Soup And Salad's Comments
Divine Hymn
Priest has better ways of dealing with a wide board than Soul Priest at the moment. Otherwise it would play Soul Priest + Circle of Healing.
Divine Hymn
Doesn’t that all also apply to Binding Heal, card that costs 1 and heals for 1 less health? That card may only affect one minion, but how many damaged minions do you typically get on a priest board?
Divine Hymn
It isn’t.
Priest doesn’t go wide enough like a Zoo class would to take full advantage of this card.
Divine Hymn
Is there some Zoo Priest out there that would greatly benifit from this card that I am not aware of?
Outside of that deck, what other priest variant could consistently get more value out of this when compared to Binding Heal?
Divine Hymn
How so?
What Priest deck can go wide enough to get a full heal to say four or five minions consistently?
How much better can this typically be than Binding Heal?
Divine Hymn
Priest is hardly a minion based class. Typically, it can’t go wide enough to get that much value from the card.
Divine Hymn
What Priest deck is capable of going wide enough to make this functionally more than a Binding Heal?
Divine Hymn
That’s a rather late game combo, and if it happens often enough, Warlocks will be sure to save a Twisting Nether for just that.
Divine Hymn
There has been some speculation for a Spiteful Elemental Mage to play Book of Specters because it is such a powerful draw effect. Maybe Spiteful Priest would do similarly for this card, but you are right in that they’ll usually have to choose between them.
Curse of Weakness
Oh. Yeah your right. I guess when most of the decks in a class all run the same package that takes up like half the deck, those archetypes tend to bleed into each other.
Curse of Weakness
Maybe, but unless it’s on turn four or five and you’re all ready to make that Possessed Lack-Dark Pact play, it’s hardly a guarantee and normally playing Hellfire on that turn against aggro will usually kill their board.
Plus the other cards you’ve mentioned are either one part of a gameplan about slowing your opponent down with multiple frost noza-esque effects often in a row and the other often lasted multiple turns against decks that go wide.
I feel Cubelock does have better and enough defensive options at this moment.
Marsh Drake
On the Hunt is leaving Standard though. It was in Whispers of the Old Gods, but I do agree with your prediction on Hunter’s attitude likely shifting somewhat.
That attitude will likely degenerate into “Turn one: new 1 drop beast that’s better than diremole,” in a set or two though.
This is a really nice, solid card for Shaman to have added to its arsenal like the other new Shaman Spells. Unlike, Lightning Bolt, I do see this seeing wide play in most Shaman decks, and getting this off Hagatha’s hero power will give that minion a functional Battlecry: deal 2 damage to a minon and Overload 1, which hardly matters in the late game.
You probably are at least close on that prediction, but I’d hardly call this card OP since you will still have to pay the mana cost just on the next turn.
It’s an unconditional Backstab or an Arcane Shot that asks you pay for it later. Calm down. Miracle Shaman will never become an issue on ladder.
Baleful Banker
It’s nice to see this sort of effect made neutral and cheaper than it was in Mage. Granted, that card only saw play in the Reno Mage, but Rogue could probably do some interesting things with this effect. Thankfully, one of those things can’t be shuffle another Keleseth
Combo decks will probably like this enough for it to see play here and there.
This could be a rather decent late game option in an Elemental Shaman deck seeing as pretty much every elemental has a efficent, spell-like battlecry, and it will copy Hagatha’s battlecry too. All you’d need to do is throw down an elemental the turn before you drop this.
This is better than Tess Greymane for sure.
Thank god Shaman can’t add this card back to the hand in the same turn they play it.
Earthen Might
This is a really good card for Elemental Shaman. Mark of Y’Shaary proved a conditional draw effect will be enough to get a +2/+2 buff to see play. While Elemental Shaman is a midrange deck and the Mark saw play primarily in Aggro Druid, I think if a Beast Druid was reasonably competitive, it would’ve seen play there too.
Elemental Hagatha Shaman will probably work a bit better than Un’Goro Elemental Shaman did, and I hope it does.
What Priest deck would consistently get more out of this card than Binding Heal often enough to justify paying twice as much for it?