Stonekeep's Comments
Hearthstone's Best Hero Class Tier List (Boomsday Project) - The Current Best Standard Classes in Hearthstone 2018
It’s good against other Paladin deck (Murloc), against Tempo Secret Mage, against most of Priest builds (best against Spiteful version, but it has positive matchups against Combo, Big and Control too). The only bad, common matchup is Control Warlock. Cube Warlock can be hard if they roll Voidlord, but not so much if it’s Doomguard. Jade Druid can also be punishing (uhh, Spreading Plague really destroys the deck), but not as much.
Like I’ve said, the deck is all over Rank 5 – Legend and high Legend. It wouldn’t be if it wasn’t good. Those ranks are most competitive and people really play the best decks there.
Your deck might be good against them, you might have gotten lucky, they might have been playing poorly, you didn’t even specify the rank you’re playing at. Don’t get me wrong, I respect your opinion, but I just have to believe the tier lists which gather thousands of games every day (HSReplay, Vicious Syndicate) a bit more when it comes to the deck’s power. Especially since my own experience lines up with them quite well, as I know for a fact that the deck is indeed strong right now (even if not the #1 deck on the ladder, I think it’s among a few best ones).
What Hearthstone Expansion Themes We Might See In The Future
Right? When you think about it, it doesn’t make any sense. But that’s the point – balance first and lore second ๐ That’s why they MIGHT decide to introduce some of the most powerful lore characters at some point. Old Gods were already scaled down quite heavily, as they’re one of the most powerful beings in Warcraft.
What Hearthstone Expansion Themes We Might See In The Future
They definitely will. Pumping them out all at once would not be a wise move – people get hyped for the well known characters they know, so it’s better to spread them out over multiple expansions. With 3 expansions per year, they would run out of major characters really quickly, even given how vast the Warcraft’s lore is.
Hearthstone Wildfest (February 19th - March 11th) - Wild Arena & New Tavern Brawls
You’re probably thinking about Arena, which turned into Wild format for the course of this event. Brawliseum is a Tavern Brawl and it isn’t out yet.
Hearthstone Epic Crafting Guide (Standard) - Scholomance Academy - September 2020
Ice Block, Alexstrasza, Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Wild Growth, Doomguard and Preparation are some of the predictions.
But those are only guesses – no one really knows what cards will rotate out (if any). Given that the rotation will happen with the first expansion of 2018, somewhere early-mid April, they should make an announcement soon if anything.
But to answer your second question, no, there is no need to keep extra copies. You are getting a refund only for the amount of cards you can put into your deck – so 2 in case of Common/Rare/Epic and 1 in case of Legendary. However, there is a certain cool trick to gain more Dust if you don’t own a certain Legendary, for example.
Refund for a Golden Legendary is 3200 Dust. So if you don’t own one, you can actually craft it before it rotates out, gain the full Dust refund (3200), and then Disenchant it for 1600 (normal value) to gain +1600 Dust. It only works if you don’t own a copy of that certain card. But don’t sweat about it yet, we will definitely explain it on the site if they announce Hall of Fame rotation ๐
Hearthstone Epic Crafting Guide (Standard) - Scholomance Academy - September 2020
It was one of the biggest nerfs Hearthstone ever experienced, not counting total remakes. Usually cards gets +1 Mana or let’s say -1 Health, but in this case it was -3 Attack. Changing a 5/5 to 2/5 basically makes it nearly unplayable.
The only deck it still can see play in is basically Evolve Shaman, because if you Evolve it, it still turns into a random 8-drop.
Hearthstone's Best Hero Class Tier List (Boomsday Project) - The Current Best Standard Classes in Hearthstone 2018
According to the tier lists, it’s one of the best decks on the ladder.
And it’s all over the higher ranks. When I was grinding Legend a few days ago, 30-40% of my matchups were Silver Hand Paladins.
Hearthstone's Best Hero Class Tier List (Boomsday Project) - The Current Best Standard Classes in Hearthstone 2018
The list was a bit outdated, but it just got an update ๐
Hearthstone Epic Crafting Guide (Standard) - Scholomance Academy - September 2020
You’re still missing my point. I don’t recommend it because it might get played after the rotation. That’s just one of the reasons.
Barnes + Y’Shaarj combo is 1400 Gold (or $14) + 1600 Dust. 2x To My Side! is 800 Dust. That’s a massive difference.
Barnes + Y’Shaarj has exactly 0% chance of seeing play in 1.5 months, because it will rotate out. Even if you don’t think that To my Side will see play, it still can, unlike those two.
I haven’t even once said that To My Side are better in the deck than Barnes + Y’Shaarj. But if you’re a more new/casual player and you absolutely want to play the deck right now, you can do it for a much lower investment by crafting To my Side + it will still be playable after the rotation.
The card is on the list for the reasons I’ve already explained (not only in the comments, but next to the card itself too). People have their own brains and can decide whether they want to craft it or not after I explicitly said that it’s NOT the best-in-slot, but the best-in-slot combo of Barnes + Y’Shaarj is expensive and rotating out very soon. If you want to play the deck, you need to have either one or the other, and if I was a new/budget player who wants to play the deck, I’d definitely want to save 800 Dust and 1400 Gold.
Hearthstone Epic Crafting Guide (Standard) - Scholomance Academy - September 2020
If you think about a full Dust refund, then sadly no, nothing like that happens. The cards will still be usable in the Wild and this is just a normal rotation.
They only fully refund cards if they rotate them “out of schedule” to Hall of Fame. Since they’ve promised that the Classic cards will be available forever in Standard, when rotating some of them out they’ve “broken” that promise and refunded players with full dust (while leaving the card in their collection).
We will probably get more announcements regarding this year’s Hall of Fame rotation soon, if it will happen at all (but I do think it will).
Hearthstone Epic Crafting Guide (Standard) - Scholomance Academy - September 2020
The hard part about making lists like this is that you need to balance out cards that “see a lot of play right now” and cards that are just generally “solid crafts”. Given that Faceless is a Classic Neutral, and it has seen play in multiple decks ever since the Classic, I feel like it just belongs to the second category.
It’s not only Warlock decks that used to play it. While it was most common (and amazing) in decks like RenoLock and Handlock, decks like Control Shaman, Worgen Warrior (and other Combo Warrior decks like Giants Warrior) or Ramp Druid also played it. If we go even further back, it was actually a common card in Miracle Rogue (Deckhand / Cold Blood combo).
Even right now it’s played in Malygos Druid, even though that’s an off-meta deck.
So my reasoning was that the card was never “must-craft” at any point, but it overall a good craft given how many times it has seen play in the past, and the fact that it’s commonly seen in the arguably most poweful meta deck right now.
Hearthstone Epic Crafting Guide (Standard) - Scholomance Academy - September 2020
Like I’ve said, it only speaks about the fact that Y’Shaarj version is just better. If not for Y’Shaarj, every Spell Hunter would run it. Two Animal Companions on Turn 6 is not bad at all, especially since it fits right after the Spellstone (if Wolves survive, rolling Leokk makes them so much better and if they die, it’s a board refill). But you just can’t run those two cards together, that’s the deck’s restriction.
Let me give you another example – Northshire Cleric is a great card, yet Highlander (Razakus) Priest only used one copy. Does it mean that the card is not good enough to play two copies? No, it just means that if you want to run other, better cards, you need to restrict your deck building.
I am 100% sure that the card will see play in Spell Hunter after the rotation, unless another amazing incentive to play minions arises (like the Barnes/Y’shaarj in this case), but I don’t think that they would do that considering how people hate Barnes now.
Hearthstone Epic Crafting Guide (Standard) - Scholomance Academy - September 2020
I thought that I explained it well enough in the post itself. Y’Shaarj is a really bad craft right now, because it rotates out in just about 1.5 months. Not to mention that a lot of players don’t have Karazhan. While I acknowledge that the Y’Shaarj version is better, this is the second best option and it’s more future-proof.
To My Side! is not a bad card at all. It works very well in the Spell Hunter. It’s just that you simply CAN’T run both Barnes/Y’Shaarj combo and To My Side! (because it would be too inconsistent, it still works with Rhok’delar, but that’s 1 card and not 3 in total). If not for that, the card would be played, and it’s the second best option if you don’t have the Barnes/Y’Shaarj. And while Y’Shaarj will no longer be played in Spell Hunter after the rotation, I’m quite certain that To My Side! will.
Not to mention that this list isn’t aimed at the pro players – they already know what to craft. If you’re a less experienced player, you can just as well play the slightly worse version at the lower ranks. In terms of fun, it should be even better – Barnes version is really unfun in a way that you so often need to high-roll your way to victory and drawing Y’Shaarj is a terrible feeling.
Hearthstone Epic Crafting Guide (Standard) - Scholomance Academy - September 2020
My god, sorry. I wanted to split them between Class & Neutrals first and then merged them together (because the split seemed a bit needless). Voidlord had to disappear somewhere along the way. Adding it now.
Best Post-Nerf Hearthstone Decks for Balance Patch 10.2 - A Week Later
Right? Blizzard seems to force Warriors into Control role (after constantly nerfing their combo archetypes like Patron Warrior, Worgen Warrior etc. and Aggro like Pirate Warrior), but they just don’t give them the right tools to do the job. Warriors can survive, but they have really hard time actually turning that into a win.
I hope that they plan something good for the class this year. Because honestly, Kobolds & Catacombs was a solid expansion for Warrior, but it just wasn’t enough.
Best Post-Nerf Hearthstone Decks for Balance Patch 10.2 - A Week Later
I’m glad that you liked it!
Best Post-Nerf Hearthstone Decks for Balance Patch 10.2 - A Week Later
Of course you are right, thanks! I didn’t even catch it after reading it the second time, hahah.
Fixed it ๐
The Current Arena Rules in Hearthstone - Arena Exclusive Cards, Banned Cards List, Card Appearance Rates
What do you mean a whole expansion? Whispers of the Old Gods?
Cards are banned only in the Arena, they’re available in the other formats, so it’s obviously not the same as completely removing them.
And it’s only about 10% of the expansion, 90% of the cards is still there.
I don’t necessarily agree with removing all of the C’Thun-related cards (because honestly, most of them would be good in Arena even without C’Thun), but it makes sense.
Are you absolutely sure that it works that way? Last time I was playing Reno Warlock in the Wild (with both Imp Gang Boss and Defile), it didn’t. You still needed a 1 health minion on the board to initiate the sequence, just Imp Gang Boss would stop the Defile after 1st tick.
You’d need to damage your Imp Gang Boss or have another 1 health minion on the board. Then it would go this way: 1st tick clears the 1/1 minion (not Imp token), damages Imp Gang Boss and creates a 1/1 Imp Token, second tick damages Imp Gang Boss and creates a 1/1 Imp Token etc. It would be 5 ticks in total.
If it works the way you describe, then it’s probably some recent bug.