Soup And Salad's Comments
Omega Devastator
A full on Mech Warrior deck would still not have been viable if this were released in The Boomsday Project at least relative to Odd Warrior.
At most, there would have been one more reason to play a regular Control Warrior at the time, but this card by itself would not have improved that deck’s viability generally seeing as it really would not have helped it against aggression.
Omega Devastator
No it is. Just look at the original art on one of the Hearthstone wikis.
Omega Devastator
Control decks already play roughly half answer cards and half threats with maybe a couple draw effects. Plus, many good pieces of removal like Blood Razor and Reckless Flurry to name only two are also leaving Standard.
The average control deck doesn’t have a true win condition other than to outlast their opponent, and in an environment without infinite value, all the removal pieces that can double as threats like Crowd Roaster and this will be invaluable for the control mirror. Additionally, this can curve into Zilliax or Dyn-o-matic in match-ups where having a 4/5 on four is more important than the removal the card offers.
Omega Devastator
Kicker cards in MtG are similar, and they’re just as binary and absolutely loved by that game’s community in general.
Rafaam's Scheme
To Tuscarora87
I’d argue scheme are an alternative version of spell stones that require no thoughts in deck building rather than being strictly worse. As such, part of the trade off is they start off weaker than the average spellstone while also potentially being much stronger.
While the player has control over when Spellstones upgrade, they do not do so automatically and are reliant on other cards to do so, and it is and was quite possible when playing with say Emerald Spellstone in Spell Hunter to draw it early but see no secrets until after it usefulness has passed.
It is ultimately a trade-off, but both Spellstones and Schemes suck when drawn late, especially the ones with high upgrade costs like Diamond and Ruby Spellstones or involve the use of cards best played as soon as possible like Emerald or to some extent Amethyst Spellstone.
Improve Morale
The Lackey is better in almost every gamestate other than the very start of a game for a Control deck. Even then, Faceless Lackey and Kobold Lacky are always better than a zero mana 2/2 with Etherial Lackey being roughly even as it does draw a card.
Control decks especially leave one or two hanging mana quite often, and playing on curve is not something they’re really concerned with as long as they’re allowed to play their answers. The tempo of this card may make it less attractive to Blood to Ichor for a Tempo Warrior, certainly for a Control Warrior it is better, especially later in the game.
Rafaam's Scheme
It reads like you dislike the Scheme mechanic in general over being let down by the reveals thus far. Schemes almost by definition cannot be good top decks, much like Spellstones.
Omega Devastator
In a control mirror, a card that can double as removal AND a threat is invaluable.
Your opponent basically loses two cards at the cost of your one (this is normally referred to as a two for one trade), and if you can keep two-for-oning your opponent in an environment without infinite value (as April’s format will be), you will eventually out grind your opponet and win.
Omega Devastator
Yeah. Omega Devastator is probably doing to see a reasonable amount of play. Even if for whatever reason it isn’t actually in Warrior lists, Omega Assembly and Dr.Boom, Mad Genius will find this often enough.
A four mana 4/5 that almost certainly kills a minion when summoned after turn ten is obviously good. There’s not a whole lot else to say of the matter.
The only question left is will Warrior be in a place that can properly support a card like this? I personally think it will if a proper successor to Fiery War Ax or a board clearing effect to replace Reckless Flurry have yet to be revealed.
Rafaam's Scheme
If the Zoo Warlock got their opponent to use one of their limited board sweeping effects for the cost of one card, they’re quite happy.
Rafaam's Scheme
While the damage aspect of Implosion was a big part as to why is saw play, but cheap, efficient minions are always welcome in more aggressive Warlock decks. This does cost less than Implosion AND can consistently generate four or more 1/1s.
Fiendish Circle may not have ever seen play, but recent iterations of Zoo Warlock really haven’t been oriented towards tokens like it was when Imp Gang Boss and the aforementioned Implosion were Standard legal. Without Keleseth and the Heal package though, there might be room for this and Knife Juggler in the deck.
While 1/1s are obviously very weak to board sweeper effects, it will at least force the opponent to use a board sweeper at the cost of only one card on the Zoo Warlock’s part. Plus, half of the useful board clearing effects in Standard right now (Duskbreaker, Defile, Dragon’s Fury, Spirit Lash, Reckless Flurry, Psychic Scream, etc.) are rotating out of the format.
There might be hope for this card.
Improve Morale
Blood to Ichor did see at least some play during its time in Standard. As such, I would expect Improve Morale to also see play in control and tempo oriented Warrior decks, especially with most of the lackeys being better than just a 2/2 token.
I doubt it’ll be the best card in the deck, but a low value spell that replaces itself in the hand should be exactly what a control deck wants to play.
Lazul's Scheme
Yes, but even without the combo, it will be possible to trade into an opposing minion without giving up any presence.
Lazul's Scheme
Without resurrection tools, Wall Priest really only gets two bites at the apple to get the enforcer to stick, and relying on your opponent to have a single high health minion and at least no taunt minions is not going to be a consistent way to win your games.
That is especially since Priest will have no consistent ways to draw this early, Shadow Maddness, both Divine Spirits, and Inner Fire.
It may allow for a meme combo deck, but it won’t be half as good as the Djinn combos from a couple years ago.
Also, try to get what you want to convey in less than a thousand words. I really don’t understand why you needed to elaborate on every single Priest archetype. I did read through most of it, but it really just comes off as a bunch of rambling.
Lazul's Scheme
I doubt such a parasitic strategy is ever going to be viable. Even the Djinn Priest combo had some agency beyond waiting for your opponent to have a single high health minion and no taunts.
Lazul's Scheme
Two card minion kill combos like Hunter Mark-Candleshot and Whirlwind-Execute have been and are currently viable
The information gathering aspect of Madame Lazul is definitely impressive compared to previous offerings. However, it really could have read “Battlecry: Draw a card,” and it would still have been really rather good.
Granted, any and all Priest decks could very easily drop this from lists in favor of another method of card generation, and I personally feel the extra health stat on Curious Glimmerroot will usually make it the better card in most cases.