Soup And Salad's Comments
Reckless Experimenter
Well, gaining 9/11 worth of stats on turn 5 assuming an even board state will still turn the game in your favour.
Reckless Experimenter
This is clear Eggs/Cube support.
Devilsaur Egg and this on turn 5 is an easy 9/11 worth of stats on turn 5. In Wild, it can be nuttier with some of the other cheap, minion spawning deathrattles.
On turn ten, a little three card combo could be this, Cube, and either Cairne Bloodhoof or Bone Drake or any other useful death rattle minion that costs less than 6. In the case of Cairne, you can have 16/21 worth of stats with an additional 8/10 waiting to be played. At that point, you’re probably on the winning side of the game.
It is unfortunate the minions die at the end of the turn, which would make deathrattle that add cards to hand less useful, but more board oriented deathrattle minions will thrive with this card.
If Deathrattle is the main theme of Priest’s Boomsday support, and there are at least two new good mid cost Deathrattle minions, it could prove to be rather competitive be it as Quest Priest or some combo Deathrattle Priest centered around this card.
Dead Ringer
This will be a nice upgrade to loot hoarder for Priests to play with. One of the issues with this card is that is can search a second copy of itself. For Quest Priest, that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I would rather get bigger Deathrattles like Obsidian Statue to my hands.
Either way, it’s still a minion that will replace itself. Loot Hoarder is a good card, and this is a version of this card that will be better in at least some cases. I doubt it’ll bring Quest Priest to new heights all by itself, but it will help.
Kangor's Endless Army
As a late game card, this can have a massive impact on the board state after it is played. It would not be difficult to get upwards of 20 stats on board, some of which will probably have Rush. For seven mana, that is pretty alright.
Paladin looks like the Mech class that will take the most advantage of the Magnetic mechanic as buffs given how this card insentiences building small towers of awesome power rather than going wide as Paladins have been doing since Kobolds and Catacombs.
This will be an obvious addition to Mech Paladin along with any decent or above Magnetic cards the class will have access to. One issue that is already apparent is that such a deck will be vulnerable to silence effects and transforming removal, but if the meta game speeds up enough, such strategies might become a little too slow to be viable.
Hopefully too, Mechs that had Magnetic minions attached to it before getting silence will still count as having them attached when they die. if not, this card will be less good but still far away from awful.
Autodefense Matrix
It’s easiest to compare this to Noble Sacrifice that triggers only when one’s opponent targets a minion.
As such, this is very much a trade off compared to it more so than anything else and is probably as viable in a generally minion based class like Paladin.
This can deal more than 2 damage to an attacking minion, but it can’t defend the life total and it can deal less.
This can be used when one has a full board of minions, but completely useless on an empty board.
This can be played around in the same way as Noble Sacrifice, but it still triggers when a minion with divine shield is attacked.
If Secret Paladin or Hydrologist come around again as a force to deal with, this will see play at least as one of the three most popular choices from a discover pool.
No. Cards that give themselves taunt or deathrattles in their battlecries aren’t brought back by Hadronox or N’Zoth respectively in spite of those words appearing on the card.
I don’t think there’s been a card that can reduce it’s cost in a way that the player can control that has never not seen play.
I think you’re misunderstanding Magnetic as a mechanic, and if you resurrect a minion that had something attached to it via the Magnetic mechanic, it won’t come back with the buffs.
If you already attacked with a minion and then it gains charge or rush, it will not be able to attack again in the same turn. See Southseas Deckhand while equipping a new weapon.
Also, I think you’re misunderstanding the Magnetic mechanic.
Well, thinking of it in the current Token Druid deck, this could easily be a 3 mana 8/8 rusher in the later stages of the game with the current Wisp + Soul combo. I wouldn’t count Treant synergies out quite yet unless the three cards shown are the only ones in the expansion.
As one of the rewards for playing a Treant Druid, it’s pretty alright. Even if this is just slotted into the current Token Druid decks as a taunt remover, under a normal late game situation where one Whispering Woods + Soul of the Forest has gotten wiped out, this will be a 3 mana 8/8 with rush. With Landscaping, the new Treant spawning spell, it can easily end up being one mana or free to play.
This will end up seeing play at some point.
I would compare this card most to Paladin’s Muster for Battle from GvG and Lost in the Jungle from Un’Goro. It gives above curve stats on the board split up into multiple bodies and is placed into a class that has extra synergies with the tokens created.
This is a necessary card for a Treant Druid to have. It will only ever be as good as that deck is assuming it doesn’t make its way into the various Token Druids that have been around since Un’Goro. While what there is seems to be decent so far, the deck will need to have at least one more Treant Spawner that costs less that 5 mana and at least one other reward card in the style of perhaps Quatermaster, another Paladin GvG card, in order to be able to be a separate entity from the general Token Druid deck.
Druid will probably be in a situation where the new cards it gets will continue to be mediocre until the Year of the Mammoth cards (Ultimate Infestation, Living Mana, Spreading Plaque, Malfurion the Pestilent) rotate out. Granted, cards thought to be bad to not very good like Hadronox, Ironwood Golem, Witching Hour, and Whispering Woods are currently mainstays in the various druid archetype. As such counting this Trent style of gameplay out immediately will probably be a poor idea.
If there are more cheap Trent spawners to be revealed, the requirement should not be difficult to achieve (It might not be in the current token druid deck), and discovering a spell is a very powerful effect as shown by Primordial Glyph.
Assuming Trent Druid is good to any capacity, this will be a good reward for playing such a deck.
Flobbidinous Floop
I am glad any sort of Malygos Druid won’t be able to play this and Oaken Summons and the design team are really pushing some of the designs as far as powerlevel goes, but a cheaper Faceless Manipulator that doesn’t require the minion you want to copy to be on the board does seem like its pushing it at least a little.
Hopefully, the Midrange/Aggro tools in this set will make it difficult for super slow control-combo decks to succeed if the Malygos combos become prevalent.
Wonderful flavor, but as a control card I do not think this is as good if not better than Blood Razor. It it had the full on Betrayal effect instead of a half version of the card that costs health to use but can be used three times.
It can make it so clearing minions with high attack is less costly on your health total, but at the same time, it can often hit the wrong minion. It’s like a worse brawl in that respect.
The only deck this could see play in would be a control Warrior styled deck and I don’t think this is better than the tools Warrior already has.
Whizbang the Wonderful
This will be a fantastically interesting card. It’s in no way going to be competitive even if all of the possible decks you can be given are great, but I don’t think there will be a better card to screw around with on an afternoon.
This is a pretty good little tool for a Mech Paladin to play with. It won’t see play if Mech Paladin does not see play, and it won’t make or break the deck.
I want to say this is stronger than Blessing of Kings as a spell since the loss of 2 attack is more than made up for by the Divine Shield and Taunt, but as a four drop minion, it is rather weak.
All of the magnetic cards trade power for versatility, but they won’t be able to make the mech decks on their own. Hopefully, the non-magnetic Mechs will prove to be pretty strong on their own since they will be the cards that allow Magnetic to really be pushed.
For mech decks, it’s a 1 mana 2/2. Lumi is hardly anything awful and will probably see play in more aggressive mech variants. The only real issue with the card is that it’s a 1 mana card that doesn’t want to be played on turn 1.