Soup And Salad's Comments
Plot Twist
Wheel effects are not this. Those often let you draw more cards than you had originally. The fact many of them let you dump the cards into the graveyard also helped.
Windfall, Timetwister. and the original Wheel of Fortune can take a player with no cards in hand to seven or eight while also potentially screwing over your opponent.
This, however, will always result in you having one fewer card in hand that you started with. It is much more similar to Reload or Magical Mallet in Yugioh.
Playing Wheel of Fortune while you have an otherwise empty hand would draw you seven cards for two mana. Playing this while you have an otherwise empty have would draw you nothing.
Plot Twist
The only reason why Handlock even exists right now is Genn Graymane, and playing this on turn two or three delays the Mountain Giant drop until turn five since this does not cycle itself as well.
Why wouldn’t you play more board sweeping effects if you’re playing this in large part to try again and find them?
Plot Twist
Warlock is already the most consistent class due to having Life Tap, so digging for answers is hardly an issue for the class as is.
Also, why would you play this over two more answers for the aggressive match-up? This does not guarantee you’ll draw an answer when you really need one.
Plot Twist
Are you familiar with similar cards in other games like Yugioh and MtG? They’re complete crap. I know they are different games, but it’s still a comparison point.
Put simply though, wouldn’t it be better to play two more answer cards in your deck over playing two of these to hopefully then draw what answers you are playing?
Plot Twist
Even if its just for the memes, you can cut Void Contract out of the equation entirely if your plan is to just go infinite with Elleks and this,
Catrina Muerte
Given how much trouble the deck tends to have against aggro, I don’t think Big Priest wants to play something that when pulled out by Barnes or Shadow Essence, it cannot help alleviate the situation until Psychic Scream gets dropped.
Rag kills something, Lich King has taunt, Statue has taunt and kills something, Y’Shaarj will usually pull out one of those three things.
If a Big Priest manages to survive until turn six against say Kingsbane Rogue, and they pull this out over Obsidian Statue with Shadow Essence, that game is over. At least with Rag, they might kill they’re biggest threat at the moment.
However, I would be agreeing with you if Wild were instead a slow, contemplative format where value is what ultimately wins every game, but it isn’t. Aggro can kill by turn four, and this doesn’t have taunt or does anything until AFTER something else has already died.
Plot Twist
That sounds like a terrible idea for anything outside of the very slowest of control match-ups.
Whether or not Vendetta is good is completely contingent on if Burgle Rouge is good. Honestly, I really hope it isn’t almost entirely because of Shadowstep and Spectral Cutlass making the deck into an infuriating endless value generation deathtrap.
Plot Twist
Even before every card began to generate advantage and Yugioh was more similar to Hearthstone as a result, neither Reload nor Magical Mallet were good cards. They are rookie traps made to teach players that good looking cards aren’t always good like Wooden Sphere and other similar designs in MtG.
They are each a minus one in card advantage and in the case of Plot Twist, two mana’s worth of Tempo in exchange for only maybe getting something better. Warlock itself really doesn’t need this sort of design due to Life Tap.
Aggressive, Tempo, and Midrange Warlock decks will never play it. It’s cost is too high and floor too low. Maybe at zero, it may be worth considering in case if even after the mulligan, your hand sucks.
Combo Warlock decks would only consider this card if they find themselves needing to play a card like Hemet, Jungle Hunter as soon as it can be played as a last ditch effort card.
Control Warlocks may play the card. However, I very much doubt they will. The primary appeal of the card in such a deck would be to assist in the aggressive match-up as a way to dig down deeper into their deck to find board sweepers and removal. Personally, I would rather play two extra removal sources or whatever else the deck wants to have over Plot Twists.
Plot Twist
Plot Twist card really is not good. Similar designs exist in card games like Yugioh, a card game without mana costs and where your opening hand is much more important than it is in Hearthstone, and none of them are considered staple cards or even good outside of extremely niche FTK strategies.
Unless Fel Lord Betrug- Plot Twist combos begin dominating the format or there’s a pay-off for having a particular card(s) in your deck rather than your hand, this will see zero play.
Magic Trick
I suppose Magic Trick can be seen as analogous to Primordial Glyph. The former has a smaller discover pool and lower initial cost at the cost of that discover pool containing almost no board sweeping effects and giving no discount to the spell’s cost. It’s a trade off and probably isn’t as good as the comparison point, but
If there is at least a Jeeves beyond Stargazer Luna or a Flamewaker-esque card for this “Small Spell” Tempo Mage deck, it could very well work.
Eager Underling
Eager Underling is a good sacrifice target with something like EVIL Genius or better yet Grim Rally, and in a token based Zoo Warlock deck it could be good enough to see some serious play. Comparisons to Funglemancer are obvious, and if the format is generally slower, a slower version of the same card should still be good in the deck.
Granted, its low stats and tempo could also as easily make it as unappealing as possible for a deck as hungry for decent but cheap minions as possible.
Really, it’s up in the air on this card.
Catrina Muerte
No. I don’t think Big Priest would really want to play this. It’s not something particularly useful when pulled out by Shadow Essence or Barnes like every other minion in the deck.
Maybe it’s fine as something pulled out by Y’shaarj. However, as the first play from the deck, it doesn’t pressure the opponent like Ragnoros can, threaten the board and heal like Obsidian Statue can, generate massive amounts of advantage while protecting you like the Lich King can, or pull any of those out of the deck like Y’Shaarj can. Yeah, if one dies, and you bring it back, it can start just constantly bringing itself back over and over, and snowball until your opponent clears them all, but that’s not really reliable or fast.
Against the aggressive decks in the format, it does nothing to help directly unless played after either Obsidian Statue or The Lick King.
Against control decks, it can really pressure the opponent, but I’d say the deck would still rather just get to Ragnaros or Y’Shaarj directly rather than going through this as a middlewomen.
I’m not entirely convinced Big Priest would want to play more Resurrection tools than it does currently and would rather find more efficient ones compared to the ones it plays. Wild asks a lot of any and all decks in it, and this probably isn’t quite good enough to make the cut unless Barnes revives a change, and the deck is forced to lean heavier into the control role more often.
Batterhead will functionally act as a neutral board sweeper spell (something that hasn’t been see since Corrupted Seer if I remember correctly) and classes that can either buff him for cheap like Druid, or heal him efficiently like Paladin may likely find themselves using this at some point in time. I wouldn’t really expect it to see play in classes like Warlock, Mage, or Priest.
In Arena, this will be an incredible pick but maybe not as good as the likes of Amani War Bear just because of the latter’s higher attack stat.
While it may not prove to be worth crafting, it will be something to look out for while drafting.
Catrina Muerte
The loss of Shadow Essence, Eternal Servitude, and Shadow Visions ensures as much by itself, and that’s before we consider the loss of Tar Creeper, Radient Elemental, Psychic Scream, and Diamond Spellstone. Priest is losing much of its anti-aggro tool-set AND its consistency tools. The combo itself remains “untouched” but everything outside of the combo that makes it even remotely good is all losing its Standard legality outside of Mass Hysteria.
Catrina Muerte is not going to enable Wall Priest in the same way as Master Oakheart does. While I do think it could have gone without a couple attack stats, it is just going to be a card that can close out aggro match-ups if it brings back taunt minions or certain Deathrattles and a card that will often require multiple cards for the controlling opponent to properly deal with.
It will be a good card, but in a way analogous to the Lich King or Ysera rather than to Eternal Servitude.
I’d say Ysera is better than Alexstraza in a slower Paladin deck since Paladin can burst kill like a Mage can.
Marked Shot
Four damage to a minion is worth about two-and-a-half mana, and Disocover a Spell is probably worth at least one mana. As such, the cost of the card is probably about right, and if anything Wild Spell Hunter will likely want to play Marked Shot. In Standard though, I think Hunter will need a bit more Spell related support to make this truly viable.
This is no Wheel of Fortune, and the power of that card comes more from how it allows a player with almost no cards in hand into having a full hand for only three mana.
This only offers the midgame mulligan, which also costs a card in hand on top of the two mana, and outside of some very niche situations and assuming Team 5 isn’t stupid enough to give Warlock a five mana draw five combo with Augmented Elekk, that isn’t going to be strong enough to warrant playing in constructed.
Playing Plot Twist should always result in you having fewer cards in hand where as most of the good Wheel of Fortune effects at least draw you as many cards as you started with while also potentially screwing over your opponent and often filling up your graveyard.