MilesTegF's Comments
Tavern Brawl - Blackrock Crash Week 1
Its insane how good Edwin + Bag of coins is…my most impressive one was a 28/28 except for one time i used it along a spirit of the shark getting a 30/30 but playing less cards (He was handbuffed by Hagatha’s Embrace too so he started from 3/3 or 5/5, dont remember well)
Tavern Brawl - Blackrock Crash Week 1
I did it in 42 minutes using Dr. Boom, abusing its broken OP Hero Power (which is kind of control in nature) Choose mostly rush minions and armor, and for treasures i choose Dr. Boom Remote (Summon 3 boom bots at the start) and later i took Hagatha’s Embrace. This deck, while effective, was not very aggresive, so i think it should not be that hard to beat the 40 minutes mark.
Note: at first i thought that Boom’s HP was the same as Mr. Chu’s Undermine, but actually is like that on steroid, cos it cost 1 less mana and it shoufles 2 5dmg bombs instead of Chu’s 3dmg mines.
The Hearthstone Fire Fest-EVIL Returns July 10 - Community Card Reveals
Also, i love the idea that whoever is driving Dalaran (Dr, Doom?) is so bad at it, that in its way to Uldum (south of Kalimdor) from… The Broken Isles? or Northrend? not sure… he managed to crash the city against a Volcano in the central part of the Eastern Kingdoms, literally on the other side of the world.
The Hearthstone Fire Fest-EVIL Returns July 10 - Community Card Reveals
Very well rounded event, the brawls sound fun, a lot of rewards, and a cummulative reason to run the brawl more than once (Other than just for fun). Looking foward to it.
Corrupt the Waters
I think you might be right, i guess i was thinking on how cards like Zul Jin or Shudderwok work, but now that i think about it, those specifically say that targets are chosen randomly
Corrupt the Waters
I Might be wrong, but i think in the case of Slosher, if the “battlecry trigger twice” is active, it should use its battlecry on the selected minion, buff it and put in in your hand, and then it would cast it again on a random other of your minions (basically its what happens whenever you dont have control of a targered battlecry)… not sure if it can return itself tho… I think yes, but not really sure.
Corrupt the Waters
This card seems great, the two downsides i see, is that it feels incompatible with Hagatha the Witch (i mean, you can run both, but you would have to choose which upgraded HP you need more and play acordingly) and that is a HP that you can only use in sum with other cards, being useless by itself (However Shaman has usually been a class that doesnt struggle at all to have lots of battlecry minions to use). 6 Battecries seem pretty easy to complete, maybe by turn 6, or earlier in a aggro deck (but losing your T1 on the quest is always a tough choice on an aggro deck) . Casting a Battlecry twice can be very very powerful as proven by rogue’s spirit of shark, specially now that we have the cheap lackeys that all are mainly valuable for their strong Battlecries, this conbined with the strong battecries that the shaman class posses right now makes me think that this card will probably be used a lot in midrange to control shamans. For aggro i think it might be too slow.
Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
Miss them too! #BringBackCardReviews !
Saviors of Uldum Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Spoilers, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
With that cape, Elize looks a lot like the girl in G-Force
Class identity in Hearthstone: the past, the present, and the future
Great article!! its a good thing to keep in mind when evaluating new cards for when the next reveal season starts.
Tavern Brawl - A Temporus Shift
Murloc shaman does really well in this Brawl.
A small correction to the description:
“You play with normal, Standard decks with one twist – each player takes 2 turns instead of one at a time (except the first turn – each player takes only 1 turn at start).”
Only the player that goes first play a single turn. the player that goes second inmediatly plays two turns.. It goes like this:
P1: T1
P2: T1-T2
P1: T2-T3
P2: T3-T4
By itself its not that good, but it seems like a decent inclusion in a dragon deck. (There are not that many low cost minions with the dragon tag) Like how the Nightmare Amalgam is included sometimes. You trade 2 Health for some value (The amalgam is generally better i think anyway). Still would probably just include it if i were lacking dragons in the deck to make the sinergies work. 3/5
Tavern Brawl - Brawl Block: Gods, Gadgetzan, Gurubashi
Did it with a Rush Dragon Warrior (Mostly with Rastakhan cards cos i didnt had many cards from the other two expansions). Worked better than expected. Specially good was getting to use Akali’s Overkill twice, cos that got me two 10/12 Amani War bears that basically won me the game against a hand buff paladin.
Chapter 5 of The Dalaran Heist (Kirin Tor Citadel) has launched!
I think they are using the adventure to test the reactions and the use (and abuse) of these hero powers for future uses.
I mean, so far many of them seem quite balanced, while others seem OP (like the mage one that discount 2mana to a card in your hand for example), I would not be that surprised if next year we see some of the more balanced ones appear in standard in some way or the other.
The Dalaran Heist Guide - Chapter Information, Pricing, Rewards, Heroes & Hero Powers, Anomaly Mode And More!
I Agree, that treasure is extreamly random, sometimes very inconvenient. I have only selected it for one run and this is a list of things i remember it doing:
1. Freeze the entire enemy board.
2. Giving me an extra copy of a card i draw.
3. Giving me 6 extra copies of a card I draw (it was an Gatgetzan Auctioner… on turn 2) :facepalm:
4. Killing all minions on the board.
5. Changed the cost of a card when drawing it.. it increased the cost of a card from 3 to 8.
The Dalaran Heist Guide – Chapter 3: Streets of Dalaran (Heroic Strategy)
Thanks for the guide! i still haven’t started with heroics, im working on clearing all normals first with all HP and decks. Just finished this one on normal yesterday for the first time. So far this is my least favorite chapter, didnt like at all the limited space.
Btw, the 2nd and 3rd paragraph of this guide need updating, cos they are specific to the 2nd chapter intead of the 3rd.
Big Shaman Deck List Guide – Rise of Shadows – May 2019
Just to add to the guide, i would like to say that against Resurrect Priest, basically you need to hard mulligan for Hagatha’s Scheme. This is a matchup that in general i think is very favorable to the big Shaman unless you dont draw a Hagatha’s Scheme on time. This because its quite normal that in the late game you have to deal at some point with a Mass resurrection that happens to resurrect a Archmage Vargoth who then recasts mass resurection. If you dont have at that point a big hagatha’s Scheme (7 or more dmg) ready to deal with the resulting wall of big health minions, you are pretty much done. For this same reason, Hex is also a very good card to draw, cos you can change one of your enemy’s big minions (or Vargoth) for a Frog in the later resurrections.
Tavern Brawl - Henchmania
Also, at the start of the brawl, you have to choose between Toggwagle, Hagatha, Dr Boom and Lazul for an additional effect
-Boom give your minions deathrattle deal 1-2dmg to a random enemy
-Hagatha transform one of your minions into one that cost +1mana at the end of the turn.
-Toggwagle gives you a coin every time you play a minion
-Lazul gives you a copy of a card in your oponent hand every time you play a spell.
Big Shaman Deck List Guide – Rise of Shadows – May 2019
I really like this decks, been playing on the ladder with it for a week, with very good results.
The only games where things have gone bad, are those where i really needed a Hagatha’s scheme and didn’t draw it on time and those where i didnt draw a Muckmorpher or a eureka!
Still, those are rare, normally the decks performs pretty well against anything.
Its bad that you cant put any battecry minions on the deck (cos you lose consistency on the muckmorphers and eurekas!) cos this prevent you from teching in weapon breakers or elysiana but the deck works well without them thanks to all the other control tools it has (the 4xhex/earthshock are specially nice to have).
This one has combo potential writen all over it, specially in wild.
Now, on standard, my first guess would be that this kind of fits (akwardly tho) in ressurect Priest, and it has the extra flexibility of being a decent target for divine spirit+Inner fire if it survives one turn (probably wont).
Now, regarding actually activating the obelisks, the easier way i can think of (that doesnt requiere it surviving a turn) is on T9 by directly summoning one and then copying it with 2xShadowy Figures. (you could also summon one on T9 and copy it with 2xSeance to then on T10 summon those two with Talanji and a third one with Shadowy figure). But even then, i doubt this would be enough of a payoff for the investment considering that you would be contaminating your pool of minions to be ressurrected, given that you would preffer any other minion to be ressurected by the spell, unless you could guarantee to revive all 3 at once.
I think the card has some potential, but it seems that making it work is not that easy and even if you do, it doesnt make that much of an impact necesarilly.. ideally, you would want to deal 15dmg to the enemys face, but for example, if you activate this and the enemy board is not empty, you could end up not killing any enemy minions if they have 6+ Health, or if they are 1 Health tokens, you could overkill 3 enemy minions wasting 12 of the 15 dmg… i think for this to work consistenly, you would need a way to activate this with 5-7 copies on board or have a way to duplicate the effect (similar to how Drakkari Enchanter could do in wild)