MilesTegF's Comments
The Best and Worst Parts of the Uldum Meta
“Why? Well because as Rogue I don’t have access to a “Zul’Jin” card”
I think you do actually… its called “Tess Graymane”. Its not a hero card, but her effect its pretty similar to Zul’Jin. In some regards, Tess is even more OP, since she is a minion, you can copy and replay her many times, while you can only play Zul’Jin once.. Its less consistent but she can be quite powerful.
I know that she does not fit into every rogue deck, but Zul’Jin doesn’t fit into every hunter deck either.
I agree that Hero Cards have a high potential of being OP (Bloodreaver Gul’Dan, Dr. Boom Mad Genius, Frost Lich Jaina, Deathstalker Rexxar) but its not that simple as to say that a class has a huge advantage over another just because it has a hero card in standard.
Quest Druid - Early #1 Legend (MrYagut) - Uldum Post-Nerf
Similar reason as to why Nomi is in the list. This decks cycles fast though the deck (Having 2xCristal Merchant, 2xWrath, 1x Thalnos and specially 2x Nourish), so Zephrys is there because is not that rare that you get to a point of being able to activate him in the late game (even before running out of a deck cos you can easily have 5-7 cards left and no duplicates).
Unlike Highlander decks, you should not expect to be able to activate him ever in the early game tho.
Anka, Miracle Rogue - SOU - isandrg
I got beaten once by a deck similar to this, but with more deathrattle sinergies and lackeys.
what he did was:
1. Droped anka with both anubisaths in hand.
2. Generated a bunch of lackeys.
3. Drop anubisath and activate is deathrattle with Necrium Vial and Necrium Blade.
4. Drop the other anubisat and got them both killed.
5. Started droping 16/16 minions turn after turn while doing other things as well.
Tavern Brawl - League of Explorers: Revived
I played a 2nd run, and i think you are right.. however, in my first run, it did offer me a repeated treasure (the wand that draws 3 cards and makes them cost 0) i didnt choose it the second time, but i could have if i wanted to.
Tavern Brawl - League of Explorers: Revived
It should be noted, that during the run, you recieve as reward the “highlander” cards of each explorer, so if you want to avoid canceling their effects, you should avoid duplicating cards when choosing cards and/or treasures. (Sadly, you dont get everyone’s favorite genie)
Another thing is that the final boss is HARD. i’ve only played one run, but his hero power is insane, my guess is that you have to go full aggro on him, cos after turn 7-8 it becomes absolutely impossible to keep up with him.
The Mountain Giant Conundrum
Great Article! Personally, for this card, i originally liked the idea of making it so Conjurer’s Calling considered the mana cost that was actually payed for the card for its effect (if you played a giant for 4 mana, it summons 2 4mana minions instead of 2 12 mana minions). That said, I get that something like that could be confusing and would had requiered a change of the text to clarify.. and even then.. what if you didnt pay any anything for a minion? (like it was summoned by another minion or a spell for example) would you summon two 0 mana minions? Also, it would have forced you to remember how each minion got to the board before playing the card, a mild complexity, but still unnecesary one… in the end, i think they made the right choice. I think they went too far with the galaxy nerf tho, 6 mana would have been better (i think!)
Saviors of Uldum Post-Nerf Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
I think Highlander Mage continues to be strong, it deffinetly lost power (mainly with the Galaxy nerf) but it still works quite well.. i mean, conjurer’s calling is still good enough to keep in the deck
Tavern Brawl - The Great Amalgamation!
Did it with a Warlock
I only have 1 crab, but would have added the other 3 if i could. Dragon Slayer is worst but still very good in this Brawl. Also Sacrificial Pact serves the same purpose.
Zoobot and menagerie magician work great!
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Warlock
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Sacrificial Pact
# 1x (2) Defile
# 2x (2) Demonfire
# 1x (2) Golakka Crawler
# 1x (2) Netherspite Historian
# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard
# 2x (3) Dragonslayer
# 1x (3) Murloc Warleader
# 1x (3) SN1P-SN4P
# 1x (3) Southsea Captain
# 2x (3) Tar Creeper
# 2x (3) Zoobot
# 2x (4) Gentle Megasaur
# 2x (4) Murloc Tastyfin
# 1x (4) Tol’vir Stoneshaper
# 2x (5) Blackwing Corruptor
# 2x (5) Menagerie Magician
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 1x (6) Book Wyrm
# 1x (7) Rend Blackhand
# 1x (10) Bloodreaver Gul’dan
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Standout Saviors of Uldum Decks From Day 1
How is bomb Warrior behaving now? i get the impresion that is not as good as it was before Saviors but its just a feeling now… The good thing about it tho, is that it screws with Highlander decks, cos once you put a second bomb in their deck, you neutralize its highlander cards at least until they only have one bomb in the deck.
Zephrys the Great Guide - Everything you need to know about the best Hearthstone card ever
Hi, first of all, i think is great that a special guide has been made to discuss this card, cos indeed, is probably the most complex card in HS ever made, so thanks a lot for this!
I was wondering how well he interacts with secrets. I know secrets are not “public information” for him to know, but can he guess what secret is not up, based on the board interactions?
An enemy mage is at 6HP and has “counterspell” up. I am at 10 mana and attack first with a 1dmg minion, leaving him at 5HP. Now i play Zephyr. Will he know that is safer to offer me a charge minion (like al akir or Leeroy) than a spell (like fireball) cos its already “tested” that a charge can pass through the secret, but its not yet confirmed that a spell can pass through? Or does he symply ignore secrets and offer me both choices?
Zephrys the Great Guide - Everything you need to know about the best Hearthstone card ever
I’m not saying it can give you elysiana, i’m saying that you can actívate it’s really useful effect in the late game, cos eventually your decir won’t have any duplicates. I’m saying it compares to elysiana in
that, for non Highlander decks, it’s effect would only become useful un control vs control marches when approaching fatigue.
I’m not sure yet tho, cos vs aggro, control decks can afford to have a dead card in Hand.. not sure if they can afford to have Two.
Zephrys the Great Guide - Everything you need to know about the best Hearthstone card ever
I was thinking… Maybe control decks might run it as well.. like… a Control Warrior could run this in control vs control match and save it to use it at the late game when the deck is almost empty before using Ellysiana. It would be a dead card when facing aggro most of the time, but so is Ellysiana and she still sees play just for those matches.
Tavern Brawl - A Less Friendly Game of Chess
Did it with:
-Luns’s Pocket Galaxy
-The Lich King
-Arcane Knowledge
-Giant Mastodon
*Hard Milligan for Luna’s Pocket Galaxy, save Arcane Knowledge for after using it.
Colossus of the Moon
I would deffinetly include this in Big Shaman. Other than that its a nice high roll for any card that makes you summon a random 10 mana minion (10 mana minion Conjurer’s Calling / 10 Armor Heavy Metal! / 9 mana minion Big Bad Voodoo)
Tavern Brawl - The Burndown
I think the decks aren’t fully “random”… first time i played i got a shaman that was heavy on Murlocs and Elementals with synergies and some battlecry minions and cards. Granted, it wasn’t a meta deck, but it was quite consistent by itselt (Unlike many random decks i’ve recieved on other brawls) Other decks i encountered in the short time i played were also like that.. a Warlock with a sort of zoo demon deck, or a Mage with a spell synergies deck. All the decks were pretty consistent having minions and spells with synergies between them.
Maybe they made several decks for each class.
Another alternative is that they made several packages per class:
For Example, for shaman making: 1)overload package, 2)murloc package, 3)elemental package, 4)evolution package 5)jade package, 6) Battlecry package, 7) etc…
Each with 10 cards and then when you start it makes you a deck randomly selecting 3 of the packages.
I dont know for sure, cos i only played a few games, but i think it may be something like that.
Wasteland Assassin
I think ppl are not getting how strong Reborn + other mechanics is. Reborn + almost anything is good
with rush you are almost guarantied to activate the reborn.
with stealth you made it very hard to silence or remove, even being sticky vs aoe.
with Divine Shield it get to die 4 times unless silenced
with Deathrattle you double the deathrattle.
Guess its only irrelevant in the case of Battlecry but even there it depends on the specific battlecry.
I dont think this is a strong card, but its far from being unplayable. Quest Paladin might use it..
Diseased Vulture
I like that its a bird, cos it feels like a twisted version of mage’s Vex Crow.
This one has a more powerful effect and bigger body, but its harder to activate
When i saw the image on the reveal scheadule, i thought this was going to be a new take on Azari the Devourer 🙁
I’d say that is not that relevant in spell discovering spell as it is on minion discovering minion.. That is only really valuable if you have a synergy going (like having a Dune Sculptor or a Magic Dart Frog on board for example). Cos if not, you are only paying mana for the chance of getting a better choice on the next cast. Minion discovering minion on the other hand (like messenger raven or Flunkly) has the advantadge that even if you have no synergy associated with summoning minions (like knife juggler) at least you are gaining the extra body on board.