Stonekeep's Comments
Deathrattle Hunter Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
You could try Stitched Tracker. Why do you hate it, though? It’s a good card.
Odd Rogue Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
The deck itself wasn’t updated – the title was (from September to October). It’s still the most popular Odd Rogue deck list.
We have kept changelogs in our deck guides before, but it gets messy very quickly – some decks are changed dozens of times throughout their existence in Standard (especially early into the expansion, we are changing some decks every few days).
Even Shaman Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
A lot of the deck lists in Boomsday Project have turned to be very similar to The Witchwood versions, despite getting new cards that were playtested at first. It seems that Boomsday didn’t have enough impact on most of the classes. Well, besides Giggling Inventor, but in that case 35-40% play rate is not a good thing.
Even Shaman Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
Yeah, that’s why I’m not sure about Mossy. Most of the decks running it have no problem dropping it. In case of Even Shaman, it clears A LOT of your minions too – it’s great if you get caught in a Plague vs board full of Totems, but it’s nearly unplayable at times, even when your opponent drops Giggling. Great, you clear it, but you also get rid of 3-4 minions on your side, not the best outcome.
Secret (Hybrid) Hunter Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
The previous version was an early one, from when the deck was first played in Boomsday Project. The Secretkeeper etc. version is better and the guide was just updated to reflect that 🙂
OTK Paladin Deck List Guide - Boomsday - September 2018
Read the context, don’t pull a random sentence from the guide.
You don’t need Uther for OTK VERSUS FAST DECKS, because you won’t likely pull it off anyway. You want Uther for the weapon and Armor gain, which is 20 healing (and 15 damage) in total.
Reviewing the Four New Classic Cards - Tome of Intellect, Pilfer, Call of the Void, and Icicle
I’ve heard this many times now and I don’t understand it. Am I really missing something? Those cards are terrible for beginners. Icicle is a weak Epic, something they definitely don’t want to craft or open (given that Classic is full of staple Epics they’d rather have). And other cards are just bad.
Yes, they “let new players play with the cards they don’t have”, but so do all the Discover cards. You want to play big, flashy minions? Play Free from Amber in your Priest deck instead of hoping to snatch one from your opponent’s class. You can also just play Hallucination instead of Pilfer, both are commons. Sure, they will rotate out, but more Discover cards will take their place.
And hell, “play with cards they don’t have” is a silly argument anyway since those are so random. You might play a deck with Pilfer for entire week and not get the cards you want to test out. Most of the time you will get some random crap that you don’t even want to play and lose the game. If you’re a new player and you want to play with cards you don’t have, play Arena, Tavern Brawls or craft Whizbang – that’s a good way to play with cards you don’t have and actually learn a thing or two about synergies and stuff.
I can’t believe that people are actually buying this whole “official reasoning”.
What Cards Could Replace Hall of Famed Classics?
As much as I like Stonehill Defender, I think that it’s too strong to be a part of the Classic set. Ever since it was printed in Un’Goro, it has seen play in every single meta we had so far, often as one of the more popular cards. And the reason they’ve created Hall of Fame in the first place is to not have cards like that in Classic.
Thijs' #4 Legend OTK Control Paladin - Boomsday Project
Prismatic Lens is not necessary – it’s not even THAT good in the deck, it’s just that you want card draw, and Paladin has limited options available. You can go for Acolyte of Pain, Potion of Heroism or Gnomish Inventor instead. Maybe even Lay on Hands, but it seems a bit too slow.
As for Crystalsmith Kangor, you can go for a 2nd Plated Beetle or Aldor Peacekeeper.
The deck is actually quite tricky to play, so you might need some more practice 🙂
Thijs' #4 Legend OTK Control Paladin - Boomsday Project
You’d have to get rid of Call to Arms, and that’s a bad idea, it’s basically your main way to get through the deck. Not only it thins by 3 (which is SUPER important), but also pulls out Loot Hoarder or Thalnos most of the time.
The only non-Legendary option would be Baleful Banker, but the fact that it shuffles to the deck instead of adding to the hand makes it super awkward. Or you can just run 2x Youthful Brewmaster and hope that you will draw one before pulling both from Call to Arms. But neither option is nearly as consistent as Zola.
Thijs' #4 Legend OTK Control Paladin - Boomsday Project
Yeah, or that one. In general, you can find a lot of situations in which Pixie gives you lethal.
Hearthstone's Best Hero Class Tier List (Boomsday Project) - The Current Best Standard Classes in Hearthstone 2018
Standard Constructed Class Tier List was just updated. Comments below this are about one of the previous versions of this article.
Thijs' #4 Legend OTK Control Paladin - Boomsday Project
Pixie is there if you somehow manage to stack 2x Hero Power on the board and they survive + if you can save the Coin. Or if you play Prismatic Lens and swap its cost with Equality, but that’s rare.
The main combo is just bouncing the correct 2/2’s with Brewmasters, copying the last one with Zola, then playing 3 from hand + Hero Power.
Worst Class in The Boomsday Project: Decks for Laddering With Priest in the Boomsday Meta
Odd Rogue or Tempo Mage are not really good matchups for Control Priest though, so i could see teching against them (when facing them a lot, of course). I would probably add Shadow Word: Pain instead of Shadow Madness, though. Shadow Madness has a higher potential, but is also more situational (works well if your opponent has SI:7 or Blink Fox on the board and then drops another 3/3, but e.g. if he drops a lone Fledgling, then it doesn’t work). It’s also a more flexible card in general, outside of the matchups listed.
It’s actually quite interesting how Control Priest has dropped a lot of its removal (e.g. SW:P, SW:D, but also stuff like Spirit Lash or MC) and went for a combo-oriented game plan instead. It really shows that classic Control decks without an “unfair” win condition have no place in the meta with Death Knights, crazy combos and infinite value generators everywhere.
HCT Americas Fall Playoffs 2018 - All Deck Lists & Results!
First of all, you need to remember that people submitted the decks without knowing what other players will submit. It means that most of the players had to guess what decks they will have to face. I’m quite sure that most of the players have analyzed the lineups from EU Fall Play-offs, where Zoo Warlock and Odd Rogue were more popular than Even/Control/Cube and Quest Rogues (so the bad matchups for Tempo Mage were more popular than the good ones).
Yes, there are some Big Druids, which is a positive matchup for Big Spell Mage (but I wouldn’t even call it good, it’s more like a 55/45 matchup – Taunt Druid is a much better one). but there are twice as many Mill + Token Druids, which on the other hand, are terrible matchups for the deck. And Big Spell Mage wasn’t performing too well on the last tournament, so that’s another reason why some players might have been reluctant to bring it.
That’s the thing, you can’t just look at the full list of decks and say “I wonder why people haven’t brought more X” – that would require a knowledge they haven’t had before. Picking the right line-up is a very important, but also incredibly difficult skill that pro players need to have.
HCT Americas Fall Playoffs 2018 - All Deck Lists & Results!
On the ladder, Priest is definitely the worst class. The thing is, tournament meta is a bit different. Most importantly, line-ups are made with ban in mind (e.g. you can ban Druid and play line-up that’s bad against Druid, you can’t do the same thing on the ladder), and in the conquest format, you pick certain decks as the counters. Control Priest was much more popular in tournaments than it was on the ladder for a long time.
Worst Class in The Boomsday Project: Decks for Laddering With Priest in the Boomsday Meta
It would still be too powerful. 2 mana 4/4 every single turn is WAY too much pressure, especially considering that most of those would have some sort of effect (Loot Hoarder, Radiant, even stuff like Prophet Velen). It’s like Jaraxxus level of Hero Power, but unlike Jaraxxus, Hero cards don’t reduce your max health to 15 health AND give you Armor instead.
Hearthstone Arena Tier List: Best Arena Classes and Strategies (Festival of Legends + Audiopocalypse, June 2023)
Arena Tier List was updated for Boomsday Project. Comments below this one were made about one of the previous versions of this article.
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
Oh, I remember that one! It was posted pretty early into the expansion so I didn’t think about it when compiling the list.
However, this was very early into the expansion. After seeing it initially on CompHS, I haven’t seen it anywhere else even once. But if you’re saying that it still works, then there might be something to it.
Still, I think that you understand why I’m still skeptical about the card. We’ve seen all sorts of “bad” cards finding home in off-meta decks that didn’t get any mainstream success. For example, I also put Emeriss on this list, despite (I think it was him) Deathstar hitting top 100 Legend with his Control Hunter list including Emeriss. But one person having success with an off-meta build doesn’t make the Legendary great out of nowhere.
The thing is, if a deck like that was REALLY good, it would probably hit the mainstream quite quickly. A power of the off-meta decks, and a reason why sometimes players get great results with off-meta builds that would never get mainstream success is surprise factor. Everyone is mulliganing and expecting Odd Paladin. Even if you turn out to be Even Paladin, they probably don’t expect a buff focus, let alone The Voraxx. But once people would get used to the deck, know what it runs and how to play around it, I don’t believe it would be that good anymore.
Of course, I always strongly recommend playing around with the Legendaries before dusting them – not only it’s more fun that way, but you might actually find out that you like one or have success with it and decide to keep it. So if anyone is wondering whether to dust Voraxx, I would recommend trying out that list. But until the card gets more play than by a couple of people in off-meta decks, I can’t remove it from the list. According to, the card has roughly 0.02% representation on the ladder (that’s in 1 out of 5,000 matches) with around 43% win rate. It screams “disenchant me”. But I would love to be proven wrong, I always enjoy seeing niche Legendaries getting into meta decks.
I don’t really think that it’s underestimated – it’s played in many Hunter decks and most of players who have ever played Deathrattle Hunter see Shaw as one of the strongest cards in the list. It’s just not necessary to play the deck, but it obviously makes it much better.