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Hearthstone Crafting Guide for the Journey to Un'Goro Meta - Legendaries and Crafts for Meta Decks!
You mean how both decks perform in general or against each other? If in general, I’d say that their performance is pretty similar. I think that Quest Rogue performs better at the lower ranks, because it’s easier to play. Miracle Rogue has rarely shown high win rates besides Legend, where majority of people playing the deck really know what they’re doing. So in general, Quest Rogue should perform better with an inexperienced pilot, while Miracle Rogue should perform better when played by someone with a lot of Rogue experience.
When it comes to the direct clash between the two, Quest Rogue is a favorite. The matchup is like 60/40 in his favor.
Hearthstone Crafting Guide for the Journey to Un'Goro Meta - Legendaries and Crafts for Meta Decks!
I’ve decided to remove him from the list right now. I’ve put him mostly because of how good the card is in Burn Mage, which is a very powerful deck. However, it’s only a single not-so-popular list, so it might not be a good craft for the average person.
That’s the thing about Hemet – he has very unique effect, which might be one of the best effects in the game. But you need to find a right list to play it in, because you can’t just put him into any deck and expect him to work. That’s why it most likely will never be a very common Legendary, like Rag, Sylvanas or Thalnos, but it might activate some very powerful builds in the future.
Hearthstone Crafting Guide for the Journey to Un'Goro Meta - Legendaries and Crafts for Meta Decks!
It’s an interesting question, but I don’t think that the Quest Rogue will be nerfed at all. The deck isn’t overpowered. It shows around 48% win rate across the board, which is far, far lower than the nerfing point.
The deck just feels like it is too strong, and while it’s important, I don’t think that they will base nerfs just on that. The problem with Quest Rogue is that it’s a deck with very contrasting results. The deck usually wins hard or loses without doing anything. People who play against Quest Rogue tend to remember those games where Rogue just stomped them, while they forget the games where Rogue was struggling to do anything for the first 6-7 turns, because he didn’t complete the Quest. SImilarly, last expansion A LOT of players complained about Jade Druid, which was just an average deck, but when you lost against it, it felt completely broken (perfect ramp into 6/6 or 7/7 Jades by turn 7-8). Similarly, when you play against Quest Rogue, it’s so irritating when they complete the Quest on turn 4, Prep it out on turn 5 and start charging you with 5/5’s.
The Rogue’s Quest is, believe me or not, in a very balanced state right now. It has good matchups (mostly slower decks) and bad matchups (mostly Aggro and fast Midrange), resulting in a below average win rate. Even a tiny nerf to the Quest would now make it just bad and unplayable. I mean, it might be what players want, but given how the Jade Druid wasn’t nerfed after 3 months of complaining, I don’t think they will touch the Rogue’s Quest too. For a good reason.
Hearthstone Crafting Guide for the Journey to Un'Goro Meta - Legendaries and Crafts for Meta Decks!
I’m really sorry, I thought that I have this in my article already. I had to remove it by mistake!
I had a passage that the lower on the list the Legendary is, the lower it has priority to craft in the current meta. So Jaraxxus has the lowest priority crafting of all of the Classic class Legendaries, but I just think that it’s still there somewhere.
I’m editing the article and adding it once again.
Hearthstone Crafting Guide for the Journey to Un'Goro Meta - Legendaries and Crafts for Meta Decks!
Thanks for the comment, let me explain my choices quickly!
N’Zoth is definitely out there, I’ve seen it in the Control Paladin, Deathrattle Priest and even in Taunt Warrior. It’s definitely not a top tier Legendary right now, but it’s playable + the main reason I’ve included it is that it will most likely carry well into the rest of the year. It’s the only Old God that has seen competitive play in every expansion since its release.
And Jaraxxus is necessary when playing Handlock. Or well, probably any slower Warlock build. I’ve mentioned that in his description – those decks aren’t very strong right now, but if you want to play something else than Zoo, you most likely need that Jaraxxus. And I’m 100% sure that it’s a safe craft in a way that it will see play in the future, it’s one of the most powerful Legendaries after all.
Quest Rogue Deck List Guide - Witchwood - May 2018
It’s hard to help you without seeing the games. Could you record them and upload to YT or at least share a HSDT replay?
Getting rushed down is the biggest problem with this deck and you can’t really help that. But “outvalued”? This deck doesn’t even play for value – it plays for the tempo. Once you rush your Quest, you put a bunch of 1-2 mana 5/5’s and closes the game in 2-3 turns. The only way you can get outvalued is your opponent hitting the perfect AoE wipes or you doing too much trading after the Quest is finished.
Also remember that this deck is very draw-dependant. While the player’s skill obviously matters, even if you play perfectly you won’t win much if you’re constantly getting bad draws. 17 games sample size is pretty small and very susceptible to draw RNG.
Quest Rogue Deck List Guide - Witchwood - May 2018
I never ever look at the “target” of the Quest (the one you see when you hover over the “!” icon). It doesn’t matter at all. I think it just shows a minion that’s “closest” to finishing the Quest. So e.g. if you play only a single copy of Swashburglar, it shows Swashburglar. Then if you play 2 copies of any other minion, it will show that minion. Then it would change again if you played 3 copies of yet another minion.
Target is flexible, there is no one target that you need to bounce X times. You can start the Quest with one minion and finish it with something completely different. So you can just ignore whatever’s shown there and continue the bouncing. It will definitely work.
Quest Rogue Deck List Guide - Witchwood - May 2018
Yes, that’s true. But to be fair, it’s pretty hard to burn it. You’d need to have a full hand and play Novice Engineer or Swashburglar as your 4th minion. Having 10 cards in the hand doesn’t really happen often (I don’t remember ever having that much with this deck) :p
Miracle Rogue Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Oh wow, that’s a lot of questions ๐
1. If you draw Hallucination on turn 1, you usually play it if you have nothing better to do. The only time I don’t play it is when I’ll need it to combo with something. E.g. if I’m going first and I have SI:7, then I can use Hallucination + SI on turn 4. Or if i’m going second and have Edwin VanCleef, then I’ll save it for turn 3 Hallucination + Coin + VanCleef (+possibly Backstab/Prep).
2. In fast matchups, you don’t really rely on the Auctioneer draws that much. And in the slow ones, you usually want to wait until turn 7-8 to play it. I play it right away on turn 6 only if I have guaranteed 3-4 draws in my hand and I will probably get even more. E.g. if I have 2x Coin and Prep, I will definitely play it on turn 6, because I can open with 2 Coins, then Prep something out, then still have 2 mana for let’s say Evis, then I might draw Backstab… And about saving Backstab/Prep for Auctioneer, there is no general rule, it all depends on the match. If you’re one turn away from Auctioneer and you can afford to let’s say not answer that minion for one extra turn, then you definitely keep it. But if your Auctioneer turn is still 3 turns away, you don’t keep it.
3. I recommend using some sort of deck tracker and then looking through the matchups you face at your rank, because it really depends. Like you’ve said, Warrior can be slow or fast, but in Legend I usually mulligan for Taunt, because it’s much more common there. I’d say that, from my experience, in general that’s how the matchups look. Druid – fast (most play Aggro), Hunter – fast, Mage – slow, Paladin – slow, Priest – slow, Rogue – fast, Shaman – slow (unless more people play Murlocs at low ranks), Warlock – fast, Warrior – depends on the rank (slow at Legend).
4. Turns 3-4 are pretty weak in this deck, that’s true. You usually survive through them by using some combination of cheaper things. E.g. if you play Lasher on turn 2, you might dagger up + play the 1 cost spell on turn 3. You can try to combo out the Edwin. You can play Fan of Knives (cycling it on turn 3 in slow matchup is okay). Mimic Pod is a great turn 3 play in slow matchups. If you drew/played Hallucination, you can try to pick some 3/4 mana card to fill the curve. Small drop + Eviscerate can be another play. Swashburglar/Hallucination + SI:7. Sometimes even Coin + Vilespine Slayer… Those turns are awkward, but I rarely found myself without plays.
5. You should probably watch the girl who created and hit rank #1 Legend on Chinese server with this deck, Eloise ๐ You can find her latest VoD here: (he plays the same deck on NA server). Other than that, Savjz was playing it recently, but only for a few games – then he switched to the Malygos version of the deck. You can still watch it, because the decks share a lot of similarities:
Good luck with the deck and have fun! Miracle Rogue used to be my favorite deck back in the Beta, but I’m not playing it too much recently. Maybe I should start again.
Miracle Rogue Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Not so important in slow matchups, very important in fast ones. It lets you control the board better in the early game.
Warlock Zoo Deck List Guide - Witchwood - August 2018
Taunt Warrior is sadly one of the worst matchups for the deck. I’m pretty sure that against the deck you want to win as quickly as possible, you can’t afford to take the longer game, because the late game Taunts are too valuable. You often have to go all-in and not play around the AoEs too much (I mean, you do to some extent, but you can take more risks than you normally would). I can’t really speak about the Silence Priest, because I’ve played against it once with Zoo and I won quite easily, but he had pretty slow start. I think that the matchup is very draw-dependant, if they get amazing opening like Humunous Razorleaf into Divine Spirit + Faceless Shambler you pretty much win. But if they miss either the huge minions or their activators, you should be able to find the opening.
Zoo is not the strongest deck in the current meta, because Taunt Warrior is pretty popular, but it’s a good budget option to climb the ladder. It does much better against other decks, e.g. Deathrattle Priest, Aggro Druid, Quest Rogue or Murloc Shaman.
Quest Warrior Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Yes, they’re really important. If you want to play this deck seriously, you should craft them.
Quest Warrior Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
It’s one of the best decks in the current meta, but it’s impossible to say how it will look like after the meta stabilizes. I suspect that the deck will stay in the meta, but no one can be sure. If you really want to be safe, I’d wait another week or two before crafting things.
Quest Warrior Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
I don’t really think that Cult Master is a good choice. It’s incredibly clunky in the faster matchups and slower decks usually have a way to deal with it through spells or Battlecries.
Battle Rage seems like a better choice for that. It costs 2 so it’s easier to play against Aggro and you can set up 4+ draws vs slow decks in the late game.
Quest Warrior Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
You can add Deathwing, but definitely not instead of the Primordial Drake. Primordial is still good, because it’s an AoE you can curve into after The Curator. Sometimes you just need it on turn 8.
Deathwing is a good comeback mechanic after you’ve already played the Quest and you’re running out of Taunts to play.
Jade Elemental Shaman Deck List Guide - Un'Goro (August 2017, Standard) - Season 41
There is really no direct replacement, as there are no more good, cheap AoEs in Shaman. The card is really powerful and can win the games against Aggro by itself, so I would recommend getting it.
However, as a temporary solution you can play pretty much anything. Depending on whether you face more Aggro or more Control. If Aggro, then add some more early game or removal heal. Good options are: Glacial Shard, Tidal Surge or Jinyu Waterspeaker. If you face more Control decks, then add some late game power (big Elementals like Fire Elemental/Blazecaller or more Jade generators like Jade Spirit) or card draw (Mana Tide Totem is pretty much the only good option here).
Deathrattle Hunter Deck List Guide - October 2017
Elemental Shaman is really hard to play against if they hit the right curve, but they can struggle hard even if they miss one turn. Sorry, but I can’t really help you with that matchup too much, because I’m not playing against almost any of them in Legend ๐
Eloise's Rank 1 Legend Sherazin Miracle Rogue (April 2017, Season 37)
“It feels like Blizzard is encouraging aggro decks lately” – wait, what? They’ve printed so many anti-Aggro tools this expansion, they don’t really encourage Aggro. It’s just that Aggro is the most efficient way to climb the ladder, because your decks don’t last 100 turns.
There are multiple viable Control decks in the early Un’Goro meta. Here are some examples of great or at least decent Control decks I’ve seen on the ladder so far: Taunt Warrior, Control/Dragon Priest, Handlock, Control Shaman. Vlps hit Legend with N’Zoth Paladin as far as I know and there is even more if you count the slower Midrange lists like the Savjz’s Handbuff Elemental Paladin or Elemental Shaman.
It’s still hard to say how the meta will look a month from now, but I really think that we will have some good Control decks. Taunt Warrior alone is good enough vs the Aggro because of the Taunts while also having good slower matchups because of the reward.
Eloise's Rank 1 Legend Sherazin Miracle Rogue (April 2017, Season 37)
Savjz is playing one right now. The Maly version might not be stronger than the regular one, but it’s definitely fun!
Thanks! ๐