Stonekeep's Comments
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
Yes, you’re right. I always mess up those close names, like Voidlord vs Voidwalker or Kabal Lackey vs Possessed Lackey lol. Fixing it right now, thanks!
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
I’m not really a Wild player myself, but I’ll see what I can do!
Mecha'thun Warlock - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - #16 Legend (corbett)
And you can use it on your own Acolyte later in the game to cycle.
Or as a Defile activator. It puts a 1 health minion on the board and you can use the ping to set one of your opponent’s minions up. (e.g. if he has 2, 3 and 5 health minions, you can ping the 4 health one and Defile everything).
Even though it’s not a great card overall, it’s pretty flexible and thus works nicely in this deck.
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
Legendary Crafting Guide was just updated for the Rastakhan Post-Nerf Meta. Comments below this one were made for one of the previous versions.
Last Week in Hearthstone – January 8th - January 13th, 2019
We’ll most likely have to wait for the next expansion to see bigger meta changes. Unless Blizzard surprises us again with another nerf patch before that.
Hakkar Druid - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - #6 Legend (MikkerBoyDK)
You don’t swap and Hakkar the same turn. You empty your deck, play Hakkar, kill it off with Innervate + Naturalize. Then on your turn, you take 3 damage from Blood + 1 from fatigue + shuffle 2 more bloods into the deck. Then you swap AND Naturalize immediately, forcing your opponent to draw the bloods, which would shuffle themselves back. They deal 6 on first draw + 12 on second + 24 on third = 42 damage in total. +1 from fatigue if that matters, lol.
You actually WANT to take the first blood damage, because it would shuffle 2 copies back. When you have an empty deck with only bloods, the damage doubles each time you draw them. So if you didn’t take the first light hit (3 damage), your opponent would take only 3 + 6 + 12 = 21 damage, which is usually not enough to kill them. If you play against someone like Odd Warrior, who stacked Armor, you might even wait ANOTHER turn (they probably don’t put enough pressure for you to die anyway) and take 6 damage too. That would up the damage to 12 + 24 + 48 = 84 once you swap with them, probably enough even considering how much Armor they gain.
Control Priest - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - #2 Legend (muffins)
I like Holy Fire, I’ve played a list with 2 of them for a while, but it was too much. I think that 1 is optimal spot.
It’s basically a mix of everything. Crowd Roaster can only be used as a minion removal, and in slow mathchups you have almost no way to connect 7/4 with face, because it dies (sure, it still often gets 2 for 1, but you aren’t playing a value game anyway). Holy Fire is a guaranteed 5 damage to the face, which can also be used as a minion removal.
And healing also helps, A LOT. I won many games thanks to the 5 healing part, especially against Aggro, but even vs slower decks. Once you turn into Anduin and you push face damage, you have almost no on-board tempo, so they start damaging you. 5 healing can give you another turn, and each turn is a extra damage.
I often set up a 2 turns lethal with Holy Fire. HP + HF + HP is first turn = 9 damage and 5 healing means that I both make my opponent much lower AND have a much higher chance of surviving. Then next turn you go HP + Mind Blast + HP + MB + HP = 16 damage. 25 damage over 2 turns, which is usually enough to kill someone who isn’t a Warrior or Druid. Without Holy Fire, I would run out of burn to kill them quite regularly.
That’s why I think that 1 copy is optimal. 2 are too clunky, but 1 is great.
HCT Europe Winter Playoffs 2018 - All Deck Lists & Results!
There seems to be a problem with the cache – when the site slows down, it reverts back to the old version when not everything was added yet.
But I’m 100% sure that it’s all there, so if something doesn’t display, just try refreshing after a while. Sorry about that!
Tavern Brawl - Brawl Block: Old and New
It’s even better with Venomizer – instead of freezing, it kills every other minion 🙂
Hearthstone Update - January 9, 2019 - Rumble Run & Arena Changes
I actually agree with that. A while ago, I wrote an article criticizing the mode, and one of my biggest gripes was the Shrine choice. You’re often shoehorned into only the Shrines you don’t want to play and finding the one you actually want to test is hard.
Now it’s even harder, because you get only ONE random Shrine every time you start a run. One is the one you’ve lost with and the other is the one you’ve lost to. So finding a specific Shrine that you want to play with can be a nightmare now.
OTK DK (Exodia) Paladin Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - February 2019
They don’t always hit you hard enough that you can’t outheal it. Remember that they might be trading into your early minions, you might have stopped a lot of damage with Righteous Protector, that you’re actively clearing their board too, and that not all Aggro decks are face rush decks. A lot of the time mid game Kangor shenanigans (and with 2x CtA, you get it very consistently) lead to you overhealing without Thekal.
Plus, it’s a 3/4 body on Turn 3 – there’s nothing better you can do on that turn, so that part obviously helps too.
Odd Rogue Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
For this guide, we’ve used the (by far) most popular list, which doesn’t run it. You can obviously do it – it’s a good card in the list, it’s just not necessary. When doing the next update, I will consider using the Myra’s list instead (I personally prefer it).
Cubelock Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - March 2019
For healing, obviously. It’s a safer approach. 2x Faceless can work, but it’s a bit more greedy – much less useful vs Aggro and doesn’t really work unless you actually already have something to copy.
Faceless is better in slower matchups, where Cubing a big minion + Facelessing the Cube can be a game-winning play.
Odd Warrior Deck List Guide – Rastakhan's Rumble – March 2019
When updating the guide, I’ve picked the highest win rate list (that’s what I nearly always do) – and it’s still one of the best lists according to
You can argue that X or Y doesn’t really work, and you do have some solid points, but I tend to believe the stats. Plus, there’s no way for me to test dozens of different lists to find out which one is the best, so going with stats is the only feasible way.
Standout Post-Nerf Rastakhan's Rumble Decks - Day 2
I sorry, I can only test them close to Legend or in Legend. Just like the streamers / pro players I’m watching – they also play them in Legend most of the time.
I know that the meta can vary from rank to rank, that’s why you should always adapt for the opponents you see. E.g. if you face a lot of Aggro, playing Odd Warrior might be a good idea – the deck works really well vs them!
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
Well yeah, I could not possibly happen to know that they will go with such a quick nerf patch. 2 weeks after the release is unprecedented. My work on this update is basically thrown to the garbage and I will have to do it again when the new meta settles down.
I’m glad that I didn’t update the Epic guide yet, because I’ve meant to do it tomorrow, lol.
Upcoming Rastakhan's Rumble Nerfs (December 19th): Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up, Saronite Chain Gang and Leeching Poison
Yes, but Shudderwock was not nerfed, Grumble was not nerfed etc. so even if you’ve crated a whole deck, you will only get a refund for Saronite Chain Gang (which is nothing).
Tbh I don’t think that the deck really deserved a nerf right now given that it’s not dominating the meta anyway and it’s going to rotate out in ~3.5 months.
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
When cards rotate out of Standard, you still own them, but they can only be played in Wild. They’re still in your collection, just like they are right now, so you can decide to do with them whatever you want.
You can just keep them to play in Wild – I would generally recommend doing that unless you’re sure that you will never play Wild. Alternatively, you can Dust them at the normal rate, which is 12.5% for Commons (5 from 40), 20% for Rares (20 from 100), 25% for Epics (100 from 400) and 25% for Legendaries (400 from 1600). That’s for regular cards, Golden have a higher rate.
There are rare exceptions – sometimes when they rotate out a Classic card (Classic is a set that was meant to be in Standard forever) to “Hall of Fame” (basically a set that consists of Wild-only Classic cards), then we BOTH get a full refund and get to keep the card. But so far there are only 13 cards in Hall of Fame, so you can’t count on a lot of extra Dust (e.g. last rotation Ice Block and Coldlight Oracle rotated out).
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
There are multiple warnings about that in the article.
I can’t just say “don’t craft cards from 2017 expansions”, when there are stuff like Deathstalker Rexxar, Prince Keleseth or Sunkeeper Tarim in there. You really need some of those to make certain decks successful. They ARE still good crafts, just will be relevant for only ~3.5 months in Standard.
You always have to keep in mind that cards from the previous Standard year have a much shorter shelf life and take that into account, but if you’re not a F2P player on a very tight budget, getting them is not a bad idea lots of times.
Update: It’s the second time we see this Brawl. Comments below this one are old, but can often still be relevant!