Soup And Salad's Comments
Unseen Saboteur
Unseen Sabateur is obviously meant to be a combo breaker card. Granted, I don’t really like how swingy it can be. Imagine playing this against a Paladin and stealing their Spikeridge Steed right on turn six. I know the absolute floor of this sort of card is that it could let your opponent play their board sweeping effect for free, but that still is a lot of variance.
Hopefully, the only people who regularly play the card will be those who could actually make good use of Dirty Rat: the top tiers of Hearthstone players.
Tree of Life saw zero serious play, and slapping a nearly free 4/12 on top of it probably won’t really do much to help that card’s chances.
The amount of heal support in Paladin really doesn’t change that either. It’s just that the effect is too slow to make a meaningful difference in the aggressive match-up, where the healing this offers matters the most. A somewhat decent upside of the card is that if it gets stuck in your hand early game, it will trigger all of you Dragon synergy cards for the whole of the game.
If it does see play, it’ll definitely be a card worth cutting if you’re on a budget.
Mana Cyclone
Mana Cyclone should be pretty alright as a later game play in a Tempo Mage deck. You’ll never want to actually drop it on two, but as a last gasp of advantage and a successor to Aluneth, it should be alright.
Commander Rhyssa
If Secret Paladin remains as a reasonable aggressive-midrange deck for the Paladin class, this will see play in it.
Granted, roughly of the Paladin secrets in Standard, Repentance, Autodefense Matrix, and Noble Sacrifice, really aren’t any stronger when triggered Twice. The rest of the Standard secrets, especially No Surrender and Hidden Wisdom, are pretty reasonable though (Assuming Redpetion would return two copies of the minion to the board).
Even with that though, Rhyssa will probably be one of the first cards to cut for more budget friendly builds of the deck. at the very least, it won’t be necessary for it to really function.
Crystal Stag
It’s not bad, it’s just extremely fair given EVERYTHING the card asks of you.
Walking Fountain
Every card with Rush would be better if it had Charge instead. You’re really not adding anything to the conversation.
Muckmorpher looks like a pretty cool card, but unless you hit a minion with a useful aura effect, rush, or Deathrattle, it really isn’t going to be much more than a five mana 4/4.
Maybe it’ll be something to screw around with, but not much more than that.
Walking Fountain
Walking Fountain looks like a pretty reasonable bigger version of Zilliax for Shaman. If slower Shaman decks are worth playing, this will be part of it.
Eight healing, instant impact on the board, likely two or three for one advantage generator, and a serious threat if it manages to survive. Everything a control deck wants.
Crystal Stag
Yes, but when all the aspects of the card are considered, it’s probably even on value.
As a combo disrupting tool, Hecklebot should be okay. It’s a sort of combination between Dirty Rat and Deathlord that costs more than either of them and really only has two stats over what would be a playable vanilla four drop with taunt.
This will have a part to play when playing against minion based combos, but I don’t think it’s worth crafting day one as its current rating would perhaps suggest.
Fel Lord Betrug
Fel Lord Betrug is a card that if allowed to live can easily take games over, and at ten mana, it is possible to instantly get decent value out of it. It’s heath state isn’t even that bad for an eight drop.
However, it’s effect is inconsistent and rather pointless when used on an uncontested board unless the summoned minion has a useful Deathrattle.
Crystal Stag
I don’t think a four mana, draw one card is going to ever be playable.
Additionally, Healing Touch will not be worth playing just to enable this.
Crystal Power
That’s understandable. I too find myself more interested in Wild that Standard as of late.
Crystal Stag
Not really. Five mana to deal eight damage to a minion(s) is roughly on rate for what someone would expect if not a bit lower. At most, you’re really only saving on one mana as a 4/4 vanilla is probably only worth three mana.
Between the requirement of basically having to use the less good effect on Crystal Power and the mana cost, it’s value is roughly what should be expected all things considered.
Crystal Power
Without Naturalize though, isn’t Mecha’thun as a consistent win condition in Druid untenable?
Jepetto Joybuzz
I hope the random nature of Jepetto Joybuzz can prevent it from enabling some stupid combo reliably and instead see play in decks that play a couple handfuls of high value minions where most of that value comes from its battlecry like Alexstrasza or Emeriss or Deathrattle like Mechanical Drake or Grizzeled Guardian.
It is a cool card, and I really hope it finds a decent home in Standard.
Dragon Speaker
Hand buffing effects have really only been successful in really rather limited circumstances. While this minion is rather limited in what it hits and is fairly under-statted, maybe the +3/+3 buff is enough to be worth playing in a Dragon Paladin deck. Bronze Herald helps this card’s chances more so than any other individual dragon so far though.
However, chances are that even if Dragon Paladin is viable, this won’t be a part of it.
Bronze Herald
Bronze Herald really is pretty alright for a dragon deck pretty similar to MSoG Dragon Priest.
Cathedral Gargoyal into this into Scaleworm or Twilight Drake into Dragon Speaker into one of the 7/7 tokens or some other decent turn six play should be pretty alright. I don’t think there’s enough worthwhile dragon support for Paladin to make it on that deck’s level, but there is likely going to be at least a few new dragon cards that have as of yet to be revealed.
It should do something in Standard at some point at the very least.
Mass Resurrection
Mass Resurrection will not keep Wall Priest viable in Standard nor is it likely to be included in Big Priest in Wild.
For Wall Priest, the deck is losing far too much as is to keep itself viable, and a resurrection tool as slow as this is maybe on part of at least four or five the deck currently relies on.
For Big Priest, the deck already has all the resurrection options it would really want, and in fact, this may be too slow to consider anyway.
As it is though, it should be alright, and really encourages the player to use as few low cost minions in their deck as possible, and without mana cheating, it will be difficult to get an efficient amount of value out of it. A turn nine Cloning Gallery into a turn ten this is about as much mana cheating as you’ll get.
Shadowy Figure is another two drop minion you probably won’t be interested in playing on turn two. Much like its cousin in this set, Mana Cyclone, its design is rather contingent on the rest of the deck that can be built around or at least with it.
Obviously, having this target something like Mechanicle Welp, Sylvannas Windrunner, or even Obsidian Statue is good, but if the deck its played in can’t reliably survive to make such a play, it’s not really worth it.