MockRock's Comments
I really, really wish they had reworked this card a bit. If the text read “Lifesteal; Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to the enemy Hero, and lose Lifesteal afterwards” then it would have been functionally almost identical while allowing Ashmore and Corpsetaker synergies. As is, meh, nobody will play this. Too expensive and weakly statted for an aggro deck, too low impact for control.
Dark Possession
Wow. Wow wow wow. Hit your face to enable masochist cards. Hit your Lackey to draw out a Demon. Discover Voidlord, or Doomguard, or Abyssal Enforcer, or Flame Imp. This is not only a powerful card, but a beautifully designed one. Honestly, it may be one of my favourite cards the Hearthstone team has ever created, it asks so many questions. So elegant and clean.
Felsoul Inquisitor
Huh? This card is WORSE in Arena if anything. In Constructed there may someday be some kind of synergy with this card (although certainly not right now), while in Arena it’s a 1-attack card that gets chewed through without killing anything.
Hmm…Gnomish Inventor does appear in the meta every now and then, but only really in combo decks where you’re desperate to get through your deck as quickly as possible. If there’s some kind of combo deck enabled by an Elemental in the future then this card will 1000% be played there. Grumble, maybe? Right now there isn’t anything like that to my knowledge, and I don’t THINK you just throw this in a straight-up Elemental deck. Then again, Shaman in particular is pretty starved for card draw, so…maybe.
Snap Freeze
Sooo…they saw how horrible Shatter is, realized they screwed up, gave it another spin and…it’s still horrible.
Honestly, my theory is that this is a Basic Set contender. The team was talking about how Shatter was a potential contender to go into Mage’s core cards, but they may be choosing this instead just to give them something slightly less crappy.
Swamp Leech
I’m glad they’re printing more generic Lifesteal minions to enable Corpsetaker/Ashmore, it’s a good idea, but that doesn’t mean this one ever makes the cut. I could see SOME card like this get into a deck, but it’ll need to be more impactful.
Deranged Doctor
Right now, I doubt this sees play, because Warlock is its most likely contender and they have like 45 good cards competing for slots right now. In the future, though? There may actually be something here, this is an aggressively costed card for control decks.
Fiendish Circle
You know what Warlock likes? Bloodreaver. You know what Bloodreaver hates? This card. You know what this card offers? Nothing. I honestly don’t even think it’s great in Arena. It’s Forbidden Ritual that deletes your Demon pool and Warlock doesn’t have good enough on-board Demon synergy to justify this.
Chief Inspector
I like it. There obviously needed to be some kind of Eater of Secrets replacement and I FAR prefer this approach. Eater of Secrets was either incredibly good when it hit, or incredibly bad if it whiffed, which meant it saw very little play even when several classes were running secrets and secrete generators. This is a perfectly acceptable statline even if it’s not doing anything, which makes it far more appealing to add to a deck. This is the power level I want tech cards to be at in a game with no sidedecking; it joins Blood Knight, Mind Control Tech, Golakka Crawler, Acidic Swamp Ooze, etc, rather than being so polarizing it’s unplayable.
Witchwood Imp
In a different class I could see this seeing play, but Warlock already has much better 1-drops.
Walnut Sprite
This is one of the “look at our new mechanic” cards that gets printed every expansion. Solid in Arena as most of them are, will never see Constructed play as none of them do.
Divine Hymn
They couldn’t have at least made this 5 health instead of 6 just so Holy Light isn’t completely emasculated?
Unpowered Steambot
Another one of these “stop and think about it” cards. Right now I doubt it does anything, but this is a card I actually wouldn’t be shocked to show up in some kind of future strategy.
Hench-Clan Thug
Pretty “meh” on this one. Hyldnir Frostrider does essentially the same thing (because you’ll have to have played a weapon on 2 for this to be a 3 mana 4/4) and sees absolutely zero play.
Quartz Elemental
This card just seems…awkward. Do you play it in Combo Priest? Probably not, it’s too easy to keep disabled. Spiteful Priest? You can’t keep it healed with spells and can’t both heal it and play Spiteful Summoner on curve. Control Priest? What does it do to help? I just don’t see it.
Rabid Worgen
Just because you’re making a deck with Rush synergy doesn’t mean you just shove in all the Rush cards.
This is a 0 star card that has no place anywhere. Absolute joke and possibly the worst card of the set. It’s common, too, so expect to be tortured with this in Arena quite often for the next 4 months.