
1. Paladin will become stronger and more competitive,
2. Luna’s pocket galaxy buff looks good, not sure if it’s best for Freeze Mage for its combo potential or Cyclone Mage for free giants
3. Mech Hunter could become busted thanks to Necromechanic buff, and
4. Pogo Hoppers might actually be good in the Hearthstone Grandmasters due to Specialist format, but I don’t think they’ll be good for ladder
Omega Control Warlock - Shadows Post-Nerf - Top 500 Legend (NovaMograph)
I’d swap put an Aranasi Broodmother for a Rotten Applebaum. Jaraxxus is the most important card so Sense Demons makes sense to tutor him, and one Broodmother makes sure you actually draw two demons instead of getting a worthless imp. The second broodmother is one too many though, because A. It’s not a great card on its own merit, and B. It can actually prevent you from drawing Jaraxxus off of Sense Demons if you draw both Broodmothers instead.
Curse of Weakness and Shadowbolt are surprising to me, I would’ve thought of going for something like Earthen Ring Farseer and Sunfury Protector instead, but I can’t comment on whether it’s good or not without trying it.
Looks very fun to play, though I’d be super scared of Rogue randomly oneshotting you with Sacrificial Pact off of Blink Fox or Hench-Clan Burglar 😛
Rise of the Mechs Event - New Legendary Card, 18 Class Cards Buffed, Goes Live June 3
This sounds closest to the current Cyclone Mage archetype. Except, Cyclone Mage doesn’t run a single spell damage minion. Generally speaking, if you want spell damage (and it’s not a Malygos Combo deck), you want a bunch of cards that give you spell damage, and a bunch of cards that take advantage of it, so you can draw your spell damage reliably and take advantage of it with any of a number of spells. Cyclone Mage would need major surgery to do this, as Elemental Evocation, Mirror Image, Arcane Intellect, Conjurer’s Calling and Bananas gain nothing from Spell Damage; in fact, the only spell in that deck that can reliably benefit from Spell Damage is Ray of Frost.
I agree with you that some of the card combos you mention are pretty strong, but I don’t think the overall deck strategy is strong and consistent enough for the deck itself to be good. If you build a deck around Unexpected Results, you have to make sure the deck also works if you never draw it, because sometimes both copies will just be in the bottom half of your deck.
Rise of the Mechs Event - New Legendary Card, 18 Class Cards Buffed, Goes Live June 3
The winrate of Pogo Rogue is pretty awful (33.5% according to HSReplay).
It’s very slow; you need to hold Togwaggle’s scheme in hand several turns, and after you cast it you then need to draw the extra pogos, or play Pogo Hopper + Tak + Scheme in 1 turn which costs 10 mana- on a class like Rogue with no healing and no big cards to swing the board in your favor when you lose control of it.
It’s also very inconsistent. If both pogo hoppers are in the bottom 15 cards of your deck, you’re just done.
This mana cost buff helps on both counts, because Witchwood Piper can now draw your Pogos consistently, but the winrate is so low, there’s no way the deck becomes close to competitive.
Rise of the Mechs Event - New Legendary Card, 18 Class Cards Buffed, Goes Live June 3
If you’re gonna say I’m completely wrong, don’t just say “Unexpected Results will be great now”, you need to say in what kind of deck and why, or your post is pointless.
Rise of the Mechs Event - New Legendary Card, 18 Class Cards Buffed, Goes Live June 3
Was trash, will continue to be trash: Flark’s Boom-Zooka, Unexpected Results, Cloning Device, Pogo Hopper.
Was trash, might see play now but it probably won’t: Mulchmuncher, Luna’s Pocket Galaxy, Extra Arms, Violet Haze, Spirit Bomb, Security Rover, Beryllium Nullifier.
Sees fringe play already, could become good: Gloop Sprayer, Glowstone Technitian, Storm Bringer.
Best cards, post-buff: Necromechanic, Crystology, Thunderhead, Dr. Morrigan
I think the only relevant buffs are Necromechanic, which should see play now; Crystology, which already sees play and becomes better, which amounts to a well-deserved Paladin buff; Thunderhead, which just becomes a powerhouse card for Shaman; and Dr. Morrigan, which improves so much that it might actually be good now. The scariest buff is Necromechanic, because Hunter is a strong class and this could be a good addition to already-strong Hunter decks. Security Rover and Beryllium Nullifier buffs are indirect buffs to Control Warrior through Omega Assembly and Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, which feels uncalled for.
Snip-Snap: Looks fairly good, it should see play.
Rise of the Mechs Event - New Legendary Card, 18 Class Cards Buffed, Goes Live June 3
No, I don’t think Primalfin Totem got buffed. Last time I saw a buff, it was Unleash the Hounds mana cost being reduced from 4 to 3, and that was many, many years ago. Unless you count Mountain Giant counting as an elemental a buff, that was much more recent.
Upcoming Balance Update - May 22 - Nerfs To Archivist Elysiana, EVIL Miscreant, Preparation and Raiding Party
I disagree on EVIL Miscreant, because it’s supposed to be a lot better than Cable Rat. The “evil” classes had a theme of having lackeys and schemes, while the defenders of Dalaran have Twinspells.
Cable rat gives access to lackeys to Mage, Paladin, Druid and Hunter, but it’s intentionally a lot weaker than the class-specific lackey generators… Rogue isn’t getting a Neutral version of Twinspell, after all. EVIL Miscreant is stronger than Cable Rat, it’s supposed to be stronger, and it should stay stronger, IMO.
I think 3 or 4 health are reasonable nerfs, but reducing its health to 2 or 1 is too harsh and not warranted, despite all the thrashings that card has given me ^^;
Upcoming Balance Update - May 22 - Nerfs To Archivist Elysiana, EVIL Miscreant, Preparation and Raiding Party
Not a moment too soon. I completely agree with their assessment of Rogue being way out of line- it’s by far the most popular class, everyone’s teching in anti-rogue cards in just about every deck (Acidic Swamp Ooze, Harrison), and Rogue STILL had a winning matchup against every class not named Warrior.
I expect Rogue will still be top-tier after the nerfs, but maybe we’ll see fewer Rogues, and weapon removal becoming less mandatory.
I was afraid they wouldn’t nerf Rogue due to esports considerations, but I’m glad they did.
With fewer Rogues around, I also expect fewer Control Warriors, fewer Control Warrior mirrors, and therefore less need for Youthful Brewmaster / Baleful Banker alongside Elysiana, anyway.
Most Underrated Cards From Rise of Shadows
Most of these are fair- we all messed up in some card evaluations (I gave EVIL miscreant a 2/5). In the case of The Forest’s Aid, however, I feel like it was nearly impossible to evaluate correctly as it was one of the very first cards to be revealed, so we were evaluating it completely out of context
The Dalaran Heist Guide - Chapter Information, Pricing, Rewards, Heroes & Hero Powers, Anomaly Mode And More!
Now that I’ve had the chance to try it out, I can confidently say that Blizzard messed up the release schedule. This solo adventure is supposed to have a ton of content, right? 5 chapters and 9 classes- if you wanted to beat every chapter with every class, you’d have to complete 45 runs. Except… both the chapters AND the classes are locked behind a paywall and a timewall. If you pay for chapter 2, you get access to 2 chapters and 3 classes. Again, if you wanted to beat every chapter with every class, you have 6 runs worth of content… meaning, the solo adventure just launched and 85%+ of the content is still locked away. This has to be the most anti-climactic launch ever.
I’ll just completely ignore the whole thing until June 6th, when the content actually becomes available.
From Kel’thuzad to Medivh and Beyond – The Evolution of Hearthstone’s Adventure Content
You give way too little credit to Rumble Run, which is the much superior evolution of Dungeon Run IMO. 3 starting shrines per class added much more variety and replayability and there was a more consistent difficulty level- some Dungeon Run bosses like the 2nd version of Waxmancer Sturmi, or The Darkness, were brutally difficult, while Azari as the final boss was comparatively a cakewalk. Spells were also generally very underpowered in Dungeon Run, further limiting variety as you always wanted to build minion-heavy decks.
There’s a few encounters that feel unfair in Rumble Run (the damage bounce paladin shrine is pretty weak when you use it but Thekal’s deck is stacked as hell when he has that shrine), but the greater variety, crazy interactions, its cool concept and theme song, make it so Dungeon Run gets credit for the original implementation (in Hearthstone) of this game mode, but Rumble Run is the gold standard against which we need to measure the Rise of Shadows solo content, IMO. I for one played the hell out of Rumble Run and beat it with all 27 shrines.
Tune in for The Showdown in Dalaran - Dalaran Heist Pre-Release Event with Streamers (May 14-15)
I watched the World Championship in Russian because the english casters were just that bad.
I don’t know who the female caster is, but I’ll listen to Frodan and (especially) Kibler talk about Hearthstone for days. I’m sold on this.
My guess is that the OTK is supposed to be 1-mana Malygos (from Jepetto) into Drain Life (7), double Soulfire (18), Hellfire (8). That’s 33 damage for 10 mana, which qualifies as an OTK… assuming you don’t discard your other Soulfire or your Hellfire.
Might be fun to play, but I don’t think this would be competitive.
Freeze Mage - Rise of Shadows - #64 Legend (SoLegit)
Been trying this deck out, and it’s very powerful and a ton of fun. Thanks for sharing it!
The Dalaran Heist Guide - Chapter Information, Pricing, Rewards, Heroes & Hero Powers, Anomaly Mode And More!
Oh, I’m buying access to those wings no matter what, the content looks SWEET. I’m just deciding on whether I pay for it with gold or real money ^^
The Dalaran Heist Guide - Chapter Information, Pricing, Rewards, Heroes & Hero Powers, Anomaly Mode And More!
Chapter 1 is free. Chapters 2 through 5 must be unlocked by paying either 7 dollars or 700 gold for each one (28 dollars or 2800 gold total), or you can unlock all 4 of them for 20 dollars in total.
If you compare the dollars to gold conversion rate, it’s fairly good compared to other options. Buying 4000 gold worth of packs (40 packs) costs 50 dollars, for instance- or 80 gold per dollar.
Here, you can save 2800 gold by spending 20 dollars, which amounts to 140 gold saved per dollar, which is a much better rate. It’s a better rate than you get for pre-purchasing a new expansion, too (e.g. 80 packs for 80 dollars is equivalent to 100 good per dollar), but pre-purchasing expansions also gives you a free legendary and a new hero, in the case of 80-dollar pre-orders.
If you don’t care about the cosmetic bonuses from expansion pre-orders (card backs and new heroes), then these single-player wings offer the best gold savings for your real money.
Fun deck, just don’t expect to climb with it. In fact, you should expect the opposite of climbing if you pilot this deck in Ranked Play mode.