TacoRocco's Comments
New Card (Shaman Legendary): Hallazeal the Ascended Revealed from Whispers of the Old Gods!
This card could make a huge impact if combined with AoE. The stat spread isn’t bad either. Overall, this is a great comeback card if you use damage spells to remove minions and restore health.
New Card: DOOM! Revealed from Whispers of the Old Gods!
Also, remember if your opponent has a full board, this card will draw you 7 cards! That is 1/4 of your entire deck. By turn 10, you would have gone through, at the very least, 13 cards, meaning that you’ll draw your deck down to 10 cards from 17. It is pretty likely you’ve used your hero power that game, so you might be left with under 10 cards in deck while the opponent has at least 15. Over drawing is an issue many people dont take into account when building decks.
New Card: DOOM! Revealed from Whispers of the Old Gods!
If you are losing with an empty hand is really the only time, but you still use all of your mana, so you cant do anything for the rest of that turn and your opponent can set up board again the next turn. Additionally, if there are 10 or more minions on the field when you use the card, you’ll burn a card next turn. If you are playing against an aggro deck, by turn 10 you have either lost or you habe enough boarf control that you dont need tp clear the field. Against control, there wont be enough minions on the field to justify 10 mana and milling your deck out (in control games, it is important not to draw TOO MUCH or you’ll reach fatigue before the opponent, and you’ll certainly lose the fatigue game). Against midrange, it doesnt matter if you clear the board, they’ll probably fill it again next turn and you didnt even play anything on the board. The huge issue I see is the 10 mana and the potential over drawing. There may be a few rare cases this will be beneficial, but we will have to see.
New Card: DOOM! Revealed from Whispers of the Old Gods!
If Warlock didn’t want to destroy the field at 8 mana, why would it want to destroy the field at 10 mana and get closer to fatigue at the same time? Since it a 10 mana card, it means that card uses your whole turn, so you cant even play any of the cards you just drew. Additionally, Warlock already has a lot of draw power with its hero power, this card is too much draw. I suppose it could find use in a malygos decks, but even then a 10 mana board clear/draw is a bit too late game.
New Card: Herald Volazj Revealed from Whispers of the Old Gods!
One thing im slightly confused about the wording is: does it copy your minions on the battlefield, or does it copy out of all the minions in your deck. I assume battlefield, but the wording is so strange.
New Card: Forbidden Healing (Paladin) Revealed from Whispers of the Old Gods!
Lets be glad that Priest didn’t get Forbidden Healing or Priest would have an insane 10 mana, 12 danage combo with Forbidden Healing and Auchenai. I think Forbidden Healing is an excellent replacement for Antique Healbot in Paladin. I think the “spend all of your mana” mechanic is interesting.
Two New Cards: Forbidden Shaping and Forbidden Flame Revealed from Whispers of the Old Gods!
Are you kidding me? That mage card looks amazing for control style decks like freeze mage. It may be a worse pyroblast at 10 mana, but also realize that it is a FREE SPELL. It can combo amazingly with spell damage, flamewaker, antonidas, gadgetzan (even though no one uses it), and violet teacher. It is also easily tweaked damage if you need to hit a minion for a certain amount of damage (like an acolyte of pain for 1). There are a lot of possibilities for this card, its definitely not terrible, but we have to see the rest of the new set to really know.
New Feature: Playtest Your Deck!
I like the feature, however, I have a few things I want to point out that may need to be fixed and some suggestions:
1) The entire feature needs to scale. The whole feature is a bit too big for my screen, and I am sure others have this issue. It is a bit too big, so I need to scroll left and right and up and down just to see all of the options.
2) When your hand is full and you go to the next turn, the turn counter goes up, but deck size does not decrease. Even if I click “draw a card” when my hand is full, it doesn’t decrease deck size.
3) It may be nice to have somewhere where it shows all of the cards left in the deck. This is especially important for Reno decks to get a feel of how late you can expect his effect to drop
4) Maybe add an option to have an opponent deck too to help test a deck’s effectiveness against another deck. This is especially important for control decks because a control deck’s turn depends 90% on what your opponent does.
Tavern Brawl Lead From The Front
Some of the cards I found to be surprisingly useful are: Leeroy Jenkins and Hungry Dragon. They have amazing stats for their cost and they clog your opponent’s field with crappy minions. Leeroy is guaranteed 6 face damage and the hero taunt gives him the potential to survive another turn. Hungry dragon is just HUGE and for 4 mana, he forces out either fireball or polymorph or other removal.
Infographic of The Strongest Cards Lost in the Upcoming Standard Format
But only Hunter ever uses Malorne
Tavern Brawl - Miniature Warfare
Turn 1: Onyxia
Turn 2: Innervate x2, Savage Roar x2
Someone make this happen and record it.
Tavern Brawl - Who's the Boss Now?
I think Poisoned Blade is a pretty stand out card too. You can gain 5 attack a turn at 10 mana or 10 attack if you have Maiden of the Lake. I have won many games with that card.
Tavern Brawl - Gift Exchange
One thing to note about this brawl is that you get presents when gifts die on YOUR turn. I was facing a guy and his explosive trap killed my present, but I got the gift.
Site Update: User Registrations, Profiles, and Deck Builder!
Yay, no more having to type in my information to do comments!
You should add the emotes for each boss for additional reference. One of my favorite things about the Boss Tavern Brawls is doing the emotes. No better BM than emoting “Failure!” when the opponent Kel’thuzad loses.