TacoRocco's Comments
Tavern Brawl - Yellow-Brick Brawl
Dreadsteed is insane, so people need to pack silence for that. On taunt side, it is an impassable 1/1 minion. On charge side, it can infinitely attack and just wipe a board. It depends on which side is taunt and which is charge and how the Dreadsteed resummons.
Possible Next Expansion Hint - Greetings from Gadgetzan Postcard
Heroic brawl isn’t a new game mode, it will be one of the weekly tavern brawls.
Ben Brode Discusses Potential Ladder System Updates
Because it is an achievement people want to reach. There are tons of people that are good enough to be Legend but don’t go for it because it just takes too long. I’ve hit Legend Rank multiple times already and it really is a pain to ladder. When I’m going ranks 25-1, I only play top meta decks because they are the fastest to rank up with. When I’m in Legend, I use it as an opportunity to play test decks and try to get to top 100. The issue is that the rest of the climb takes so long, I don’t have much time left at the end of the season to do that. A faster climb means more time to do this.
Ben Brode Discusses Potential Ladder System Updates
I think implementing the win steak into ranks 5-1 would be a very welcomed change. Currently, the climb at Rank 5 to Legend is incredibly long and can be pretty boring. Win streaking at those ranks can make it faster to rank up and make it easier at those ranks because the best players will get out of those ranks faster.
Best Hearthstone Decks to Ladder with in October 2016 (Season 31, Standard)
Im surprised that Midrange Hunter isn’t on this list. It’s still a pretty decent deck even after the Call of the Wild nerf. And Midrange Hunter is probably the best Hunter deck still.
Hearthstone Championship Tour Asia-Pacific Last Call 2016 Deck Lists
My guess is that it is the translation. Asian languages are not structured in the same way that Romantic languages such as English are. In Japanese, the L and R sound is consolidated into one. When you translate from Japanese to English, words that contain that L and R sound can be interpreted to either contain an L or an R. I took 4 semesters of Japanese in college, so I’m explaining this from the perspective of Japanese. I know Rojom is a Korean player, but I am guessing some of the Asian languages may be similar in this way. tl;dr either Rojom or Lojom is probably correct.
Midrange Shaman Deck List Guide (December 2016, Standard) - Season 33, Gadgetzan Meta
I think -1 Harrison and +1 Ragnaros. Ragnaros will give you another win condition and can help you if you fall back late game. Its also going to help in those control matchups better than Harrison will.
Tavern Brawl A Friendly Game of Chess
Im actually excited to play this tavern brawl. I played the Karazhan Chess game yesterday because I liked it a lot and was even hoping they made a tavern brawl based off it.
apDrop's Concede Shaman Deck List Guide (September 2016, Season 30)
This is a neat deck, but I’m not sure why it is listed under top deck guides. Sure, it might be good, but its not really a meta deck. In fact, it’s only good in the current meta, and as the meta changes, this deck also has to change. On another note, just looking at this deck, I can only imagine how difficult it is to play because you have to know the meta, so congrats apDrop on playing this to legend. For those newer players out there, especially those who have never hit legend, I highly recommend against playing this deck on ladder just because it will be very difficult to climb with because, like apDrop mentioned, one wrong move with this deck could cost you the game.
Tavern Brawl - Captain Blackheart's Treasure
I actually think that Mage is one of the best classes for this challenge mainly because it has a lot of cards that generate other cards as well as great removal options. Some examples of cards are Firelands Portal, Faceless Summoner, Echo of Medivh, Duplicate, Unstable Portal, Cabalist’s Tome, Ethereal Conjurer, and more. Rogue is great too with cards such as Burgle, journey Below, Undercity Huckster, Shadowcaster and more. I managed to get 2 Shadowcasters, Antique Healbot, and Brann for an infinite healing combo.
Hearthstone Classic Card Set - Which Cards Could Still Be Nerfed?
I have to disagree with Fiery War Axe and Execute only because Warrior id my bae and I wouldn’t want to see it lose 2 essential cards. Honestly, execute is very balanced because you can’t play it by itself, you need to trade another card in order to activate execute, and execute has a tough time dealing with cards hiding behind a taunt.
New Hearthstone Designer Insight w/Ben Brode - Purify
If they just make Purify a 0-cost, then it would be a lot better, and people might actually play it because it would just cycle cards at the very least. If Purify was actually 0-mana, I would at least try it out because it would be great for cycling cards, unfreezing minions, or removing other negative status effects/abilities.
The real ben brode preist
Tinyfin is vulnerable to hungry crab, and everyone plays hungry crab, so wisp is better.
Hearthstone Card Backs List and How-To Unlock Them
For the Tespa card back (Dalaran Flame), you should add an additional note that the 25 members must be paid members, those who paid the $10 membership fee. My Tespa team had over 60 members, but we didn’t get our card backs until we had 25 paid members. For those in college, I highly recommend starting a Tespa league, there are lots of great perks.
Liveblogging the One Night in Karazham Livestream!
Priest got screwed over yet again. Poor Anduin.
Prince Malchezaar
This card is probably the best card for a control deck I have ever seen. It is a fatigue fighter, solid stats, and gives control decks more options. The only down side that people need to be aware of is that it can clog up your deck. Anyone that has played with a control deck understands the pain of playing against aggro and having a starting hand of Dr. Boom, Ysera and Grommash. Adding 5 legendaries to your deck makes it harder to draw into solutions in some cases, but overall I still think this card will be exceedingly good.
Its a basically a shade of naxxramas that gains 1/1 each turn, but as a separate body. I think this card has a lot of potential, especially in something like zoo. It combos very well with stuff like knife juggler and darkshire councilman, as well as steward of darkshire. It is annoying to deal with too because it can get out of hand quick if not dealt with early. The stealth is what helps this card a lot. With stealth, it can be used for a power overwhelming target when needed. It just needs to stick around for 2 turns until it gains value (the turn played and the turn after and then it would be 3/3 for 3 mana). Even if it dies the turn after, the opponent most likely had to use AoE to get rid of it because of the stealth.
Book Wyrm
Rend Blackhand destroys legendaries, and no one plays him. Why would anyone play this? If it killed 4 attack or less, it would definitely see play. It just feels too situational.
I think this card could be pretty good, depending on what cards you can make from it and how consistently you can make a certain combination. Considering they said there will be over 100 combinations, I am guessing that you won’t get the same choices every time (similar to how Finley gives you 3 choices out of 8 possible choices). The fact that it is a 4 mana card though is very good because it is easier to combo with Brann (unlike Rafaam) and it doesn’t take an entire turn to use (again, unlike Rafaam). The only downside is that it has to be used in a “Reno Jackson” type deck.