Taznak's Comments
Potion Vendor
Great value with Druid’s Lifeweaver and Priest’s Northshire Cleric. 4/5
The Boom Reaver
I think it’s kind of inevitable, in that Dr. Boom is one of the few persistent value generation cards left with all of the Death Knight hero cards rotating out. This gives Warrior an edge in control mirror matches… which is why the actual control cards Warrior is getting are so underwhelming (Dr. Boom’s scheme, for example).
The existence of the Dr. Boom hero card kind of forces Control Warrior archetypes to be built around it, which is a shame.
Yeah, I guess that’s fair to say; your opponent needs to deal with it, and sometimes the way to deal with it will be really painful (smashing a bunch of minions into it ‘till it becomes dormant).
I guess what I was trying to say is that you’re not getting any sort of guaranteed value out of it- if it gets dealt with cleanly, it’s a huge tempo loss, whereas a Primordial Drake at least does its AoE damage, the Lich King at least gives you a Death Knight card, and so on.
Conjurer's Calling
Very quirky spell. Kind of like a Carnivorous Cube… that dies straightaway but releases random minions. Uses:
1. Combos well with understatted minions with powerful battlecries like Sewer Crawler, Former Champ and Giggling Inventor. Synergy is probably not good enough to actually put those cards in your deck. Jan’alai might be a good target for this, or any of a number of understatted Mage minions you could get from Messenger Raven, like Meteorologist, Arcanosaur or Astromancer (or Astromancer’s summoned minion).
2. Deals with low mana cost enemy minions with buffs, like Argent Squire buffed with Blessing of Kings or Immortal Prelate with a million buffs.
3. Has synergy with both Khadgar and Archmage Vargoth.
It can also let you reroll really bad results from Power of Creation, but not on the same turn because that would cost 11 mana… unless you’re casting Power of Creation for free thanks to Kalecgos, I guess?
Randomness is not super terrible because you can just cast this again on a really poor result thanks to Twinspell. So yeah, super quirky, but I think it can work out. 4/5
Exotic Mountseller
The higher your mana cost, the more ‘good stats’ isn’t good enough to justify your existence, due to the nature of Hearthstone removal. Poor Gruul.
This can combo with a barrage of cheap spells to powerful effect… as can other, cheaper cards. Playing this and unloading a bunch of cheap spells represents a huge investment, but the payoff doesn’t justify it so I don’t expect this card to be a part of any serious decks. 1/5
Exotic Mountseller
C’mon, everyone knows Exotic Mountseller would beat Illidan Stormrage in 1v1 combat
Barista Lynchen
She’s overcosted by 1 mana in terms of stats.
As for her ability, it looks pretty weak in terms of its average-case scenario: you need to have other battlecry minions on your board, and then she adds a copy of those battlecry minions to your hand. Generally speaking, your opponent is going to be doing one of three things: 1. Clearing your board, in which case it’ll be hard to get value out of this card; 2. Ignoring your board and pushing damage to your face, in which case whatever value you can get out of this will be of little relevance compared to the pressing need of staying alive; or 3. Failing to deal with both your board and your face, in which case you can get some nice value out of this and win more.
Unless there’s some powerful combo with this card that I’ve missed, this looks like a ‘win more’ card that offers little value and poor tempo when you’re even or playing from behind. 2/5
The Boom Reaver
Recruit Warrior needs big, lategame threats to recruit. Ysera and Grom are a good start, but you need more; where are Ragnaros and Yip and The Lich King? Are you seriously supposed to replace them with Bull Dozer and Deranged Doctor?
This needs better lategame threats to come out before it’s good. 3/5
Aranasi Broodmother
Not really. If Warlock needs taunts, then that’s not a reason to add Silverback Patriarch to your deck; you want good taunt minions. I don’t think this card is quite as bad as Silverback Patriarch, but I do think that it’s worse than other alternatives.
The best taunt options for Warlock, IMO, will be: Zilliax > High Priestess Jeklik > Arch-Villain Rafaam > Hecklebot > Witchwood Grizzly > Rotten Applebaum > Omega Defender. And that’s just counting taunt minions, because Sunfury Protector works great with Twilight Drakes and Mountain Giants.
If I kept going down the list, I would eventually get to Aranasi Broodmother, but she’s so far down that I’d never actually put her in a deck.
Archivist Elysiana
Cool counter to opponents shuffling crap into your deck- Bomb Warrior, Corrupted Bloods. Also potentially good to deal with fatigue. Downside is that most games don’t get to fatigue, so you’ll end up holding onto a dead card in your hand.
This is a tool for control decks to use vs. other control decks and combo decks. Hard to tell whether the meta will be slow and greedy enough for this to see play; maybe it will, maybe it won’t. 3/5
Aranasi Broodmother
Fair points, but I still think Applebaum is the better card, at least in Standard where there is no Mal’ganis, Skull of the Man’Ari, and so on.
Hench-Clan Hag
Pirate synergy + murloc synergy + good total stats for its cost makes this a good card. Gonna be hilarious if people end up replacing Dire Mole with Hungry Crab, though. 4/5
Hench-Clan Hag
It wouldn’t work sadly, Dragon Speaker only buffs Dragons in your hand
I rate this significantly lower than Webspinner, Macaw and Crystalline Oracle, because the card you get comes from a pool of worse-quality cards on average. Even if you look at Spell Hunter, there’s a ton of spells the archetype didn’t touch: Arcane Shot, Beastial Wrath, Goblin Prank, Misdirection, Snipe, The Beast Within are probably the worst offenders. Other cards like Multishot and Explosive Shot at least do something, but they’re significantly overcosted, while some of the best Hunter spells are rotating out: Flanking Strike, Emerald Spellstone, Wandering Monster.
Of course, its battlecry was only half the reason Midrange Hunter played Jewelled Macaw; the other is the fact that it’s a 1-mana beast, and how that synergizes with Hyena, Razormaw and Master’s Call. Macaw has been displaced by Timber Wolf now, however- and that bodes poorly for this minion with the same body and a worse ability. 2/5
Dimensional Ripper
I’m somewhat optimistic about this card. Yes, Recruit Warrior was never that good… but Recruit Warrior was a control deck at a time Control decks were being crowded out by combo decks, and the Control Mirror often had you facing down the infinite value of Bloodreaver Gul’dan, Deathstalker Rexxar or Frost Lich Jaina.
I don’t think Warrior necessarily has all the cards to support a Recruit-style deck right now (it really needs a weapon replacement for Blood Razor IMO), but I do think a Recruit-style deck could work out during the Year of the Dragon, with Boomship still around.
I’m less worried about the 10-mana cost on Warrior than on other classes, since Warrior can afford to just leave enemy minions unanswered on the board for a little while by virtue of their armor reserves. 3/5
Aranasi Broodmother
I think this should be discounted due to the fact that you can’t control when the heal happens and that it’s moderately likely to be wasted… instead it’s less mana efficient than Rotten Applebaum. Adding insult to injury, Applebaum is neutral while this is class-specific.
Unless some Plot Twist combo makes it so you’re regularly benefitting from the draw effect multiple times, I doubt this’ll see constructed play. 2/5
Don’t think self-silence synergy is strong enough to be meta. 2/5