Piterno's Comments
Master's Call
Note it says “Discover a minion from your deck.” Stitched tracker says “Discover a copy of a minion in your deck.” It cuts the “from” and adds “copy of a”. “Copy of a” clarifies it’s a copy, if you bring up a card that says “discover a card” that isn’t from your deck. The “From” shows that it draws it. Also the thing with the second part of the card is that it would be like Omega Assembly- It wouldn’t show you a discover if they were all beasts.
Master's Call
Just ’cause cards are good in quest doesn’t mean they’re only usable in quest and they were made for quest
Master's Call
No, a copy doesn’t need to be clarified as a draw, a draw needs to be clarified as a copy. See Stitched Tracker- “Battlecry: Discover a copy of a minion in your deck.”. This says discover a minion in your deck, so it will draw it. For the other effect, it’ll act like Omega Assembly- instead becoming a draw 3 cards and not showing you a discover.
Spirit of the Frog
You can tech this so you have only one spell of a certain cost and cast 1 of your many spells that costs 1 less than that spell to tutor it. You can play this into a 2 cost to tutor the new 3 mana spell, which you can cast and reduce the 4 cost spell you draw or the spell you get out of it. The value of this is insane, and now i’m wondering what Krag’wa’s effect is if this synergizes with him
Spirit of the Raptor
We haven’t seen any other hero attack cards for Druid than the Savage Attacker… And judging by the druid troll champion’s hint text, they’ll be the legendary to watch out for, which is getting revealed in 48 hours. It’s probably just another Treant druid.
2/5 unless hero attack druid is somehow insane…
Overlord's Whip
Better than the 1/3 in that it doesn’t die to a 2 drop. But feels very punishable by weapon removal.
Still, Rotface giving a free legendary and Hellscream an 8 mana 10/8 charge are pretty good options this card brings to the table.
Princess Talanji
Priest in RR eels like Shaman in KFT and KnC. Murlocs, freeze, Overload, Evolve, Totems… It’s too all over the place. And then you have paladin or mage, they have a whole cycle of cards that synergize perfectly for a goal: to heal a ton or deal a lot of ping damage respectively. Those classes, we know are going to be at least all right because they have a clear goal to it. These cards, I don’t even know how they’re going to end up working, and I know it’s going to just be a meme… 0/5.
Haunting Visions
Another spell that costs 3+* but as long as you’re not playing a 0 cost spell next you’re gaining some value out of it.
Haunting Visions
Like Far Sight but creates a card instead of drawing one, and basically casts prep along with a half a raven idol. You can use this in all sorts of decks: It generates free value as long as you have a 3 mana plus spell, you can play Eureka and discover a lightning bolt at the same turn and malygos for 30 damage, you can electra into this to discover two spells and make your next spell cost 0. Very flexible card, fits in any shaman deck except Even. 4/5.
Predatory Instincts
Makes Oondasta a 7/14. allowing it to Overkill more, and makes Tyrantus a 12/24 so Oondasta can pull out an even better big body
Saronite Taskmaster
It’s a good aggro card. It’s better than Zombie Chow, since it “heals” 3 instead of 5, and could curve out a spellbreaker on the taunt minion and completely remove the negatives.
hail hakkar
Why is Hakkar in there without Prince Liam to remove your corrupted blood?
Zandalari Templar
So? Does the fact that a card can only go in one deck, but is amazing in that deck, mean it isn’t an excellent card?
Hakkar, the Soulflayer
By the video, it would appear you draw before it shuffles 2 more. Cast When Drawn triggers on draw, and within the effect of Cast When drawn is
then Draw
Expanding the card text of the corrupted blood, it says
Cast, draw, deal 3 damage to your hero, shuffle 2 into your deck.
This doesn’t go infinite like that, don’t worry. If your deck is just these, it’ll go until you haven’t got any and then fatigue you before shuffling 2 times the number of corrupted blood twice.
Zandalari Templar
Not to mention the other healing synergy even paladin has beyond that.
Zandalari Templar
No. You can heal in increments. You don’t need to heal all of it at once. “Go to 20, back to 30″… pff, how about down to 26, back to 30, down to 24, back to 30? That works too and easily accomplished by truesilver and djinn, as well as DK weapon, or even Holy Light. And Kangor exists, so it halves your needs. This can go in even paladin.
Zandalari Templar
Better (?) than the warlock 4/4 that becomes a 7/7 taunt for being below 15 in that you’re going to be on high health when you play this as an 8/8. Two triggers in Djinn and a Truesilver make this. Good card.
It SAYS “Discover a minion *from* your deck. Draw all 3 if they are three beasts.”;
No mention of copy.
Compare with Stitched Tracker, which gives you a copy: “Discover a copy of a minion in your deck.” mentions copy, no “From” which is often included in tutor cards (ice fishing: “draw 2 murlocs *from your deck) meaning it’s a draw,
It’s the first option.