tailsfromvienna's Comments
Tavern Brawl - Half & Half
I see basically 3 routes to go:
1. Totem Shaman with lots of useless Totem buff spells for your opponent
2. Silver Hand Paladin with lots of useless Silver Hand buff spells for your opponent
3. Rogue with cards that depend on cards from foreign classes (not sure if that works)
You Can Add Tech Cards to Beat the Top Meta Decks, But You Probably Should Not
Most decks contain mostly minions, but some decks consist almost entirely of spess, and those decks are hit hard by Loatheb – it’s almost like a Time Warp aganist those decks.
Cult Neophyte is not as effective against individual spells as such, but against decks that want to play several spells in one turn
Tavern Brawl - Top 2 - Deck Ideas!
I like Mechwarper + Mecha-Shark, but you need 5 Sharks at once for 30 damage, and 2-3 Mechwarpers to discount them, so it’s a turn 5 combo at best (and you run out of space if you want to do it below 8 mana, because you need 3 Mechwarper and 5 Sharks)
still managed to beat some decks, but helpless against pogo and patches
Soulfire + Hand of Guldan looked impressive
Murloc Holmes + Innervate was surprising … Murloc solves the case every time on turn one!
Flurgl + Toxfin keeps pogo and patches in check nicely (obviousy)
Cutting Class does not really cut the class – you have to attack turns 4 and 5 with 15 attack (without the coin), or you coin out the dagger on T1, follow up with Poison-Poison-draw on T2, allowing you to attack for 11 on T3, and live the dream of attacking for 19 on T4 for the win – provided you have not been killed by that time (usually you die on their turn 4), there is no taunt in the way and you drew the right mix of draw and poison in the early turns
Piranha Swarmer also looked like a nice card to have multiples of
Aldor Attendant + Libram of Wisdom is worth a try, but rather mediocre in its results
Ice Block + Frost Lance is powerful but super slow. make sure you mulligan away as many ice blocks as possible, you will start ot curse them later as they clog up your hand. Once you have 10 cards in your hand you fire your first salvo of Frost Lances, usually cutting your opponent’s life total in half. From then on your turns consist mostly of Ice Block-ping-go and you pray for enough Frost Lances to end the game quickly. If you are up against Warrior, you are out of luck, because the theoretical maximum of damage in one turn is 36, and once he is at 37 you cannot kill him any more, because you only draw one card per turn. Smart opponents also refuse to trigger your Ice Blocks and your hand becomes even more clogged.
You Can Add Tech Cards to Beat the Top Meta Decks, But You Probably Should Not
How could we all forget Loatheb, the king of tech cards, and his evil daughter Cult Neophyte
You Can Add Tech Cards to Beat the Top Meta Decks, But You Probably Should Not
I had a lot of success with pirate rogue using smothering starfish to deliver the final blow through a wall of taunt minions.
on the other hand, Rustrot Viper stole a lot of games for me against pirate rogue by killing the swordfish (saving me 8 life) and leaving a spider tank behind.
Dirty Rat, Mutanus and Theotar often screwed me by hitting Tavish, Master Marksman (Questline Hunter) when I was not cautious
yes, I play a lot of wild
Tavern Brawl - Miniature Warfare
That was a fun deck!
I played against a warlock who spawned all kinds of bring-extra-minions-minions like onyxia.
started with dragoncaster (mvp!) – puzzle box and finished with troll centurion into dragoncaster – malygos – pyroblast for an honorable player kill.
i would probably add some cheap aoe effects against the various onyxias running around.
mage parrot (substituted jepetto which i did not own) gave me an extra puzzle box.
Astalor (+Brann) may be even more broken in this format than ever.
Denathrius after the nerf probably not so much.
Tavern Brawl - Miniature Warfare
That was a fun deck!
I played against a warlock who spawned all kinds of bring-extra-minions-minions like onyxia.
started with dragoncaster (mvp!) – puzzle box and finished with troll centurion into dragoncaster – malygos – pyroblast for an honorable player kill.
i would probably add some cheap aoe effects against the various onyxias running around.
mage parrot (substituted jepetto which i did not own) gave me an extra puzzle box.
Astalor (+Brann) may be even more broken in this format than ever.
Denathrius after the nerf probably not so much.
Are Priest and Warrior Dead Now? The Best Decks of the Worst Classes
this is probably an oversimplification, but by nature of their hero powers, warrior and priest are defensive classes.
I understand that Blizzard is very cautious not to let control decks the upper hand, because they are frustrating to play against for many players. The games often drag on with little action. Being blown away by a aggro, combo or midrange deck allows you to quickly play a new match, but being ground away slowly by control while still trying to put up a fight (because as long as there are cards in your deck there is hope) is time consuming and of little fun, even if the improbable late wins are all that more satisfying
Last Chance to Disenchant Cards Nerfed In Patch 25.0.4 For Full Crafting Dust Cost (January 2, 2023)
“Also, if you don’t care about Golden cards in your collection, you can always get rid of the Golden and craft a normal version (it’s a good deal because it leaves you with a lot of extra Dust).”
I did exactly that wit a golden Tome Tampering and netted 1200 free dust.
!! awesome !!
Merry Christmas from Hearthstone Top Decks!
thanks for the good and free content thoughout the year 🙂 !!
Tavern Brawl - Wacky Waxy Winter's Veil
i had no void rippers, so i used mutate from rise of the shadows instead
also lightning bloom lost a lot of its appeal after the nerf
Shop Update: Classic Pack Bundles, Battlegrounds Season 3 Pass + Cosmetics
I am going to buy the Classic bundle to get closer to completing the legacy set.
However, I am still missing rares like Nordrassil Druid, Crimson Clergy and War Cache but duplicate protection does not help me to get them.
Why is that?
Tavern Brawl - Battle of the Bans
I do not own The Soularium, but Expired Merchant filled the gap perfectly 🙂
Tavern Brawl - Battle of the Bans
you write “the only time there is a chance you lose is when they ban the coin”, but with coin banned you can still pogo/passage/pogo every turn
banning the passage seems more effective because you will run out of cards soon.
if someone does not own edwin, sinstone graveyard is a possible replacement
Tavern Brawl - Battle of the Bans
got 16/16 and 22/22 edwins on T1, then they conceded
(Updated) Limited-Time Mercenaries Rattlegore Event Ended "Prematurely" Because Of A Communication Error
so both probably did not meet the expectations of blizzard in terms of success
Blizzard Plans Significant Changes To The Future Signature Cards Design
this might seem odd to blizzard, but i really like the plain basic versions best.
golden versions of cards only make me happy because they yield more dust.
i even thought about disenchanting my golden legends and instantly craft basic versions of them.
this is of course nonsense, because if any of them ever happens to be nerfed, such a golden legendary is the jackpot for a hearthstone collector.
i would, however, think about it if “downgrading” from gold to basic would give me some dust, e.g. the dust value for disenchanting the basic version of a card.
However, Blizzard would never do this, because there is no money to be gained for them
(Updated) Limited-Time Mercenaries Rattlegore Event Ended "Prematurely" Because Of A Communication Error
is it really worse than duels?
apparently i am still living in the past
(e.g. still playing classic and a lot of wild)