tailsfromvienna's Comments
Best Hearthstone Classic Decks - Classic Tier List - May 2021
First of all, thank you very much for this article, which allowed me to climb the classic legend rank.
Fortunately the Classic meta is not too volatile, so most of your advice still holds true.
my two cents for anyone who wants to climb to classic legend too:
1.) For the final push (from diamond 5 on) expect a lot of warlock zoo decks. This makes sense, because faster decks allow for more games.
2.) If you want to play warlock zoo yourself, play Elven Archer over Mortal Coil, because you need the body as a target for all your battlecries.
3.) Moreover, cut the Dark Iron Dwarves. You want to drop your hand to the board quickly, so you can play Doomguard and Soulfire without discarding. One Scarlet Crusader and one Ironbeak Owl will serve you much better in the Dwarf slots. Access to silence against a large taunt or Edwin can win you otherwise unwinnable games.
4.) I also replaced one Abusive Sergeant with an Amani Berserker. The 2/3 with Enrage trades well with all those 2/1 and 2/2 your opponents have, and also can be punishing against the pings from Knfe Juggler, Fan of Knives and Swipe. The Sergeant on the other hand is bad as a one drop and becomes weaker as the game goes on. Given the importance if a good opening it is definitely weaker than Leper Gnome.
5.) As for Druid, I found The Black Knight very servicable in the mirror match, while Big Game Hunter seems only important against Handlock (quite rare on the ladder) or maybe Edwin (Keeper o.t.G can handle this anyway).
6.) When playing Ramp Druid you do not always have Wild Growth and/or Innervate in your opening hand, so Harvest Golem seems a nice backup, especially against faster decks. And if you happen to have both in hand, you can still go Coin-Wild Growth into Harvest Golem on the draw or Innervate-Harvest Golem on the play. So Big Game Hunters and Sunwalker(s) go out for Harvest Golems and Black Knight.
7.) For the second Sunwalker in Ramp Druid I tried different cards (Sylvanas, Starfall, Abomination), but I still have not found the perfect card for the slot
8.) The Violet Teacher in token druid seems odd, as the deck only has 6 cheap spells (Innervate, Wrath, Power of the Wild). The cheaper creatures compared to Ramp Druid help a lot against faster decks, but Violet Teacher never really paid off for me.
9.) Miracle Rogue (+practice) seemed the best deck of the bunch, but given the frequency of zoo warlocks between Diamond 5 and 1, I cut the 2 Shiv for a second Blade Flurry (so good with Deadly Poison and/or spell Damage) and a Betrayal to make sure I get into the late game where I have the mana to pull off the namesake miracles
Wrathscale Naga
The card is a lot of fun to play combos with it.
Obviously this will die as soon as your opponent gets hist turn, so you have to play it and get as many triggers out of it immediately.
[Coordinated Strike] and [Command the Illidari] are obviously the best options, and [Umberwing] is just a very good card that also happens to create tokens, albeit without rush.
With so many token generators, [Knife Juggler] becomes an auto-include. Feast of Souls helps you to recharge after running all your Illidari into your opponent’s minions. Skull of Gul’Dan helps you to assemble the combo and accelerates the combos by making the parts cheaper.
To stay alive until the mana for the combos is available, Eye Beam and Ashtongue Battlelord help with lifegain.
The rest of the deck can be filled with random good cards that keep your opponents busy until you can surprise them with tons of wrathscale damage out of nowhere
exactly what happens to me:
nozdormu stays at 0/3
weekly ranked stays at 0/5
I cannot even shuffle away the nozdormu quest