Piterno's Comments
Seaforium Bomber
I say Elekk because doubling the bombs shuffled would make it MUCH faster. In wild you already have Iron Juggernaut so no one would play this card in a deck with Brann anyway
Luna's Pocket Galaxy
But if we have a combo meta, this might be too slow for malygos druids
Luna's Pocket Galaxy
Exodia Mage! Play big spell package, with 2 sorc apprentice, molten reflection, and antonidas!
Arcane Dynamo
I would say it’s the one on the card, the card would have been copied from the page/video it was revealed in and the text would have been written by one of the site admins
Dreampetal Florist
The scary thing is that’s right, you can play juicy psychmelon to draw this, the lich king, and malygos, play the lich king on mana 8, and then if you have drakkari enchanter you can play that on mana 10 with this to reduce malygos to 0, and look at that, swipe swipe moonfire moonfire is now a 30 damage combo
Dreampetal Florist
Wow if you can get this to drop twice on maly or once on maly and once on faceless you have a really cheap 15 spell damage. 5/5.
Necrium Vial
Well, I’m unsure if the base malyrogue I found is the most common, but basically I took out both Wanted, Umbra, and a Cheat death for a 2nd gadgetzan, 2 Necrium Blade, and 1 Necrium Vial.
Necrium Vial
I had made a maly rogue when I saw Necrium Blade, I think I put in 2 Blade. Is 1 blade enough, do you think, to replace with this?
Necrium Vial
I was thinking about having room for casting a ton of spells after. I suppose you don’t need shadowstep if you’re going to prep, or you don’t need prep if you’re going to shadowstep, because with 20 spell damage, if you have 2 sinister strike it’s a kill unless it’s an especially armor druid. You need either shadowstep or prep if you’re going to not save coin or find a way to run WANTED!.
Necrium Vial
If you prep this you can also OTK in the same turn. You only spend 6 mana in that way, and then just two sinister strike and an eviscerate is 87 damage. It’s insane.
Necrium Vial
Someone will find a way to use this. I suppose you can shadowstep a kobold illusionist and then play it later, prep this, backstab and break necrium blade when you only have malygos in your hand to get +20 spell damage. Only way it’s playable, while prepped. 3 stars.
Necrium Vial
Mecha’Thun would still be on board, his deathrattle requires you have no minions on board.
But then Naturalize and Shield slam have to be your very last card in your hand and this has to survive a turn, unless you had a coin or innervate
Slightly less % chance to get a tyrantus/deathwing?
I don’t know what I was thinking, honestly
Easy, Play two of these, then on another turn Mecha’Thun -> Bloodbloom -> Cataclysm when you have no cards in deck