MockRock's Comments
This whole “attack things with your face” gameplan isn’t going to see a sliver of Constructed play. On the one hand, good, Druid needed to stop getting absurd tools every expansion, but on the other hand, it’s kind of a shame that they’re so painted into a corner that THIS is what they need to do.
Dragonmaw Scorcher
This may as well be a Warrior class card. Not sure it makes the cut in normal Dragon Warrior (actually very skeptical on that deck as a whole), but if you’re splashing them into Baku Warrior, I think there’s a good chance this is played, at least as a one-of.
Arena Fanatic
Seems more like a Warlock card than anything else this expansion, funny enough. Which means I have no faith in it, because Handbuff Warlock seems pretty terrible.
Dragon Roar
Dragons are pretty much the ONLY thing that could make the “add two randoms” mechanic work…and I’m still not convinced it does. Then again, if Dragon Warrior just turns into an extreme value-heavy grinder deck (seems sketchy with Druid and Hunter running around), then this might be good because each of those Dragons can be duplicated. Overall, though, I’m a bit skeptical of straight-up Dragon Warrior this expansion, although I could easily see them being splashed in Baku Warrior. Which can’t play this card.
Mosh'ogg Enforcer
Oakheart. Oakheart, Oakheart, Oakheart. My GOD is this a tough minion, I don’t think it replaces the Dragonhatcher in Taunt Druid but it just might make some other decks consider it? Not totally convinced, but this is definitely one you pause for a moment on. Has some cool implications.
Banana Buffoon
On the surface, a 5 mana 4/4, absolute garbage. But of course, the real appeal is getting two cheap spells, which Rogue has wanted since the beginning of time and Priest has gotten a bit of a push for this expansion. I still don’t see this card being particularly amazing, but definitely more interesting than it looks at first glance.
Oooookay, Healdin might just actually be a thing now. Between this and Crystallizer you can now damage yourself on turn one and there are a ton of incentives to heal back up.
Ornery Tortoise
This card actually has some interesting applications, specifically for heal packages (obviously Zoo and maybe Paladin). I think 5 health is a bit too steep a price to pay for 1 health over Spider Tank, but this is a Beast and life is a resource, so who knows? Think if it goes anywhere, though, it’s a heal deck.
Mojomaster Zihi
An extreme combo disruptor for all classes? Awesome! Adore the design of this card. First thing that springs to mind for me is OTK Paladin, one of its weaknesses is losing to faster combo decks. You can still do the Horsemen bounces on your next turn, get to stall out the Malygos/Mind Blast/whatever for a couple turns, and then ALSO have Time Out to stall after that. Not totally sure if it’ll be a high tier deck after this, but if it is I think it will absolutely play this as a tech card if other combo decks are popular.
Emberscale Drake
This is not a meta-defining card, but I do think we’re seeing enough solid Dragons come together that splashing them into Baku Warrior is becoming pretty appealing. And there’s also a bunch of nice non-Baku support outside of that! I’d say that some form of Warrior with Dragons is looking promising.
Crowd Roaster
It’s a Dragon, it’s odd, it’s Assassinate with a 2 mana 7/4 attached. If Dragon Baku Warrior is a thing, this will ABSOLUTELY make the cut, and I can’t see a world where it doesn’t see play in some kind of deck (Priest and Paladin being other obvious candidates). Overall, very solid card that doesn’t define any deck but will easily find its way in.
Spirit of the Raptor
They’re completely backed into a corner with this class. On the one hand, I fully expect this theme to be way below par compared to the existing strong Druid archetypes, which there are like 5 of. On the other hand, if this theme IS good enough to see Standard play…think of how ridiculously powerful they’d need to make it.
Overlord's Whip
Absolutely 0% chance this sees play in Standard while Blood Razor is still around, why would you even think about it? Afterwards, with some new Enrage cards coming in and sets rotating out? We’ll talk then. For this expansion, though, no way.
Walk the Plank
Miracle Rogue has access to the full card pool AND is looking to stall out the game, though. Vilespine Slayer is a dramatically better card, and Sap fulfills that same stall purpose in a much more efficient way. So I don’t think you put this in Miracle Rogue ahead of those cards, and then the question becomes whether you want a 5th and 6th copy of hard removal. Fairly expensive hard removal at that, in an archetype that’s all about being hyper efficient and drawing out their deck. It’s an interesting question, and not one I have an answer for.
Walk the Plank
Powerful card, elegant design, not totally sure where it fits right now. Odd Rogue? Can’t play it. General Rogue? Vilespine Slayer is much better and I’m not sure you feel the need to double up on Assassinate effects. Even Rogue? That might be a deck now, and COULD end up using this, but is likely to be a very tempo-oriented deck and Sap fits this role better. Do you play Sap AND Walk the Plank? Maybe, but I’m not sure.
High Priest Thekal
The purpose of this card is to allow you to overheal, it’s a counter card to OTK decks. Which Paladin has never had access to before.
Hakkar, the Soulflayer
I’m usually very, very hesitant to say slow cards with crazy effects like this are bad, we’ve seen those “obvious joke cards” end up played way too often…but this really doesn’t seem good. MAYBE some kind of Priest with Augmented Ele-yeah nevermind that seems really bad. Toggwaggle Druid can play this and Innervate into Naturali-yeah nevermind if you played Toggwaggle you already won.
I think this is going to lead to some hilarious decks and cool highlights, and that’s about it.
War Master Voone
Show us the Dragons. The support seems good, the actual Dragons in Standard don’t. If we get like 2 more good Dragons (and I’m betting we will), I think this’ll work. Fantastic value generator for a control deck.
This isn’t a bad card at all, but I think if you want to go the “give Baku Warrior more hard removal” route, the Dragon package is the answer. If that doesn’t turn out to be true, though? Maybe. Not sold, though.