tailsfromvienna's Comments
Introducing Catch-Up Packs, Containing Up To 50 Cards Per Pack
Yes, I think that’s the point:
I may have paid more money, but I had many months to play with those cards, while those who now benefit from the catchup packs per definition have not played serious hearthstone for a long time.
Now if they only discounted the old editions (or at least wild packs) so I can advance my collection (many cards from darkmoon and before are missing). Given the constant power creep, older editions are barely playable in wild, and in standard they are banned anyway, so it is not really justified that the old editions still cost the same as the new ones.
Tavern Brawl - Shadow Reflection
which 8/8 card did they copy?
thumbs up for finding that automaton strategy 🙂
Tavern Brawl - Shadow Reflection
honestly, without radiant elemental and sorcerer’s apprentice there is no point in this tavern brawl.
all the great options are in wild
Tavern Brawl - Shadow Reflection
how would this improve the deck?
i also played enrage warrior, but with zero shadow reflections.
i had location/anima/acolyte in my opening hand and was happy that none of them was a shadow reflection.
Introducing Catch-Up Packs, Containing Up To 50 Cards Per Pack
People like me, who regularly spend real money for the game could feel a little bit stupid now that others who did not spend anything get so much for free/cheap.
To buy 1000 cards, usually you have to spend like 150-200€, but those who get full benefit from catchup packs will only pay like 15% of that amount (depending on the price of catchup packs)
At least collectors get 5 cards (from different expansions they have probably almost completed) per pack, at first I thought it was a single card per pack.
Tavern Brawl - Henchmania
in the section “villain effects” you wrote:
Work for Hagatha – “At the [XXX] of your turn, transform a random friendly minion into one that costs (1) more.”
I think there is a word missing where the [XXX] is.
Best Twist Decks, Legend Decks For The New Format (Whizbang's Heroes) In June 2024
you wrote:
“Update: Sword Eater was removed from Twist Wonders in a recent hotfix, because it was not supposed to be there in the first place (Mean Streets of Gadgetzan is not a part of the format).”
Apparently Gadgetzan IS part of the format, but Sword Eater is from Darkmoon, and THAT set is not part of Twist Wonders
Shop Update: New Death Knight & Warrior Skin Bundle + Caverns of Time/Twist Wonders Bundles
I checked both sets, and apparently I do have 1 Blackpaw from Gadgetzan and 1 Blackpaw from Caverns.
Then I checked Thaurissan and I have 3 Thaurissan from Blackrock and 0 Thaurissan from Caverns.
This makes me believe that I could as well get a fourth Thaurissan when I buy Caverns packs, because the game thinks I do not own the card yet. How stupid is this?
The whole “Cavern version is a different card than the original version” is just a way how Blizzard deactivates the duplicate protection and should be corrected immediately.
Shop Update: New Death Knight & Warrior Skin Bundle + Caverns of Time/Twist Wonders Bundles
I was careless enough to buy the “Battle Ready Deck Bundle 2” with the preconstructed Jade Shaman, C’Thun Warrior and Jade Druid decks, just because it had some legends and epics in it that I was missing.
However, I only got 1 Aya Blackpaw although it is included in 2 decks.
I still got 2 Brann and 2 Thaurissan (also included in 2 decks), so the missing Aya Blackpaw does not make sense to me.
Is the missing Aya Blackpaw a known bug?
Tavern Brawl - The Void Singularity
Adding Xyrella, the Devout to the deck (cutting an Infected Peasant) improved the deck a lot. The battlecry (repeat all deathrattle effects) usually gives you multiple Korraks, and the hero power allows you to snipe enemy Korraks every other turn.
(Speaking of Korrak, I am so afraid of Korrak that I even consider adding Ruststeed Raider, Steel Rager or Faceless Corruptor to the deck. Ruststeed would leave a 5/5 after killing Korrak, because it does not lose its attack bonus before going into the void)
Since many popular removal options target randomly (Sinrunner, Sylvanas Windrunner, Convincing Infiltrator), leaving extra creatures besides a big Void Singularity goes a long way. This makes Foul Egg, Haunted Creeper, Infected Peasant, Serpent Egg, Vrykul Necrolyte and Pozzik also valuable in the later game. Voodoo Doll on the other hand is a great removal tool in this tavern brawl that can not be deflected by extra creatures. Since Haunting Nightmare does not leave an extra creature behind, it should be replaced (probably with Plagiarizer).
Many control mirrors are decided by “I win”-effects like that of Rivendare’s horsemen. Death Knight has an advantage here because of Patchwerk, and also Theotar, the Mad Duke can steal a horseman from your hand and thus keeping you from winning through this route. Xyrella, the Devout gives you a second chance here by triggering Rivendare once more. Some players also used Steamcleaner as a tech card against Rivendare.
Another “I win” effect that I encountered was the Purified Shard that you get through Priest’s Seek Guidance quest
I have lost games in the most hilarious ways, like Warrior stealing my big Void Singularity and then playing Charge on it, attacking me immediately. Once a Priest used Zerek’s Cloning Gallery to find the 3 Horsemen from Rivendare Warrider immediately
Tavern Brawl - The Void Singularity
Priest seems to be the most popular and probably also the best hero for this tavern brawl.
The deck utilizes the aspects of this Brawl quite well: many creatures die and most of the time the opponent has exactly one big minion.
deathrattle minions that you want to trigger immediately (Foul Egg, Serpent Egg, Infected Peasant, Haunting Nightmare, Pozzik, Vrykul Necrolyte’s target) cover the early game.
Korrak the Bloodrager (mvp), Magatha (no spells!) and Famished Fool generate value in the midgame.
Big Game Hunter, Sinrunner, Convincing Infiltrator, Najak Hexxen and both types of Sylvanas snipe the enemy’s Void Singularity.
Rivendare, Warrider was an attempt to have outs against the most defensive opponents like Blood Death Knight, but there are probably better options
Mind Eater was given the nod over Dead Ringer, but I think they are equally good
Haunting Nightmare could theoratically be replaced by any 3-drop that has a decent deathrattle like Shadowed Spirit, Student of the Stars, or by Plagiarizer)
There are also some minions with high stats and drawbacks that are negated by the void transformation (Humungous Razorleaf, Imposing Anubisath, Incorporeal Corporal) that were also popular, but I rather included minions that left me with extra creatures during my opponent’s turn to make it more difficult for Sylvanas Windrunner and Sinrunner to Hit my Void Singularity
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Priest
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Foul Egg
# 2x (2) Haunted Creeper
# 2x (2) Infected Peasant
# 2x (2) Mind Eater
# 2x (2) Serpent Egg
# 2x (2) Vrykul Necrolyte
# 2x (3) Haunting Nightmare
# 2x (3) Popsicooler
# 2x (4) Big Game Hunter
# 1x (4) Korrak the Bloodrager
# 1x (4) Najak Hexxen
# 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer
# 1x (5) Convincing Infiltrator
# 2x (5) Famished Fool
# 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music
# 2x (5) Sinrunner
# 1x (6) Rivendare, Warrider
# 1x (6) Sylvanas Windrunner
# 1x (6) Sylvanas, the Accused
Hearthstone Caverns of Time Guide - Straight to Wild Expansion Release Date, Card List, How To Obtain It (Update: Signature Cards!)
i hope there will be preconstructed decks again.
i like to buy legends for gold, and i am still missing a lot of them from the early days
Shop Update: New Rogue Skin Bundle and Wild Pack Bundles
given the limited usability (you can play standard cards in wild, but you cannot play wild cards in standard) and the general lower power level (due to power creep) of wild cards, i wonder why they do not throw in more extra packs or maybe an extra legend
(Live now!) TITANS Expansion Launch Guide - Release Time, Freebies, New Mechanics & Decks, Signature Cards and More!
my pity counter went to the full 40.
let me tell you: that is definitely no fun
Tavern Brawl - The Fury of Kael'Thas - Deck Lists!
thank you for this deck. it allowed to burn through the “win 5 tavern brawls” quest in no time.
my humble suggestions:
-capture coldtooth mine —> allows you to find your UI more consistently (maybe cut worthy expedition for it).
-wisps of the old gods/drum circle —> those two cards give you the choice between filling the board and buffing an already existing board (possible cuts: scale of onyxia, the forest’s aid, survival of the fittest – all of those do only either flood or buff)
(i admit that I do not own survival and since it’s effect is so big, I would probably keep it in the deck no matter what)
Tavern Brawl - Mimirons' Faceoff
got my pack after 3 turns into game 1 (galvanizer into replicating menace)
this brawl could maybe have really work with decks that interact a lot, but as it is, it is sadly just a fail
Tavern Brawl - Visions of Sayge
always pick the cheaper card.
never have so many cards been burned due to lack of hand space as in this tavern brawl
You Can Buy Full Battle Ready Decks for Hearthstone Twist (New Age), but Are They Worth It?
The whole questions boils down to one simple answer, given at the end of the article:
“don’t think in the categories of [buying a functional deck], think of [buying all of the cards listed here]”
I am a collector, so all I am interested in is the legendaries and the epics, and the question: do I already own that cards?
Of all the decks I am only missing evocation (mage), lord barov (paladin) and rattlegore (warrior) of the legends, and 2 felosophy (demon hunter), cloak of shadows (rogue) and bridge riff (warrior). Everything else is practically dust.
Since only druid and paladin offer 4 legendaries and all other decks offer 3 (partly offset by an increased number of epics), I will probably go for the paladin deck to get Lord Barov and dust everything else. That would still give me more value than buying 32 packs. I would probably not buy the decks for real money, but every regular player has gold to spare, and 3200 is totally fine.
If you need decks that work, you copy them from hearthstonetopdecks anyway and tune them according to your play style.
storm giant.
Honestly, the card is neutral and definitely belongs into your deck.
It has taunt and saved me in so many games in which i was behind, only to fill the board with 8/8 taunts, giving my opponent no way to punch through that wall.
It even combos with Animate Dead and Celestial Projectionist, but not with Zilliax and Irini, because it is not a mech.
Storm Giant can also be seen as backup if you fail to draw an Automaton
I tried your deck, going 10-1.
The loss came in the mirror, because he drew the mirror braker and i did not: Shard of the Naaru. That card neutralizes all opposing Automatons and also opposing magnetized mechs – mech decks were the only opposing decks that could make games close in any way. And if this was not enough, it can even be traded. What’s not to like?
(In turn, Storm Giants suffer less from opposing Shards of the Naaru, but I only had 2 mirror matches and I am not sure if the Giants would have saved me against Automatons backed with Shards.)
Bottom Line: Your deck is very good, but can be improved by cutting Ra-Den and Aman’Thul (just as you suggested), adding Storm Giant, and replacing The Light! It Burns! (which was never useful in 11 games) with Shard of the Naaru.